[CC 1999 §2-175; R.O. 1962 §142]
The Mayor may appoint a City Engineer, if he/she deems advisable, subject to the approval of the City Council.
[CC 1999 §2-176; R.O. 1962 §143]
The City Engineer shall be a duly registered engineer and shall be required to take the oath of office required by other City Officers, with the addition that he/she is not and will not during his/her continuance in office be directly or indirectly concerned or interested in any contract made with this City for any public work or in the hire of any person or teams employed by the City.
[CC 1999 §2-177; R.O. 1962 §144]
It shall be the duty of the City Engineer to superintend the opening, improving and repairing of streets; to record all surveys, plats and maps in a record of surveys kept by him/her for that purpose; to preserve in this office all maps, plans and surveys of the City and all records, books, papers and other things relating thereto; to make all plans and estimates for all City improvements constructed by or under the authority of the City and to do all other lawful acts relating to matters particularly under his/her charge and which may be necessary for the efficient working of his/her department.
[CC 1999 §2-178; R.O. 1962 §150]
The City Engineer shall have and possess the following rights, power, duties and obligations:
To execute all orders directed to him/her by the Council.
To observe and report all obstructions found in any street, lane, alley or sidewalk within the corporate limits.
To report to the City Attorney, for prosecution, the names of persons obstructing or injuring any street, lane, alley or sidewalk with the facts of his/her own knowledge and the names of the witnesses by whom he/she thinks the facts can be established.
To repair at the expense of the owners or cause the owners of property fronting on the sidewalks to repair the same at their own expense; and also he/she shall cause all sidewalks to be kept free of obstructions.
[CC 1999 §2-179]
The City Engineer shall make monthly reports to the City Council in detail of all sums of money, labor or equivalent by him/her received for fines or repairs and his/her expenditures for repairs on each street, alley, sidewalk, bridge, gutter or sewer and other disbursements under order or necessary on account of the City.