[R.O. 1996 § 125.190; CC 1968 § 13-44; Ord. No. 998 § 2(13.160), 12-18-1978]
It shall be the duty of the Municipal Judge to summon all persons whose testimony may be deemed essential as witnesses at the trial and to enforce their attendance by attachment if necessary. The fees of witnesses shall be the same as those fixed for witnesses in trials before Associate Circuit Judges and shall be taxed as other costs in the case.
When a trial shall be continued by a Municipal Judge, it shall not be necessary to summon any witnesses who may be present at the continuance; but the Municipal Judge shall orally notify such witnesses as either party may require to attend before them on the day set for trial to testify in the case and enter the names of such witnesses on their docket, which oral notice shall be valid as a summons.
[R.O. 1996 § 125.200; CC 1968 § 13-45; Ord. No. 998 § 2(13.170), 12-18-1978]
If, in the progress of any trial before the Municipal Judge, it shall appear to the Judge that the accused ought to be put upon trial for an offense against the criminal laws of the State and not cognizable before them as Municipal Judge, they shall immediately stop all further proceedings before them as Municipal Judge and cause the complaint to be made before some Associate Circuit Judge within the County.
[R.O. 1996 § 125.210; CC 1968 § 13-46; Ord. No. 998 § 2(13.180), 12-18-1978; Ord. No. 5270, 10-16-2023]
If in the opinion of the Municipal Judge, the City has not a suitable and safe place of confinement, the Municipal Judge may commit the defendant to the County Jail or other suitable place of confinement; and it shall be the duty of the Sheriff, or appropriate correction officer, upon receipt of a warrant or commitment from the Judge, if space for the prisoner is available in the County Jail, to receive and safely keep such prisoner until discharged by due process of law. The municipality shall pay the board of such prisoner at the same rate as may now or hereafter be allowed for the keeping of such prisoners.
[R.O. 1996 § 125.220]
Any Judge hearing violations of municipal ordinances may, when in their judgment it may seem advisable, grant a parole or probation to any person who shall plead guilty or who shall be convicted after a trial before such Judge. When a person is placed on probation they shall be given a certificate explicitly stating the conditions on which they are being released.
In addition to such other authority as exists to order conditions of probation, the court may order conditions which the court believes will serve to compensate the victim of the crime, any dependent of the victim, or society in general. Such conditions may include, but need not be limited to:
Restitution to the victim or any dependent of the victim, in an amount to be determined by the Judge; and
The performance of a designated amount of free work for a public or charitable purpose, or purposes, as determined by the Judge.
A person may refuse probation conditioned on the performance of free work. If the do so, the court shall decide the extent or duration of sentence or other disposition to be imposed and render judgment accordingly. Any County, City, person, organization, or agency, or employee of a county, City, organization or agency charged with the supervision of such free work or who benefits from its performance shall be immune from any suit by the person placed on parole or probation or any person deriving a cause of action from them if such cause of action arises from such supervision of performance, except for intentional torts or gross negligence. The services performed by the probationer or parolee shall not be deemed employment within the meaning of the provisions of Chapter 288, RSMo.
The court may modify or enlarge the conditions of probation at any time prior to the expiration or termination of the probation term.
[R.O. 1996 § 125.230; CC 1968 § 13-48; Ord. No. 998 § 2(13.200), 12-18-1978]
In all cases tried before the Municipal Court, except where there has been a plea of guilty or where the case has been tried with a jury, the defendant shall have a right of trial de novo, before a Circuit Judge or on assignment before an Associate Circuit Judge. An application for a trial de novo shall be filed within ten (10) days after judgment and shall be filed in such form and perfected in such manner as provided by Supreme Court rules.
[R.O. 1996 § 125.240; CC 1968 § 13-49; Ord. No. 998 § 2(13.210), 12-18-1978]
In all cases in which a jury trial has been demanded, a record of the proceedings shall be made; and appeals may be had upon that record to the appropriate Appellant Court.
[R.O. 1996 § 125.250; CC 1968 § 13-50; Ord. No. 998 § 2(13.220), 12-18-1978]
In the case of a breach of any recognizance entered into before the Municipal Judge or an Associate Circuit Judge hearing a municipal ordinance violation case, the same shall be deemed forfeited and the Judge shall cause the same to be prosecuted against the principal and surety, or either of them, in the name of the Municipality as plaintiff. Such action shall be prosecuted before a Circuit Judge or Associate Circuit Judge; and in the event of cases caused to be prosecuted by the Municipal Judge, such shall be on the transcript of the proceedings before the Municipal Judge. All monies recovered in such actions shall be paid over to the Municipal Treasury to the General Revenue Fund of the Municipality.