Cross Reference — As to billing, rates and charges, ch. 715.
[R.O. 2012 §710.010; CC 1979 §9-13; Ord. No. A-2961 §1, 10-19-1970; Ord. No. A-4076 §1, 8-10-1979; Ord. No. A-4409 §1, 1-4-1983]
The monthly rates and charges for electric energy supplied by and through the municipal electric system of the City shall be as set forth in this Chapter. All persons to whom such electric energy is supplied and all persons at whose request such electric energy is supplied shall pay for the same at such monthly rates. The delivery of such electric energy shall constitute an agreement of the persons to whom the same is supplied and of the persons at whose request the same is supplied to make payment thereof at the rates and upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Chapter and as set forth in other applicable ordinances of the City (see Chapter 715 as to rates).
[R.O. 2012 §710.020; CC 1979 §9-1; Ord. No. 771 §1, 12-2-1924]
The rates, rules and regulations contained in this Chapter shall constitute and be considered a part of the contract with every person who is supplied with electric current from the electric light system of the City, and every such person, hereinafter called the "consumer," who accepts and uses electric current from the City shall be held to have considered and agreed to be bound thereby.
[R.O. 2012 §710.030; CC 1979 §9-2; Ord. No. 771 §2, 12-2-1924]
The management and operation of the electric light system and plant of the City shall be under the charge and control of the Mayor, who, subject to the directions of the City Council, shall have full power and authority to superintend, manage and operate the same and, on behalf of the City, to employ such assistants, help and employees as may be necessary to properly and efficiently operate such system and plant.
Cross References — As to mayor generally, §§115.080115.140.
[R.O. 2012 §710.040; CC 1979 §9-3; Ord. No. 771 §6, 12-2-1924]
Every person desiring electric current from the City plant or system shall make application therefor, in writing, upon a blank furnished by the City, stating fully the purpose for which the same is required and the length of time desired and the amount of electric current to be used. Every person taking or using electric current from the City shall permit the Superintendent of Utilities, at all reasonable hours, to enter the premises and buildings for the purpose of inspecting the wires, meters and fixtures therein and to inquire how and the purpose for which the electric current is used.
Every such user, taker or consumer shall be required at all times to correctly answer all questions relative to the electric current consumed in such premises and permit the free access and inspection of the wires, meters and other appliances therein. Any violation of this Section shall be grounds for the immediate discontinuance of electric current in such houses or premises. The City reserves the right to shut off the electric current at any time without notice for the purpose of making repairs or extensions or for any other good reason, and no claim for damages shall be made against the City on account thereof, any permit or regulation to the contrary notwithstanding.
[R.O. 2012 §710.050; CC 1979 §9-4; Ord. No. 771 §9, 12-2-1924]
When lights are connected to any one service connection, they shall be connected through a meter and be subject to meter rates, and then only one service connection for lights shall be made by each customer or consumer in the same building.
[R.O. 2012 §710.060; CC 1979 §9-6; Ord. No. 771 §13, 12-2-1924; Ord. No. 7593 §1, 8-22-2005]
All meters not purchased or owned by the consumer shall remain the property of the City. Any meter, whether owned by the City or the consumer, may be removed from the consumer's premises at any time without notice for the purpose of testing or repairing the same or for any other proper reason. Meter deposits cannot be sold or transferred or assigned by the consumer, except by consent in writing of the Finance Director, and the City shall keep an accurate account or record of all meter deposits with each consumer, giving the date when paid, the number of the same and the number of amperes and the location of the premises. No interest shall be paid on meter deposits. Any person, having made a meter deposit and desiring to purchase his/her own meter, may have the meter deposit so made applied to the purchase price of the meter so purchased, upon the surrender of the meter deposit receipt to the City.
[R.O. 2012 §710.070; CC 1979 §9-7; Ord. No. 7593 §1, 8-22-2005]
All users of electric current shall be held responsible for any damages done to meters installed or used on their premises, except for ordinary wear and unavoidable casualty due to natural elements. The City shall supply and retain ownership of all meters and shall keep the same in repair and proper working condition without cost to the user, except when such user shall be liable for any damage to such meter, in which case the user shall pay the City for the cost of repairing or replacing the meter, and the same shall be charged and collected in the same manner as the charges for electric current. No user or other person shall repair or remove any meter, or break any seal thereon, or tamper or interfere with the registration of any meter.
[R.O. 2012 §710.080; CC 1979 §9-8]
The City shall not install any meter until the user shall have the building wired at his/her own expense, including the loop and all lamps, motors and other current consuming apparatus connected and ready for use. All connections to the City electric system shall be made only by authorized representatives of the City under the supervision and control of the Utilities Superintendent.
[R.O. 2012 §710.090; CC 1979 §9-10; Ord. No. A-2961 §13, 10-19-1970; Ord. No. A-4076 §13, 8-10-1979; Ord. No. A-4409 §14, 1-4-1983]
No person shall accept delivery of electric energy by the City that does not pass through an electric meter installed at or near the point of delivery, and no person shall tamper with any electric line or other part of the electric system of the City or make any connection to such system without written permission from the City, or reconnect service when service has been discontinued for nonpayment of a bill for service.
[R.O. 2012 §710.100; CC 1979 §9-12; Ord. No. A-3723 §1, 9-10-1976]
The City shall provide private outdoor lighting service (security lights) to customers of the electric distribution system of the City, upon and according to the terms of the schedule on file in the office of the Superintendent of Utilities, upon the further condition that such terms and conditions are subject to modification at any time by the City Council.
[R.O. 2012 §710.110; CC 1979 §9-14; Ord. No. 771 §1, 12-2-1924]
Any person using or taking electric current from the City without paying therefor when due shall upon conviction be deemed guilty of an ordinance violation.