[R.O. 2012 Sch. XI; CC 1979 § 18-81(a—b); Ord. No. A-1799 § 30, 11-9-1960; Ord. No. A-2115 § 1, 4-15-1964]
It shall be unlawful for any person to park any truck and leave the same unattended at any time on any of the following streets or portions thereof:
Broadway Street, on either side thereof, from Ninth Street to Second Street.
Central Street, on either side
Cleveland Street, on either side
Kyler Street, on either side
Thirteenth Street, on either side
No person operating a truck whose rated manufacturer's capacity is greater than three-fourths (3/4) of a ton or whose length is greater than twenty (20) feet, and whose width, including a load, is greater than ninety-six (96) inches, shall stop, stand or park the same in such places and for such period of time as established from time to time by ordinance of the City Council, when such places are properly marked and posted.