[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Charlton as Art. XVIII of the 2005 Bylaws. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Board of Selectmen, or its designee acting under its authority and its directive, shall have the power to cause numbers of regular series to be affixed to or inscribed on all dwelling houses and other buildings erected or fronting on any street, lane, passageway or public court in the Town, and shall have the power to determine the size of such numbers, and the mode, place, succession and order of affixing them on such structures. The owner of any property required to be numbered as directed by the Board of Selectmen shall not affix to such structure, nor permit to remain thereon for more than one (1) day, any number to the contrary.
The provisions of the above bylaw shall be enforceable under the general enforcement and penalty provisions adopted in Chapter 10, Penalties, Article II, of these bylaws.