[Adopted as Art. III of the 2005 Bylaws]
There shall be a Board of Selectmen, consisting of five (5) members elected by the voters for three-year terms, so arranged that the term of office of at least one (1) member, but not more than two (2) members, shall expire each year. As the terms of office of the incumbent members of the Selectmen thereafter expire, candidates shall run for the office of Selectman by the number assigned to a specific "seat." No person may be a candidate for more than one (1) numbered "seat" at any one (1) election. A Selectman may not hold any other elective or compensated office under government of the Town of Charlton during the term for which he/she is elected, nor any compensated appointive Town office or employment for one (1) year thereafter.
The Selectmen shall have all powers and duties conferred upon them by the Constitution and General Laws of the Commonwealth and by this bylaw. The Board of Selectmen shall exercise a general supervision over all matters affecting the interests or welfare of the Town, which are not otherwise provided for. It shall have full authority as agent of the Town to institute and prosecute suits in the name of the Town, to appear and defend suits brought against the Town, and to appear on behalf of the Town in proceedings before any committee or tribunal, unless it is otherwise specifically ordered by vote of the Town or provided by law.
The Selectmen, within seven (7) days after each Annual Election, shall meet, elect a Chairperson and otherwise organize, and fix the time and place of their regular meetings. They shall adopt their own rules of procedure.
Three (3) members of the Board shall constitute a quorum, but no resolution or vote except a vote to adjourn or to fix the time and place of the next meeting shall be adopted by less than two (2) affirmative votes.
The Selectmen shall have the general care and custody, direction and management of all the property of the Town in all matters not otherwise provided for. They shall cause their annual reports, together with the reports of all other Town officers or boards of officers that are required to make annual reports, to be printed and distributed at least three (3) days before the time for the Annual Meeting.
At least a majority of the Board of Selectmen shall sign all Town notes given by the Treasurer for money borrowed for the Town. They shall endorse their written approval and acceptance on the bond of the Town Treasurer and on the bond of the Town Collector before said bonds are delivered to the Town Clerk, for his/her custody, preservation and safekeeping. They shall keep all books, documents, and valuable papers belonging to the Town, relating to their department in a fireproof safe.
The Board of Selectmen shall limit their orders upon the Town Treasurer to the amount of the respective appropriations for each attachment, and shall draw no order for the payment of a bill which has not been previously audited by the Town Accountant/Financial Services Coordinator.