In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where articles and sections of the 2005 Bylaws have been included in the 2014 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Article/Title From 2005 Bylaws
Location in 2014 Code
Art. I, Town Meeting
Ch. 15
Art. II, Town Officials
§ 1, Elected Officials
Ch. 50, Art. I
§ 2
Ch. 50, Art. II
§ 3
Ch. 50, Art. IV
§ 4
Deleted 5-8-1993 ATM
§ 5
Ch. 50, Art. I
Art. III, Selectmen
Ch. 50, Art. III
Art. IV, Assessors
Ch. 50, Art. V
Art. V, Town Collector
Ch. 50, Art. VI
Art. VI, Treasurer
Ch. 50, Art. VII
Art. VII, (Reserved)
Art. VIII, Finance Committee
Ch. 55, Art. I
Art. IX, Town Accountant
Ch. 50, Art. VIII
Art. X, Contracts
Ch. 20
Art. XI, Fiscal Year
Ch. 5, Art. I
Art. XII, Town Audit
Ch. 5, Art. II
Art. XIII, Town Clerk
Ch. 50, Art. IX
Art. XIV, Trustees of the Public Library
Ch. 60
Art. XV, Council on Aging
Ch. 55, Art. II
Art. XVI, Fire Hydrant Colors
Ch. 140, Art. I
Art. XVII, Streets
Ch. 180, Art. I
Art. XVIII, Assignment and Maintenance of Street Numbers to Buildings for Identification
Ch. 115
Art. XIX, Removal of Snow Onto Public Way
Ch. 180, Art. II
Art. XX, Driveway Bylaw
Ch. 125
Art. XXI, Removal of Snow and Ice from Sidewalks
Ch. 180, Art. III
Art. XXII, Water Use Bylaw
Ch. 190
Art. XXIII, Animal Control Bylaw
Ch. 110
Art. XXIV, Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages or Possession of Open Containers for Same on Town Owned or Controlled Property
Ch. 105
Art. XXV, Sewer Use Bylaw
Ch. 165
Art. XXVI, Electrical Wiring
Ch. 135
Art. XXVII, Gas Inspector
Ch. 50, Art. XI
Art. XXVIII, Plumbing Inspector
Ch. 50, Art. XII
Art. XXIX, Inspector of Buildings/Zoning Enforcement Officer
Ch. 50, Art. X
Art. XXX, Handicapped Parking and Fire Lanes
Ch. 185, Art. I
Art. XXXI, Cemetery Bylaw
Ch. 120
Art. XXXII, Licenses and Permits
Ch. 155, Art. I
Art. XXXIII, Solicitors
Ch. 160
Art. XXXIV, Alarm System Bylaw
Ch. 100
Art. XXXV, Junk, Old Metals and Secondhand Articles
Ch. 150
Art. XXXVI, Driving Control Bylaw
Ch. 185, Art. II
Art. XXXVII, Transportation of Trash
Ch. 170, Art. I
Art. XXXVIII, Refuse Bylaw
Ch. 170, Art. II
Art. XXXIX, Recycling
Ch. 170, Art. III
Art. XXXX, Hazardous Waste Disposal and Storage Bylaw
Ch. 145
Art. XXXXI, Earth Removal Bylaw
Ch. 130
Art. XXXXII, Tax Increment Financing
Ch. 5, Art. III
Art. XXXXIII, Private Way Temporary Repair Bylaw
Ch. 180, Art. IV
Art. XXXXIV, Noncriminal Disposition Enforcement Procedure
Ch. 10, Art. I
Art. XXXXV, Payment of Fees
Ch. 5, Art. IV
Art. XXXVI, Penalties and Enforcement
Ch. 10, Art. II
Art. XXXXVII, Amendments
Ch. 1, Art. I
Art. XXXXVIII, Inventory Bylaw
Ch. 25, Art. I
Zoning Bylaw
Ch. 200