[Code 1975 §15.03(8); CC 1989 §13-104; Ord. No. 1975 §1, 7-8-1996]
No motor vehicle or trailer shall be operated or parked upon any street, highway, or alley of this City, unless such motor vehicle or trailer has attached to it a valid license plate or plates registered in accordance with Sections 301.010 through 301.440, RSMo., or unless such motor vehicle or trailer has attached to it a valid license plate or plates registered for the current year in a different State or country.
No motor vehicle or trailer registered in this State shall be operated or parked upon any street, highway, or alley of this City unless such motor vehicle or trailer displays a certificate of inspection and approval and a sticker, seal, or other device from a duly authorized official inspection station, in accordance with Sections 307.350 through 307.390, RSMo.