[Code 1975 §3.02(9); CC 1989 §2-39; Ord. No. 1898 §1, 10-23-1995]
All committees shall be established and all members thereof shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and the approval of the majority of the members of the Board of Aldermen in attendance at a meeting where a quorum is present, unless otherwise provided by law. Appointments to the Board of Adjustment and the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be personally interviewed by the Board of Aldermen, during a regularly scheduled or a specially called meeting at which a quorum is present, before confirmation of their appointment.
[CC 1989 §2-40; Ord. No. 1904 §1, 11-13-1995]
Notwithstanding any other Section of this Code, the Chairman of each commission or committee authorized in this Chapter and in Chapter 225 of this Code, and all commission or committee members, shall stand and serve in their respective positions or offices until such time as they are reappointed or their successors are appointed. Any Chairman or member of the Commission or committee who is also an Alderman shall be deemed to have vacated his/her position as Chairman or member of the committee or commission at such time as he/she no longer holds the office of Alderman.
[Ord. No. 2342 §1, 5-24-1999]
In addition to those duties specifically stated in the appropriate Sections of the Municipal Code, City commissions shall also take such actions as the Mayor and the Board of Aldermen by a properly passed resolution may from time to time direct them to take. Commissions, with the exception of the Planning Commission and the Board of Adjustment, will not engage attorneys (including the City Attorney), or other professional consultants involving the expenditure of City funds without the specific approval of the Board of Aldermen. This in no way precludes the Mayor, Aldermen, the City Administrator or department heads from utilizing the services of the City Attorney or other professional consultants.