In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 1964 Code have been included in the 2014 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Repealed effective with adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, Art. 1.
Chapter/Title From 1964 Code
Location in 2014 Code
Ch. 1, Village Mayor
Ch. 5, Article 2
Ch. 2, Board of Trustees
Ch. 9
Ch. 3, Village Clerk
Ch. 5, Article 3
Ch. 4, Appointive Officers
Art. I, Attorney
Ch. 5, Art. 4
Art. II, Village Treasurer
Ch. 5, Art. 5
Art. III, Building Commissioner
Repealed 1-18-1988 by FMC-224
Art. IV, Chief Electrical Inspector
Repealed 1-18-1988 by FMC-224
Art. V, Plumbing Inspector
Repealed 1-18-1988 by FMC-224
Art. VI, Health Inspector
Repealed 1-18-1988 by FMC-224
Art.VII, Director of Public Works
Art. VIII, Superintendent of Streets, Water and Sewers
Repealed 6-18-1979 by FMC-125
Art. IX, Village Manager
Ch. 5, Art. 6
Art. X, Village Collector
Ch. 5, Art. 7
Art. XI, Village Sanitarian
Repealed 1-18-1988 by FMC-224
Ch. 5, Police Department
Ch. 29, Art. 1
Ch. 6, Fire Department
Art. I, Fire Department
Ch. 33, Art. 1
Art. II, Fire Prevention
Ch. 154
Art. III, Division of Protective Inspectional Services
Ch. 33, Art. 1
Art. IV, Foreign Fire Insurance Tax
Ch. 250, Art. 6
Art. V, Hazardous Material Occurrence
Ch. 150
Art. VI, Nonresident and Technical/Specialized Rescue Services
Ch. 150
Ch. 7, Boards and Commissions
Art. I, Architectural Advisory Committee
Art. II, Board of Local Improvements
Ch. 13, Art. 1
Art. III, Emergency Services and Disaster Agency
Ch. 33, Art. 3
Art. IV, Electrical Commission
Ch. 13, Art. 3
Art. V, Library Board
Ch. 13, Art. 4
Art. VI, Plan Commission
Ch. 13, Art. 5
Art. VII, Police Pension Board
Ch. 13, Art. 6
Art. VIII, Zoning Board of Appeals
Ch. 13, Art. 7
Art. IX, Community Relations Commission
Repealed 5-1-1978 by FMC-113
Art. X, Board of Fire and Police Commissioners
Ch. 13, Art. 8
Art. XI, Beautification Committee
Art. XI, Emergency Telephone System Board
Repealed 2-5-1990 by FMC-241
Art. XII, Appearance Commission
(No text)
Art. XIII, Economic Development Committee
Art. XIV, Flood Control Review Committee
Repealed 4-20-1992 by FMC-272
Art. XV, Recycling Committee
Art. XVI, Public Art Commission
Ch. 13, Art. 9
Art. XVII, Community Relations Commission
Ch. 13, Art. 10
Ch. 8, Other Provisions Relating to Village Government
Art. I, Officers/Employees
Ch. 5, Art. 1
Art. II, Finances
Ch. 25
Art. III, Village Plan
Ch. 182, Art. 1
Art. IV, House Numbering
Ch. 120, Art. 2
Art. V, Jail
Ch. 29, Art. 2
Art. VI, Municipal Parking Lots
Ch. 270, Art. 12
Art. VII, Other Provisions
Ch. 21
Art. VIII, Filing Fees for Zoning Ordinance Amendments and Variations
Ch. 150
Art. IX, Mobile Intensive Care Unit
Ch. 33, Art. 2
Art. X, State Gift Ban Act
Art. XI, Village Officials and Employees Ethics Act
Ch. 17
Ch. 9, Plumbing Regulations
Ch. 209
Ch. 10, Subdivision Regulations
Ch. 182, Art. 2
Ch. 11, Streets and Sidewalks
