[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Lodi 8-13-1934 by Ord. No. 546. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Storage of vehicles and garbage — See Ch. 554.
Zoning — See Ch. 585.
No person, firm or corporation shall place or permit to be placed, store or permit to be stored, gather in quantities, accumulate, pile or permit to be piled, collect in a mass or permit to be collected in a mass, any old iron, old steel, old condemned cable and cordage, worn out, discarded and wrecked materials, old chain, iron, copper, brass, parts of machinery, parts of any and all kinds of motor vehicles and parts of any and all kinds of motor vehicle wrecks in a junkyard or junk shop within the limits of the Borough of Lodi for a height not to exceed seven feet.
To engage in the above-mentioned business, no person, firm or corporation shall do so without first obtaining a license therefor from the Borough Council of the Borough of Lodi.
No person or persons or corporation shall place or permit to be placed, store or permit to be stored, gather in quantities, accumulate, pile or permit to be piled, collect in a mass or permit to be collected in a mass, any old iron, old steel, old or condemned cable and cordage, worn out, discarded and wrecked materials, old chain, iron, copper, brass, parts of machinery, and parts of automobile wrecks in a junkyard within the limits of the Borough of Lodi, unless said junkyard or place of storage shall be entirely enclosed with a wooden or metal fence seven feet or over in height, so that it shall be impossible to see into said junkyard from the street or premises adjoining that of the junkyard.
No person or persons shall permit the parking, demolishing or repairing of automobile junk or wrecks on any street which fronts a junkyard.
Every person, firm or corporation desiring a license under this chapter shall make application in writing to the Mayor and Council, signed by him or them, stating the name and residence of the applicant and the kind and character of junk which he or they expect to deal in, and accurately describing the location of the place where such business is to be conducted.
The fee to be paid for such license shall be as provided in Chapter 235, Article IV, Fee Schedule. All licenses shall expire at 12:00 midnight on December 31 succeeding the date of the issuance thereof, and when issued after the beginning of the current year, the license fee for the balance of that year shall be the pro rata amount of the annual fee.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Any person, firm or corporation who is now using lands within the Borough of Lodi as a junkyard upon which said person, firm or corporation is storing junk who fails to procure a license from the Mayor and Council as herein required for the establishment of a junkyard in that location shall be required to remove all materials stored by person, firm or corporation upon said lands within 30 days after written notice from the Borough Clerk requiring the removal from such property.
No person, firm or corporation shall receive in the line of his or its business any article or thing by way of pledge or pawn, nor shall he or she, they or it loan or advance any sum of money on the security of any such article or thing.
Every keeper of a junkyard in the Borough of Lodi shall provide and keep a book in which shall be fairly written at the time of every purchase a description of the article or articles so purchased, the name and residence of the person from whom such purchase was made and the day of such purchase.
Every such book shall at all times be open to the inspection of the Mayor and Council or policemen of the Borough of Lodi.
No person, firm or corporation who has received a junk dealer's license from the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Lodi shall purchase or sell in any way of business any goods, articles or things whatsoever between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.
No person, firm or corporation who has a junkyard license in the Borough of Lodi shall purchase or sell from or to any person under the age of 18 years any articles or other things whatsoever.
[Amended 5-17-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-20]
All junk-shop keepers and junk dealers shall be required to provide a certification from the Tax Collector of the Borough of Lodi indicating that the payment of real estate taxes for the land upon which they own or operate their business in the Borough of Lodi is current through the first quarter of each calendar year that they apply for license or renewal of license to operate through the Borough of Lodi. No applicant or licensee shall be entitled to a license or license renewal in the event that said real estate taxes are not current as aforesaid. In the event that said license is not obtained or renewed, said license shall be deemed revoked, lapsed, canceled, null and void. Upon proof that all said real estate taxes are current as aforesaid, said applicant or licensee may apply for a license or license renewal.
Fines or punishment. Any junk-shop keeper or junk dealer or any other person, firm or entity violating the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to a fine not exceeding $2,000, imprisonment for a period not exceeding 90 days and/or a period of community service not exceeding 90 days. Each day that a violation exists shall be deemed a separate violation.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).