Editor's Note: The City contracts with Franklin County for the collection of taxes.
[R.O. 1992 § 170.180; Ord. No. 7230, 6-15-1992]
It shall be the duty of the City Collector to pay into the Treasury, monthly, all monies received by him/her from all sources, which may be levied by law or ordinance; also, all licenses of every description authorized by law to be collected, and all monies belonging to the City which may come into his/her hands. He/she shall give such bond and perform such duties as may be required of him/her by ordinance.
State Law Reference: For similar provisions, see § 94.140, RSMo.
[R.O. 1992 § 170.190; Ord. No. 7230, 6-15-1992]
The enforcement of all taxes authorized by Sections 94.010 to 94.180, RSMo., shall be made in the same manner and under the same rules and regulations as are or may be provided by law for the collection and enforcement of the payment of State and County taxes, including the seizure and sale of goods and chattels, both before and after said taxes shall become delinquent; provided, that all suits for the collection of City taxes shall be brought in the name of the State, at the relation and to the use of the City Collector.
State Law Reference: For similar provisions, see § 94.150, RSMo.
[R.O. 1992 § 170.200; Ord. No. 7230, 6-15-1992]
Upon the first day of January of each year all unpaid City taxes shall become delinquent, and the taxes upon real property are hereby made a perpetual lien thereon against all persons in favor of the City.
State Law Reference: For similar provisions, see § 94.160, RSMo.
[R.O. 1992 § 170.210; Ord. No. 7230, 6-15-1992]
The City Council shall require the City Collector, at the first meeting of the City Council in April of each year, or as soon thereafter as may be, to make out, under oath, lists of delinquent taxes remaining due and uncollected for each year, to be known as the "Land and Lot Delinquent List" and the "Personal Delinquent List."
At the meeting at which the delinquent lists are returned, or as soon as may be thereafter, the City Council shall examine carefully the delinquent lists, and if it appears that all property and taxes contained in the lists are properly returned as delinquent, the Council shall approve the lists and cause a record thereof to be entered on the journal, and shall cause the amount thereof to be credited to the account of the City Collector.
The City Council shall return the delinquent lists to the City Collector, charging him/her therewith, and he/she shall proceed to collect the same in the manner provided by law for the collection of delinquent lists of real and personal taxes for State and County purposes.
State Law Reference: For similar provisions, see § 94.170, RSMo.
[R.O. 1992 § 170.220; Ord. No. 7230, 6-15-1992]
The City Collector shall report to the City Council, at the regular meetings in each month, all taxes collected on the real and personal delinquent lists; and he/she shall pay the same to the City Treasurer, and receive credit therefor. He/she shall turn over to his/her successor all uncollected delinquent lists, receiving credit therefor, and his/her successor shall be charged therewith; provided, that the City Council may declare worthless any and all personal delinquent taxes which the City Council may deem uncollectible.
State Law Reference: For similar provisions, see § 94.180, RSMo.