[R.O. 2012 §235.090; CC 1979 §30-19; Ord. No. A-2260 §2, 7-9-1965]
The term "street tree", as used in this Article, shall mean any tree located within the right-of-way of any public street or alley open to travel within the City.
[R.O. 2012 §235.100; CC 1979 §30-20; Ord. No. A-2260 §1, 7-9-1965]
It shall be the responsibility of the Street Commissioner to carry out, enforce and administer the provisions of this Article. The Street Commissioner shall have the authority to plant, replant, trim, prune, spray, fertilize and otherwise treat any tree or shrub located within the right-of-way of a public street, whenever necessary to carry out the provisions of this Article.
[R.O. 2012 §235.110; CC 1979 §30-21; Ord. No. A-2260 §3, 7-9-1965]
A regular maintenance program shall be established for the care and preservation of all street trees within the City, so as to preserve their natural beauty, avoid interference with the use of the public streets and avoid the spread of disease. All street trees shall be trimmed, so as to provide on all sides other than the roadway side a clearance of ten (10) feet. On the roadway side of all streets and alleys, a clearance of twelve (12) feet shall be provided and maintained. No street tree or other tree hall be located on public property or within any publicly held right-of-way which shall interfere with, or is about to interfere with, any sidewalk, public storm or sanitary sewer, pipe line or appurtenances, waterlines or other public utility lines, poles and appurtenances. It shall be the duty of the Street Commissioner, and he/she shall have authority, to trim or remove, if need be, any street tree that does not comply with the provisions of this Article.
[R.O. 2012 §235.120; CC 1979 §30-22; Ord. No. A-2260 §4, 7-9-1965]
It shall be unlawful for any person to permit to remain on property owned or occupied by him/her any street tree that does not comply with the provisions of this Article.
[R.O. 2012 §235.130; CC 1979 §30-23; Ord. No. A-2260 §7, 7-9-1965]
Insofar as conditions will permit, street trees shall be planted or located so that a street tree on one side of a street within any block will be located midway between any two (2) street trees on the other side of the street; provided, that the same may be done without conflicting with any other provisions of this Article.
[R.O. 2012 §235.140; CC 1979 §30-24; Ord. No. A-2260 §8, 7-9-1965]
No person shall plant or cause to be planted any street tree in any parkway which has a width of less than six (6) feet, unless the Street Commissioner shall find that the proposed tree to be planted will, at its maturity, attain a height no greater than twenty-five (25) feet and a trunk diameter no greater than eight (8) inches and that the rooting system of the type of tree proposed is of a deep rooting nature, not likely to cause damage to or interfere with sidewalks, curbs or streets.
[R.O. 2012 §235.150; CC 1979 §30-26; Ord. No. A-2260 §§4, 10, 7-9-1965]
It shall be unlawful for any person to:
Plant, or cause to be planted any street tree other than the following species;
Plant or maintain, or cause to be planted or maintained, any street tree exceeding the following maximum heights; or
Plant, or cause to be planted, any two (2) street trees of the same type, the minimum clearance between the trunks of which shall exceed the following:
Common name
Maximum height
Minimum clearance
a. Height class fifteen (15) feet to thirty-five (35) feet.
Acer cappadocic um rubrum
Red coliseum maple
35 feet
50 feet
Acer ginnala
Amur maple
20 feet
40 feet
Acer griseum
Paperback maple
25 feet
50 feet
Acer palmatum
Japanese maple
20 feet
40 feet
Acer pennsylvanicum
Striped maple
35 feet
50 feet
Acer platanoides Olmsted
Olmsted columnar
Norway maple
Norway maple
25 feet
25 feet
50 feet
50 feet
Acer platanoides Cleveland
Cleveland Norway maple (yellow)
30 feet
50 feet
Acer platanoides umbraculifera
Globe Norway maple
20 feet
40 feet
Acer rubrum Gerling
Gerling red maple
30 feet
50 feet
Acer rubrum Scanlon
Scanlon red maple
35 feet
50 feet
Acer tataricum
Tatarian maple
25 feet
50 feet
Aesculus carnea Brioti
Ruby red horse-chestnut
30 feet
50 feet
Amelanchier canadensis
Downy shadblow
30 feet
50 feet
Amelanchier laevis
Allegheny service-berry
35 feet
50 feet
Cercis canadensis
30 feet
40 feet
Cercis canadensis alba
White redbud
25 feet
40 feet
Cornus alternifelia
Pagoda dogwood
20 feet
40 feet
Cornus florida
White flowering dogwood
25 feet
50 feet
Cornus florida rubra
Red flowering dogwood
25 feet
40 feet
Cornus kousa chinensis
Chinese dogwood
20 feet
40 feet
Cornus mas
Cornelian cherry
25 feet
40 feet
Crataegus lavallei
Lavalle hawthorn
25 feet
50 feet
Crataegus phaenopyrum
Washington hawthorn
25 feet
40 feet
Crataegus monogyna compacta
Globe hawthorn
20 feet
40 feet
Fraxinus ornus
Flowering ash
30 feet
50 feet
Fraxinus velutina glabra
Modesto ash
30 feet
50 feet
Fraxinus guadrangulata globosa
Globeheaded blue ash
35 feet
50 feet
Halesia tetraptera
Carolina silverbell
25 feet
50 feet
Koelreuteria paniculata
Goldenrain tree
25 feet
50 feet
Magnolia fraseri
Fraser magnolia
30 feet
50 feet
Magnolia kobus
Kobus magnolia
35 feet
50 feet
Magnolia loebneri
Loebner magnolia
35 feet
50 feet
Magnolia salicifolia
Anice magnolia
25 feet
50 feet
Ostrya virginica
American hophorn-beam
25 feet
40 feet
Oxydendron arboretum
Sourwood (acid soil)
30 feet
50 feet
Paulownia tomentosum
Empress tree
35 feet
50 feet
Prunus avium plena
Double flowered French mazzard cherry
30 feet
50 feet
Prunus serrulata Kwansam
Kwansan flower, cherry
25 feet
50 feet
Prunus Sargenti
Sargent's cherry
35 feet
50 feet
Prunus serrulata Amanagawa
Amanagawa flower, cherry
20 feet
40 feet
Prunus serrulata Shirotae
Shirotae flower, cherry
25 feet
50 feet
Pyrus calleryana
Callery pear
25 feet
50 feet
Robinia pseudcacacia X hispida
Idaho locust
25 feet
50 feet
Sapindus drummondi
Soapberry tree
35 feet
50 feet
Sophora japonica
Pagoda tree
25 feet
50 feet
Sorbus alnifolia
Korean mountainash
25 feet
50 feet
Stewartia pentagyna
Mountain Stewartia
15 feet
40 feet
Styrax japonica
Japanese snowbell
20 feet
40 feet
Tilia euchlora
Creimean linden
35 feet
50 feet
Tilia cordata
Littleleaf linden (for wide parkway)
35 feet
50 feet
Sorbus auchuparia
European mountain ash
30 feet
b. Height class thirty-six (36) feet to fifty (50) feet.
