[R.O. 1996 § 125.260; CC 1968 § 13-61; Ord. No. 998 § 2(13.260), 12-18-1978; Ord. No. 1743 § 1, 6-20-1988; Ord. No. 2298 § 1, 2-1-1993; Ord. No. 3027 §§ 1 — 2, 11-17-1997; Ord. No. 3188 § 1, 12-20-1999; Ord. No. 3426 §§ 1 — 2, 10-1-2001; Ord. No. 3494 §§ 1 — 2, 9-4-2002; Ord. No. 4524 § 1, 12-1-2014; Ord. No. 5066, 12-6-2021]
In addition to any fine that may be imposed by the Municipal Judge, there may be assessed the following costs in all cases by law. All costs collected are to be remitted to the respective State, County, or City’s Finance Director as referenced below in each fund, on not less than a monthly basis. None of these fees shall be collected in any case where a case or defendant has been dismissed by the Court or when the Judge declares the defendant indigent and/or costs are waived by the Judge or when costs are to be paid by the State, County, or City. Additionally, as defined in Sections 479.350(3), 479.350(4), RSMo., the total of Court costs and fines for municipal minor traffic violations or municipal ordinance violations shall not exceed the amount authorized by State law.
Court Costs. Pursuant to Section 479.260, RSMo., and as authorized by Section 488.012.3(6), RSMo., a twelve dollar ($12.00) clerk fee shall be assessed. Funds shall be paid to the City’s Finance Director.
Crime Victim’s Compensation Fund. Pursuant to Sections 488.5339 and 595.045.6, RSMo., a surcharge of seven dollars fifty cents ($7.50) shall be assessed.
Ninety-five percent (95%) or seven dollars thirteen cents ($7.13) shall be paid to the Director of Revenue of the State of Missouri to the credit of the Crime Victim’s Compensation Fund; and
Five percent (5%) or thirty-seven cents ($0.37) shall be transmitted for deposit to the City’s Finance Director.
Peace Officer Standards And Training Commission Surcharge. Pursuant to Section 488.5336, RSMo., the Municipal Judge shall assess one dollar ($1.00) for the training of Police Officers. The fees collected shall be paid to the Treasurer, State of Missouri, Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission Fund to be use Statewide for training Law Enforcement Officers.
Law Enforcement Training Fund Surcharge. Pursuant to Section 488.5336, RSMo., the Municipal Judge may assess a surcharge of two dollars ($2.00) and shall be paid to the City’s Finance Director.
Reimbursement Of Cost For Alcohol- And Drug-Related Offenses. Pursuant to Section 488.5334, RSMo., the Municipal Judge may, in addition to imposition of any penalties provided by law, order a defendant who is convicted of an alcohol- or drug-related traffic offense, to reimburse the City for the costs associated with the defendant’s arrest. Such costs shall include the reasonable cost of making the arrest, including the cost of any chemical test made under Chapter 577, RSMo., to determine the alcohol or drug content of the person’s blood, and the costs of processing, charging, booking, and holding such person in custody. The Blue Springs Police Department may establish a schedule of such cost; however, the Court may order the costs reduced if it determines the costs are excessive.
These fees shall be additional costs assessed by the Court and shall be collected by the Court in the same manner as other costs and fees are collected and remitted to the City’s Finance Director.
The City’s Finance Director shall retain these fees in a separate fund and used by the City to offset expenses associated with arrests for violation of alcohol- and drug-related traffic laws and ordinances within the City.
Domestic Violence Shelter Fund Surcharge. Pursuant to Section 488.607, RSMo., the Municipal Judge shall assess a surcharge of four dollars ($4.00). The surcharge shall be paid in accordance with State law, pursuant to Sections 455.200 to 455.230, RSMo., and paid no less than monthly.
[Ord. No. 5270, 10-16-2023]
Missouri Court Automation Fund. In addition to any cost which may be assessed by the municipal division pursuant to Statute, ordinance or Court rule, in every proceeding filed in the municipal division for violation of an ordinance, a surcharge of seven dollars ($7.00) shall be assessed. Such surcharge shall also be assessed in cases in which pleas of guilty are processed in the Violations Bureau. No such surcharge shall be collected when the proceeding or defendant has been dismissed by the Court or when costs are waived. Such surcharge shall be collected by the Municipal Court and transmitted monthly to the Missouri Director of Revenue to the credit of the Missouri Statewide Court Automation Fund as provided in Section 488.012.3(5), RSMo., and Section 488.027.2, RSMo.
Such other costs as may be required by law.
[R.O. 1996 § 125.270; CC 1968 § 13-62; Ord. No. 998 § 2(13.270), 12-18-1978]
The costs of any action may be assessed against the prosecuting witness and judgment be rendered against them that they pay the same and stand committed until paid in any case where it appears to the satisfaction of the Municipal Judge that the prosecution was commenced without probable cause and from malicious motives.
[R.O. 1996 § 125.280; CC 1968 § 13-63; Ord. No. 998 § 2(13.280), 12-18-1978]
When a fine is assessed for violating an ordinance, it shall be within the discretion of the Judge assessing the fine to provide for the payment of a fine on an installment basis under such terms and conditions as they may deem appropriate.[1]
Editor's Note: R.O. 1996 § 125.290, Recoupment Of Certain Costs, which immediately followed this Section, was removed by the City during the 2019 recodification project.