[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Weymouth 3-1-2006 by Ord. No. 442-2006. Amendments noted where applicable.]
There shall be by the chapter hereby established within the Township of Weymouth, County of Atlantic, a Weymouth Township Senior Citizens Advisory Board, which shall serve as an ad hoc advisory board to the Township Committee for the purposes of keeping the Township Committee informed of developments regarding senior citizens, and may respond to any ordinances introduced by the Township Committee that may have an impact upon senior citizens and shall otherwise advise the Township Committee with respect to pending legislation at the county or state level which may impact senior citizens.
Meetings. The Senior Citizens Advisory Board shall meet no less than eight occasions per year or as often as necessary to discuss matters of interest to senior citizens, current and pending Township ordinances, county or state laws affecting senior citizens and other issues of interest to senior citizens which may have an impact upon the Township as a whole. The Advisory Board shall report to the Township Committee at least two times per year or as often as the Advisory Board believes it is necessary on activities and discussions and provide the Committee with a summary of the issues it has discussed and the positions it believes should be advanced on behalf of the senior citizens. The Advisory Board shall be strictly advisory, and its recommendations, decisions, comments or other observations shall not be binding in any way on the Township Committee of any other municipal body, board or agency.
Membership and term. The Senior Citizens Advisory Board shall consist of seven members, who shall be appointed by a majority of the Township Committee in the following terms:
Upon the initial establishment of the Board, three members shall be appointed to a term of three years; three members shall be appointed to a term of two years; and one member shall be appointed to a term of one year. Thereafter, each member shall be appointed to a three-year term. All terms expire on December 31 of the appropriate year and shall begin on January 1 of the appropriate year. The members of the Senior Citizens Advisory Board shall be residents of the Township of Weymouth. The members shall choose a Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary for the Board. The Chairman shall serve as a liaison between the Board and the Township Committee. The Secretary shall keep notes of the meeting, which notes shall be deemed to be the property of the Township. The Chairman shall serve as the spokesperson for the Board in discussion with the Township Committee. The Chairman shall vote on all issues before the Advisory Board, and his/her vote shall be equal to all other members of the Advisory Board.
It is the intent of this chapter that the Senior Citizens Advisory Board shall be solely an advisory board consisting of volunteers appointed by the Township Committee. The Board will seek a budget to be approved by the Township Committee for operating expenses but shall have no additional authority to expend any public funds. It is the intent of this chapter that this Board shall be considered a "public body" with the meaning and intent of the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq. Accordingly, there shall be the obligation for the Board to provide advance notices of its meetings and to otherwise comply with this Act.
It is expressly intended that the Senior Citizens Advisory Board is an ad hoc group to assist the Township Committee in addressing issues and problems facing senior citizens. The Board shall be permitted to communicate with other agencies in order to render suggestions, opinions and recommendations with regard to senior citizens but all such communication should first be directed to the Township Committee for approval.