[R.O. 1992 § 705.400; Ord. No. 8032 §§ 1—2, 11-4-1996]
Public sewers may be constructed by the owners of the property for which the sewer is required, or by the City whenever the Council shall deem such sewers necessary for sanitary or other purposes.
[R.O. 1992 § 705.410; Ord. No. 8032 §§ 1—2, 11-4-1996; Ord. No. 14-11288 § 2, 7-7-2014; Ord. No. 23-13857, 10-16-2023]
Public sewers constructed by the owners of the property for which the sewer is required shall be constructed at the expense of the owners of the property.
Connection fees for developments to be connected to the City's sewer system shall be due and payable at the time a building permit is issued. A delayed payment penalty of ten percent (10%) of the connection fee due will be assessed if the fee is not paid within thirty (30) days. An additional delayed payment charge of three-fourths of one percent (0.75%) of the outstanding balance will be added each month, or portion thereof, the payment of connection fee remains outstanding.
No collection system line or service line shall be connected to the sewer system until all the fees are paid. If a line is connected prior to payment of fees, the City may disconnect the line and charge the owner, developer, contractor, plumber, or other parties, jointly or severally liable, all costs incurred for the disconnection, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney's fees, court costs, and interest from the date of disconnection.
Connection Fees For Multi-Unit Buildings. Commercial or industrial developments having multiple units or tenant spaces in the building(s) shall use a master meter to serve the building. The connection fee for this shall be calculated based on multiplying the number of units or tenant spaces in the building times fifty percent (50%) of the connection fee for the size of the water line going to each unit. Residential buildings having multiple tenant spaces in one (1) building may use a master meter to serve the building. The connection fee for this will be calculated based on multiplying the number of units times twenty-five percent (25%) of the connection fee of a typical single family home (defined as having a one-inch water meter). In all cases of a master meter being used, the property owner may install sub-meters for their own use on the private system after the City's master meter.
Connection Fees — Sewer.
Connection fees are for the right for an individual building to connect to the City's sewer system. Annual increases will be effective January 1 of the year the increase becomes effective. The most recent fees listed below will remain in effect beyond the year listed until new fees are established. The connection fee is based on the size of the water meter or water services line going into the building as follows:
Size Of Meter
Connection Fee
1-inch or smaller
All connections shall be subject to review and approval by the City with all connection fees required to be paid prior to connecting to the public main. All connection fees above are for premises inside the City limits of Washington. Connections at the main shall be subject to inspection and approval by the City prior to initiation of service.
The City reserves the right to set fees for premises outside the City limits of Washington on a case by case basis. Connections at the main shall be subject to inspection and approval prior to initiation of service.
[R.O. 1992 § 705.420; Ord. No. 8032 §§ 1—2, 11-4-1996; Ord. No. 14-11288 § 3, 7-7-2014]
Public sewers constructed by the City whenever the Council shall deem such sewers necessary for sanitary or other purposes shall be constructed at the cost of the City and the property owners served by said public sewers.
After construction of the public sewer by the City, the City Engineer shall compute the whole cost thereof and shall apportion the same against the lots or pieces of ground served by said public sewer at an assessment of one thousand three hundred dollars ($1,300.00) per acre, up to a maximum assessment of three thousand nine hundred dollars ($3,900.00) for a three-acre or more lot or a piece of ground, exclusive of public highways. The City shall bear the remainder of the cost of construction.
When the bill for the construction of the public sewer has been reported by the City Engineer to the Council, the Council shall, by ordinance, levy and assess a special tax against each lot or piece of ground served by said public sewer in the name of the owner thereof, whereupon the City Clerk shall make out a certified tax bill under the Seal of the City of such assessment against each lot or piece of ground in the name of the owner thereof.
The certified tax bill shall be signed by the Mayor and attested and recorded by the City Clerk and shall be delivered to the contractor for the work, who shall proceed to collect the same by the ordinary process of law, in the name of the City, to his/her own use, and in case of absent owners, he/she may sue by attachment or by any other process known to the law; and every such certified bill shall be a lien against the lot or ground described therein and shall bear interest not to exceed the rate on ten-year United States Treasury notes as established at the most recent auction from sixty (60) days after the date of issuance thereof, unless sooner offered to be paid, and every such certified bill shall, on action brought to recover the amount thereof, be prima facie evidence of the regularity of the proceedings for such special assessment, of the validity of the charges against the property therein described, and the liability of the person therein described as the owner of such property.
All special tax bills issued for special assessments for the construction of public sewers shall be assignable and collectible in any action brought in the name of the City to the use of the holder thereof, but the City shall not in any event be liable for any costs that may accrue in such action. Upon the assignment of any tax bill issued under the provisions of this Chapter, notice thereof shall be given by the City Clerk, who shall enter the assignment or transfer in the record of special assessments and endorse the same on the back of the tax bill. Any contractor to whom such tax bill is issued, or his/her assignee, shall designate in writing to the City Clerk some person in the City where the payment may be made or offered to be made on such tax bills.
Whenever any owner of property against whom a special tax bill shall have been issued shall pay the same, the contractor shall endorse thereon a receipt for the amount paid and deliver such special tax bill so endorsed to the party making such payment, together with a certificate addressed to the City Clerk stating that such tax bill has been paid, and the owner of the property described in such tax bill shall be entitled to have satisfaction thereon entered on the register of special assessments for improvements by the City Clerk, and the Clerk shall also certify that such satisfaction has been entered on the back of such tax bill.
All persons making sewer connections to a public sewer constructed by the City shall pay a connection fee of nine hundred dollars ($900.00) at the time the connection is made.