[CC 1999 §10-6; Ord. No. 92-82, 10-17-1992; Ord. No. 98-170, 12-14-1998; Ord. No. 99-3, 1-11-1999]
The City of Chillicothe designates that part of the property designated as "enterprise zone" on the map which is on file in the City offices, "Exhibit 1", as being within the Chillicothe, Missouri, enterprise zone and eligible, subject to meeting other qualifications, for Missouri enterprise zone benefits including exemption from ad valorem taxes as set forth herein. The ad valorem exemptions herein pertain to the property within the current Chillicothe new enterprise zone immediately and to the areas on Exhibit 1 not within the current zone, as soon as the State of Missouri extends the boundaries of such zone.
The exemptions allowable shall be as follows:
The ad valorem tax on eligible improvements shall be abated by one hundred percent (100%) from the year in which such improvements become operational and was initially subject to ad valorem assessment until September 20, 1999 and shall be abated by fifty percent (50%) for a period of ten (10) years from September 20, 1999.
Provided however, the City Council shall have, in its sole discretion, the authority to grant an extension of the period or increase in the percentage of abatement, upon application of any such owner, if the circumstances of a particular development (e.g., job creation, amount of capital investment, additional tax revenues generated, etc.) warrant such an extension or increase.
The ad valorem tax on eligible improvements, from and after December 14, 1998 shall be abated by one hundred percent (100%) beginning the year in which such improvements become occupied for use and are initially subject to ad valorem assessment for a total period of twenty (20) years and shall be abated by fifty percent (50%) for a period of five (5) years after expiration of the initial twenty (20) year period.
Properties currently receiving ad valorem tax exemption prior to passage of Ordinance No. 98-170 (December 14, 1998) will continue to receive the exemption such property was entitled to receive at date such property became eligible. Notwithstanding the foregoing, all speculative buildings which have not been completed and occupied as of December 14, 1998 will be entitled to receive the ad valorem tax exemption at the rate of one hundred percent (100%) until completed and occupied and then such exemption as set forth in Subsection (B)(3) above.
Real property located within the enterprise zone shall be entitled to an exemption from the payment of annual ad valorem taxes upon meeting the following criteria:
The exemption will apply only to improvements to "real property" as such term is defined in Section 137.010, RSMo.
Except for current unoccupied speculative buildings as set forth in Subsection (B)(4) above, the improvement to such real property must be made after December 14, 1998.
Such improved real property is utilized by a business entity for assembling, fabricating, processing, manufacturing, mining, warehousing, distribution or any administrative function in support of any such business entity.
The exemption shall apply annually as hereinafter provided unless said property fails to be used for a qualifying case.
This ad valorem exemption shall apply to all taxing jurisdictions within which said property is set forth in this Section. These jurisdictions include:
State of Missouri
City of Chillicothe
Chillicothe Township
Chillicothe Township Road and Bridge
Livingston County Nursing Home District
Livingston County Library District
Livingston County Health Center District
Livingston County Ambulance District
Livingston County Developmentally Disabled
Livingston County R-II School District
The exemptions herein provided shall be applicable to the assessment and payment of real property taxes only and shall not apply to personal property taxes or special assessments to real property.
[CC 1999 §10-7; Ord. No. 92-82, 10-19-1992]
An eligible applicant shall be entitled to an exemption from the payment of annual ad valorem taxes upon the following terms and conditions:
The commencement of an improvement or expansion to real property, as that term is defined by Section 137.010, RSMo., located within the City of Chillicothe, Missouri Enterprise Zone.
The completion of an improvement to such real property, which would otherwise result in an increase in the assessed value of such real estate.
The utilization, within a reasonable time, of such improved property by a business entity, which would subject the improvement to ad valorem assessment and payment of ad valorem taxes under the pertinent provisions of Chapter 137, RSMo.
With respect to improvements being occupied and utilized as assembling, fabricating, processing, manufacturing, mining, warehousing, wholesale distribution or any administrative function in support of any such business entity, the exemption shall apply annually as hereinafter provided.
With respect to improvements being occupied and utilized for any commercial purpose, other than those identified above, prior to granting any exemption allowed by this Section, the owner of such property seeking such exemption shall provide to the City Clerk of the City of Chillicothe an affidavit that the occupant of such improved property has satisfied the provisions of Section 135.215.1, RSMo., as amended. Such affidavit shall be provided or renewed on or before March first (1st) of each year during an exempted term and shall state that at least fifty (50) new jobs, providing an average of at least thirty-five (35) hours per week per job, have been created and maintained during the previous year at the new or expanded facility.
For purposes of determining eligibility based upon the above, the affiant shall be entitled to affirm the creation and maintenance of jobs based upon the total number of payroll hours paid during the preceding year.
The provisions of this Section to the contrary notwithstanding, no abatements or exemptions granted or extended hereunder shall continue after twenty-five (25) years from the effective date of Ordinance No. 82-26.