The Tyrone Borough Council identifies the following legislative finding with respect to land use, density of population, location and function of roads, and other community facilities and utilities, and other factors that Council believes relevant in establishing community development objectives for the future development of the Borough. It is the purpose of this chapter to reflect the objectives of the Borough, to establish such other objectives as may be deemed necessary, and to provide the means and regulations whereby these objectives may be attained. The overall approach of this chapter is to ensure orderly, appropriate and compatible growth that will result in well-planned and efficient development and redevelopment of Tyrone Borough.
Provide for an adequate supply and location of land uses appropriate for the natural resource profile, infrastructure and community needs of the Borough but flexible enough to sustain orderly development.
Encourage and reinforce renewal and downtown redevelopment activities, mixed uses and traditional neighborhood development, preservation and reuse of historic structures and in-fill development while preserving certain community physical, environmental, floodplain and historic assets.
Encourage development within and adjacent to existing development on a clustered basis that avoids linear development, thereby enabling the most efficient and economic provision of basic community facilities and public utilities; in-fill development of industrial areas and the downtown; reuse and rehabilitation of presently vacant structures; and prioritize the reuse of existing vacant land served by existing infrastructure.
Encourage the reuse of historic structures and contributing structures in the identified and approved National Register Historic District and assure that residential and nonresidential development is carried out in a way that preserves and enhances the stately and historic residential, public and commercial structures.
Encourage innovative and creative approaches to residential and nonresidential development, including the "cluster" concept; traditional mixed-use neighborhood development; the incorporation of public open spaces, plazas and commons; aesthetic design and location of parking areas; pedestrian walkways, trails and passages; and attention to vistas and viewsheds in future development.
Preserve environmentally sensitive land such as floodplains, wetlands and steeply sloping areas, while encouraging new development and expansion in level areas outside and/or above floodplains.
Maintain and enhance recreational opportunities and preserve open space for use by existing and future residents.
Encourage development of Tyrone as a "growth center," with mixed-use, clustered and nonlinear development at a critical node on the I-99 corridor linking I-80, State College, Altoona and the Pennsylvania Turnpike, focusing on industrial development, health care, nature- and heritage-tourism and commercial development.
Focus local economic development efforts in areas with the most potential, including the full development of the Tyrone Industrial Park, the revitalization of the downtown business district, infill development of vacant parcels and economic reuse of vacant buildings.
Preserve critical natural resources and local physiography, including floodplains, steeply sloping areas, critical viewsheds and water resources.
Provide adequate community facilities and community infrastructure, ensuring a safe, sanitary and attractive environment for community life and growth.