[R.O. 2012 Sch. X; CC 1979 § 18-71; Ord. No. A-6274 § 2, 5-10-1996; Ord. No. 8061 § 1, 5-20-2011; Ord. No. 8063 § 1, 6-28-2011]
It shall be unlawful for any person to park or allow to remain standing any vehicle at any time on any of the following streets or portions thereof.
Alley extending between Broadway and Bond Streets, from Third Street to Sixth Street; provided, that this provision shall not be construed to prohibit the stopping of a vehicle in such alley for the purpose of immediate loading or unloading of cargo, merchandise or passengers, so long as such vehicle is attended by the driver or operator thereof.
Benton Street, on the north side thereof, between Euclid Street and Lincoln Street.
Bond Street, on the south side thereof, for a distance of twenty feet on either side from the alley running north and south between Fifth and Six Streets.
Cale Street, on a portion of the east side of the street as specified by no parking signs, from Eisenhower to Linden Street.
Central Avenue, on either side thereof, between Broadway and Cleveland.
Central Avenue, on the west side, from County to Dairy.
Cleveland Avenue.
Cleveland Street, both sides, from Eisenhower to 100 feet east.
County Road, both sides, between Kay and Ash.
County Road, on the south side thereof, from Kyler to Bridle Lane, both sides, and on the north side thereof, from Kyler to Wells Aluminum property.
County Road, on the south side, Central to Fifth.
Cul-de-sacs, no parking in any cul-de-sacs.
Douglas Street, on the north side thereof.
Dunn Street, on the north and south sides thereof, for a distance of twenty feet west of Central Avenue.
Eighth Street, on the east side thereof, from Benton to Scott Street.
Eighth Street, on the west side, between Benton and Bond Streets.
Eighth Street, on the east side thereof, between Cleveland Street and Scott Street.
Eleventh Street, on the east side thereof, from Bond Street to Broadway.
Euclid, west side, from Cleveland to Cale.
Fifth Street, on the east side thereof, from Bond to Cleveland.
First Street, both sides, Central to Bond.
First Street, east side, Broadway to Bond.
Fourth Street, on the west side, between Front and Broadway.
Fourth Street, on the west side thereof, south of the intersection of Fourth Street and Cale Street to Cleveland Avenue.
Frisco, on the east side, Central to Cale.
Front Street, on the north side thereof, between Central Street and Third Street; provided, that nothing in this provision shall be construed to prohibit the owners of property on the north side of Front Street between Central Street and Third Street from parking motor vehicles on private property adjacent to the north side of such portion of Front Street.
Front Street, on the north side, Fifth to Seventh.
Kay Drive, east side, 50 feet north and south of Pearl.
Lincoln Street, on the west side thereof, for a distance of 78 feet north of Benton Street, also south of Benton for 78 feet.
Lincoln Street, on the west side, Highway 37 to Cale.
Ninth Street, on the east side, Roosevelt to Broadway.
Ninth Street, on the west side thereof, between Cleveland Street and Scott Street, also south of Scott Street for the first block.
Old Airport Road, both sides, Park Street to Woodland Ridge.
Park Street, on the south side thereof, between 9th Street and 13th Street.
Park Street, no parking Sixth to Seventh, school loading zone.
Pearl Street, on the north side thereof, between Kay Drive and Hickory Street.
Pryor Street, east side from Main to Myrtle.
Ryan Street, on the north side, Ninth to Sixth.
Scott Street, both sides, from Eisenhower to 100 feet west.
Scott Street, on the north side thereof, between Eighth Street and Ninth Street.
Second Street, angle parking, east side, Front to Broadway.
Second Street, on the west side, Bond to Central.
Seventeenth Street, on the west side, David Sippy Drive to Twin Hills Drive.
Seventh Street, on the east side, Front to County.
Seventh Street, on the west side, County to Cleveland.
Seventh Street, on the west side thereof, between Sycamore Street and Park Street.
Sixth Street, on the east side, Benton to Bond.
Sixth Street, on the east side thereof, between Sycamore Street and Park Street/Teachers only.
Sixth Street, on the west side thereof, between the south edge of the Kelly Creek Concourse and the north edge of Front Street.
Third Street, on the west side thereof, between Bond Street and County Street.
Third Street, west side, Cleveland to Scott.
Along U.S. Highway 60 beginning at the intersection with Missouri Route 37, then west to the intersection with Northgate Avenue, a distance of approximately one thousand three hundred feet (1,300').
[Ord. No. 8360 §1, 6-20-2015]
West County Street, on the north side thereof, from Pleasant Drive to Crestview Street.