[CC 1999 §23-41; R.O. 1962 §317]
Streets, avenues, alleys, lots, commons and public grounds and parts thereof within the City and unimproved additions to the City may be vacated by the City Council only in the manner provided in this Article.
[CC 1999 §23-42; Ord. No. 90-55, 11-26-1990]
Whenever any interested person or corporation may desire to have vacated any street, avenue, alley, lot, common or public ground or any part thereof within the corporate limits of the City, such person or corporation may petition the City Council therefor, giving a distinct description of the property to be vacated and the names of the persons to be affected thereby; which petition shall be filed with the City Clerk at least thirty (30) days before any hearing thereon and notice of the pendency of said petition shall be given for the same space of time, before any such hearing, either by advertisement in a newspaper printed and published in the City or by printed, written or typewritten notices posted in at least three (3) of the most public places within the City. All costs associated with any proposed vacation shall be posted with the City Treasurer in advance by the applicant which shall include, but not be limited to, publication costs.
[CC 1999 §23-43; Ord. No. 90-55, 11-26-1990]
At the hearing on any petition under this Article, if no substantial opposition be made to same, the City Council may, by ordinance, order vacated the street, alley or the land in question, with such restrictions or conditions as the Council may deem to be for the public good, but if substantial opposition be made by an adjoining owner or owners, the hearing shall be continued to a time fixed by the Council, at which time, if the objector or objectors consent to such vacation, the Council may by ordinance make the vacation prayed for or if objections continue, the City Council may vacate the street, avenue, alley or other public property or part thereof, provided that two-thirds (2/3) of the owners of property adjoining hereto shall consent in writing to such vacation, which consent shall be acknowledged as in the case of conveyances of real estate and shall be filed for record in the office of the County Recorder of Deeds. A copy of the record of such written consent and the acknowledgment thereof, duly certified by the Recorder of Deeds, shall be filed with the City Clerk at or before any final hearing by the Council on a petition to vacate any street, avenue, alley or other public highway or part thereof.
[CC 1999 §23-44; R.O. 1962 §320]
The land vacated, if it be a lot, shall be transferred to private ownership by quitclaim deed according to law; and if it be a street, avenue, alley or other public highway or part thereof, the same shall be attached to the ground bordering thereto and all title therein shall be vested in the owners of the property on each side thereof in equal proportions, according to the length or breadth of such ground, as the same may border on such street, avenue, alley or other highway or part thereof so vacated.
[CC 1999 §23-45; R.O. 1962 §321]
Any person who has laid off an addition to this City which has not been improved and who is the legal owner of all the lots contained in such addition, or any other person who shall have become the legal owner of all such lots, may have such addition or any part hereof vacated, by ordinance of the City Council, after notice as hereinbefore provided and proof of ownership of such lots; but such act of vacation shall have no force or effect until a copy of the ordinance and other proceedings of the Council, certified under the hand and Seal of the City Clerk, shall have been filed for record in the office of the County Recorder of Deeds.