[R.O. 2012 §200.010; CC 1979 §24-11; Ord. No. 229 §1, 11-6-1934]
The Council and Mayor shall exercise a general supervision and control over the Police Department of the City and shall make such needful rules and regulations for the government and control of the Police Department as they may think best.
[R.O. 2012 §200.030; Ord. No. A-6123 §1, 5-5-1995; Ord. No. A-7158 §§1 — 2, 4-24-2002; Ord. No. 7676, 8-16-2006]
The Council shall, at any time they may deem it necessary to do so, appoint for such time as they may think proper one (1) or more competent persons to act as regular City Police Officers who shall be commissioned by the Mayor. Such Police Officers and full-time non-commissioned Police Department employees and reserve officers shall be a resident of the State of Missouri, provided however, that any new employee who resides outside the State of Missouri shall have one hundred eighty (180) days from the time of employment to comply with said residence requirements within the State. Such Police Officers and full-time non-commissioned Police Department employees and reserve officers shall receive compensation as the Council shall deem proper and right and may be discharged at the pleasure of the Council.