Acer platanoides Roch
Improved columnar Norway maple
45 feet
60 feet
Celtis chinensis
Chinese hackberry
50 feet
60 feet
Cercidiphyllum japonicum
Katsura tree
50 feet
60 feet
Cladrastus lutea
50 feet
60 feet
Gleditzia triacanthos
Moraine thornless honeylocust
50 feet
60 feet
Gleditzia triacanthos
Sunburst thornless honeylocust
50 feet
60 feet
Magnolia denudata
Yulan magnolia
45 feet
60 feet
Phellodendron amurense
Amur corktree
45 feet
60 feet
Prunus sachalinensis
Sargent's flower cherry
40 feet
60 feet
Quercus prinus
Chestnut oak
50 feet
60 feet
Quercus rubra Shumardi
Texas red oak
45 feet
60 feet
Taxodium distichum
Bald cypress
50 feet
60 feet
Ulmus alatus
Wahoo elm
40 feet
50 feet
Ulmus carpinifolia Buisman
Buisman elm
40 feet
50 feet
Zelkova serrata
50 feet
60 feet
Fraxinus lanceolata Moraine
Moraine ash
40 feet
60 feet
c. Height class over fifty (50) feet.
Acer rubrum
Red maple
60 feet
60 feet
Acer saccharum
Sugar maple
60 feet
60 feet
Fraxinus americana
White ash
70 feet
70 feet
Fraxinus quadrangulata
Blue ash
60 feet
60 feet
Ginkgo biloba
60 feet
60 feet
Hicoria laciniosa
Shellbark hickory
80 feet
70 feet
Hicoria ovata
Shagbark hickory
120 feet
70 feet
Hicoria pecan
120 feet
70 feet
Juglans cineria
90 feet
70 feet
Juglans nigra
Black walnut
120 feet
70 feet
Liquidambar styraciflua
Sweet gum
80 feet
60 feet
Liriodendron tulipifera
80 feet
60 feet
Magnolia acuminata
Cucumber tree
70 feet
60 feet
Nyssa sylvatica
Sour gum
60 feet
60 feet
White oak
80 feet
60 feet
Quercus bicolor
Swamp white oak
60 feet
60 feet
Quercus macrocarpa
Burr oak
80 feet
60 feet
Quercus palustris
Pin oak
75 feet
60 feet
Titia americana
American linden
60 feet
60 feet
Tilia petiolaris (50 feet spread)
Silver pendent linden
60 feet
60 feet
Ulmus americana
American elm
80 feet
70 feet
[R.O. 2012 §235.160; CC 1979 §30-27; Ord. No. A-2260 §6, 7-9-1965]
It shall be unlawful to plant, or cause to be planted, any street tree, without providing a minimum clearance between such tree and any other street tree on the same side of the street, computed as follows:
Trees of same type. The minimum clearance between the trunks of any two (2) street trees of the same type shall be that clearance provided in Section 235.140.
Trees of different types. The clearance between the trunks of any two (2) street trees of different types shall be determined by adding the minimum clearances shown for each type of street tree concerned, as shown Section 235.140 and dividing the sum thereof by two (2).
Existing trees. The minimum clearance from any existing street tree not shown in Section 235.140 shall be determined by the Street Commissioner, so that the existing street tree, at its maturity, will not come in conflict with or overlap the street tree to be planted, at its maturity.
[R.O. 2012 §235.170; CC 1979 §30-28; Ord. No. A-2260 §§5, 11, 7-9-1965]
It shall be unlawful for any person to plant, or cause to be planted, any street tree closer to any curb, alley, private drive, street light, traffic signal, sidewalk or street intersection than the following minimum distances:
Height class of tree
Minimum distance, measured from the nearest point, from:
Back of Curb*
R.O.W. alleys
Edges of private drives
Street lights
Traffic signals
15 feet to 35 feet
3 feet
15 feet
5 feet
30 feet
10 feet
5 feet
30 feet
36 feet to 50 feet
6 feet
10 feet
7 feet
30 feet
20 feet
7 feet
30 feet
Over 50 feet
10 feet
10 feet
10 feet
30 feet
30 feet
10 feet
30 feet
*When any parkway is eight (8) feet or less in width, a street tree shall be placed equally distanced from the curbing and sidewalk.