Art. I, General Provisions
Ch. 245, Art. 1
Art. II, Driveways
Ch. 245, Art. 2
Art. III, Excavations
Ch. 245, Art. 3
Art. IV, Trees and Shrubs
Ch. 258
Art. V, Snow Removal
Art. VI, Parking Lots
Ch. 245, Art. 4
Art. VII, Construction of Utility Facilities in the Public Rights-of-Way
Ch. 245, Art. 5
Art. VIII, Newsracks on Public Rights-of-Way
Ch. 245, Art. 7
Ch. 12, Buildings
§ 12.001, Compliance required, and § 12.002, Suspending issuance of permits pending amendments
Ch. 120, Art. 1
Art. I, Appearance Code
Ch. 120, Art. 3
Art. II, Property Maintenance Code
Ch. 215
Ch. 13, Water and Sewer
Arts. I through IV
Ch. 277
Art. V, Street Improvement and Utility Extensions
Ch. 245, Art. 6
Ch. 14, Electricity
Ch. 140
Ch. 15, Traffic
Ch. 270
Ch. 16, Bicycles
Ch. 112
Ch. 17, Vehicle Licenses
Ch. 266
Ch. 18, Health
Art. I, Contagious Diseases
Art. II, Licenses for Scavenger Services
Ch. 240, Art. 1
Art. III, Inspection of Private Wells
Art. IV, Other Provisions Relating to Health
Art. V, Inspections
Art. VI, Flossmoor Clean Indoor Air Ordinance
Ch. 19, Animals
Ch. 107
Ch. 20, Licenses and Permits
Ch. 190
Ch. 21, Business Licenses
Art. I, Catch Basin Cleaners
Art. II, Peddlers
Ch. 204, Art. 1
Art. III, Solicitors and Canvassers
Ch. 204, Art. 2
Art. IV, Taxicabs
Art. V, Municipal Retailer's Occupation Tax; Municipal Use Tax and Municipal Service Occupation Tax
Art. VI, Real Estate Brokers
Art. VII, Municipal Utility Tax
§§ 21.701 through 21.709
Ch. 250, Art. 1
§§ 21.711 through 21.717
Ch. 250, Art. 2
Art. VIII, Food Handling Establishments
Ch. 163
Art. IX, Alcoholic Liquor
Ch. 103
Art. X, Raffles
Ch. 224
Art. XI, Municipal Telecommunications Tax
Ch. 250, Art. 3
Art. XII, Municipal Telecommunications Infrastructure Maintenance Fee
Ch. 250, Art. 4
Art. XIII, Cable/Video Service Provider Fee
Ch. 250, Art. 5
Ch. 22, Miscellaneous Regulations
Art. I, Dutch Elm Disease
Art. II, Explosives; Fireworks
Art. III, Plants and Weeds
Art. IV, Public Buildings
Art. V, Public Gatherings
Art. VI, Sound Amplifiers
Repealed 7-15-1985 by FMC-207
Art. VII, Tag Days
Ch. 204, Art. 3
Art. VIII, Library Regulations
Ch. 186
Art. IX, Curfew
Ch. 133
Art. X, Fair Housing Regulations
Ch. 146
Art. XI, Burglar and Fire Alarm Systems
Ch. 100
Art. XII, Signs
Ch. 235
Ch. 23, Misdemeanors and Other Offenses
Ch. 200
Ch. 24, The Code
Art. I, Title/Interpretation
See Ch. 1, Art. 1
Ch. 1, Art. 2
Ch. 1, Art. 2
Ch. 150
Ch. 1, Art. 2
Ch. 1, Art. 2
Art. II, Amendments
Ch. 1, Art. 3
Art. III, Printing
See Ch. 1, Art. 1
Art. IV, Repealing Clause
See Ch. 1, Art. 1
Art. V, Effective Date
See Ch. 1, Art. 1
Ch. 25, Village Fees, Fines, Charges and Costs
§§ 25.101 through 25.104
Ch. 150
Ch. 26, Industrial and Commercial Revenue Bonds
Art. I, Procedures and Fees Regarding Applications for Industrial Revenue Bonds
Ch. 27, Village Fees
Ch. 150
Ch. 28, Business Districts
Art. I, Business District Development and Redevelopment
Ch. 124