[Ord. No. 79-3§ 1, 1-3-1979; passed Referendum of 4-3-1979; Ord. No. 24-08, 1-17-2024[1]]
Qualifications. The City Administrator shall be selected solely on the basis of executive and administrative qualifications with special reference to his or her actual experience and knowledge of accepted practice in respect to the duties of the office, and such further qualifications that may be required by Ordinance, or by this Charter.
Compensation. The City Administrator shall receive such compensation as the City Council shall fix from time to time.
Removal. The City Administrator may be removed by executive order of the Mayor after receiving the consent of a majority of the entire City Council, or by a two-thirds (2/3rd) vote of the entire City Council on its own initiative.
Powers And Duties. The City Administrator shall be the chief administrative officer of the City, and subject to the direction and supervision of the Mayor. The City Administrator shall be responsible for the administration of all City affairs placed in his or her charge by or under this Charter. In order to carry out these duties, the City Administrator shall have the following powers and duties:
Appointment And Removal Of City Employees. Except as otherwise provided for in this Charter, the City Administrator may employ and, when the City Administrator deems it necessary for the good of the City, suspend or remove any City employees, consistent with the requirements of Article VIII of this Charter with the approval of the Mayor. The City Administrator may authorize any employee who is subject to the City Administrator's direction and supervision to exercise these powers with respect to subordinates in that employee's department, office or agency.
Administration Of Departments. The City Administrator shall have general superintending control of the administration and management of the government business, officers and employees of the City, and shall direct and supervise the administration of all departments, offices and agencies of the City, except as otherwise provided by this Charter or by law.
Attend City Council Meetings. The City Administrator shall attend all meetings of the City Council unless excused by the City Council. The City Administrator shall have the right to take part in discussions at meetings of the City Council but shall have no power to vote. The City Administrator shall receive notice of all meetings.
Enforcement Of Laws. The City Administrator shall see that all laws, provisions of this Charter and acts of the City Council, subject to enforcement by the City Administrator or by officers subject to the City Administrator's direction and supervision, are faithfully enforced.
Budget And Capital Program. The City Administrator shall prepare and submit a recommended annual budget, budget message and capital improvement program of not less than five (5) years to the Finance Commission established pursuant to Section 6.03 of this Charter.
Other Reports. The City Administrator shall make such reports as the Mayor and City Council may require concerning the operations of City departments, offices and agencies subject to the City Administrator's direction and supervision.
Report Of Financial Condition Of City. The City Administrator shall keep the Mayor and City Council fully apprised as to the financial condition and future needs of the City and make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council concerning the affairs of the City as the City Administrator deems desirable.
Contract Administration. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 2.05(G) of this Charter to the contrary, the City Council may authorize the City Administrator to sign, negotiate and administer in behalf of the City all instruments, contracts, agreements, leases, deeds, mortgages, bonds, and other instruments binding the City or conveying an interest in property or other rights of the City to any corporation, association, legal entity or person.
Other Duties. The City Administrator shall perform such other duties as are specified in this Charter or may be required by the Mayor or City Council that are not inconsistent with this Charter or law.
The phrase "administrative assistant" as used anywhere in this Charter shall mean the "City Administrator."
Editor's Note: The amendment to this Section was passed by a majority of the electorate 4-2-2024.
There shall be a legal officer of the City appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the Council. He may be removed by the Mayor at any time.
He shall be a member of the Missouri State Bar in active practice at least five (5) years. He shall serve as chief legal advisor to the Mayor, Council and all City departments, offices, and agencies and shall represent the City in all legal proceedings and shall perform any other duties prescribed by this Charter or by ordinance. He shall receive compensation as determined by ordinance.
There shall be a City Engineer appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the Council. He may be removed by the Mayor at any time.
He shall be an engineer registered under the laws of the State of Missouri and qualified to perform the duties required of him by this Charter and ordinances of the City. He shall be responsible for:
The design, construction, reconstruction, supervision, maintenance, and repair of all physical facilities which the City may hold or acquire, including alterations, additions, and appurtenances thereto.
The maintenance, repair, construction, reconstruction, and supervision of all streets and other public ways, pavements, curbs, sidewalks, parkways, playgrounds, recreation centers, swimming pools, and buildings and land used for recreational purposes, and the planting and care of all trees, shrubbery and other landscaping located on property owned by the City.
The lighting of public grounds, streets, and other public ways; the laying of conduits; the location, erection, and construction of poles and appurtenances, and all structures and facilities in, on, or over public grounds, streets, and other public ways; the granting of all permits to excavate into or disturb any public property, street, or other public way or to make any special use thereof.
The administration of all building and zoning ordinances, including the issuance and revocation of permits and the making of inspections required or authorized by law or ordinance.
The making and keeping of records of all plats, surveys, drawings and estimates and the location, direction, depth, and connection of all underground structures, pipes, conduits, and equipment.
The operation of any City garage.
The performance of such other duties as may be prescribed by the Mayor.
He shall receive compensation as determined by ordinance.
There shall be a Chief of Police appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Council. He shall be appointed on the basis of his administrative ability and his qualifications as a law enforcement officer. He shall have a minimum of five (5) years experience in law enforcement and must be a high school graduate or equivalent. He shall receive compensation as determined by ordinance.
Should the Mayor or Council consider the removal of the Chief of Police, such removal shall be referred to the police commission for its consideration. Such commission shall make its recommendation with regard to the removal of the Chief of Police to the Mayor and Council within twenty (20) days of referral of such matter to the commission. Upon receipt of the recommendation of the police commission, or the expiration of said twenty (20) day period without a recommendation by the commission the Mayor may, with the approval of the Council, remove the Chief of Police. The Mayor and Council shall give consideration to any recommendation of the police commission with regard to such removal but shall, in no event, be bound by any such recommendation.