[R.O. 1992 § 115.010; Ord. No. 7230, 6-15-1992; Ord. No. 99-8602 § 1, 6-7-1999]
All officers elected to offices or appointed to fill a vacancy in any elective office under the City Government shall be voters under the laws and Constitution of this State and, except appointed officers, must be residents of the City. No person shall be elected or appointed to any office who shall at the time be in arrears for any unpaid City taxes, or forfeiture or defalcation in office.
All department heads residing outside the City limits of the City of Washington shall reside in such proximity to the City limits to enable the department head to respond to the City limits within a reasonable amount of time as necessary.
State Law Reference: For similar provisions, see § 77.380, RSMo.
[R.O. 1992 § 115.020; R.O. of 1942, § 305; CC 1970 § 2-66; Ord. No. 7230, 6-15-1992]
Every officer of the City and his/her assistants, and every Councilman, before entering upon the duties of his/her office, shall take and subscribe to an oath or affirmation before some court of record in the County, or the City Clerk, that he/she possesses all the qualifications prescribed for his/her office by law, that he/she will support the Constitution of the United States, and of the State of Missouri, the provisions of all laws of this State affecting Cities of the Third Class, and the ordinances of the City of Washington, and faithfully demean himself/herself in office, which official oath or affirmation shall be filed with the City Clerk. Every officer of the corporation, when required by law or ordinance, shall within fifteen (15) days after his/her election or appointment, and before entering upon the discharge of the duties of his/her office, give bond to the City in such sum and with such sureties as shall be designated by ordinance, conditioned for the faithful performance of his/her duty, and that he/she will pay over all monies belonging to the City, as provided by law, that may come into his/her hands. If any person elected or appointed to any office shall fail to take and subscribe such oath or affirmation, or to give bond as herein required, his/her office shall be deemed vacant. For any breach of condition of any such bond, suit may be instituted thereon by the City, or by any person in the name of the City for the use of such person.
State Law Reference: As to oaths of office, see § 77.390, RSMo.