State Law Reference — State license, RSMo, Ch. 149; license collector, RSMo §82.380.
[Ord. No. 877 §14, 10-4-1967]
Whenever the Director of Finance or any of his duly authorized representatives shall discover any cigarettes subject to tax under County ordinance and upon which the tax has not been paid or the stamps not affixed as required, the Director of Finance, or such representatives, shall forthwith seize and take possession of such cigarettes together with any vending machine or receptacle in which they are held for sale and they shall thereupon be deemed to be forfeited to the City. The Director of Finance may, within a reasonable time thereafter, by a public notice at least five (5) days before the day of sale, sell such forfeited cigarettes, forfeited vending machines and receptacles at a place designated by him as provided by law. The Director of Finance shall pay the proceeds of such sale as provided by law; provided however, such seizure and sale shall not be deemed to relieve any person from fine or imprisonment provided herein for violations of any provision of this Code.