[R.O. 1996 § 130.010; CC 1968 § 19-1]
All City taxes on property real and personal shall be delinquent if not paid on or before the 31st day of December of the same year.
[R.O. 1996 § 130.020; CC 1968 § 19-2]
Such taxes after becoming delinquent shall bear the same rate of interest and same penalties as now provided by law, for State and County taxes and collectible in the same way.
[R.O. 1996 § 130.030; CC 1968 § 19-4]
Property tax bills shall be due and payable by December 31st and shall become delinquent on January first of the following year; and suits thereon may be instituted on or after the first day of January and within three (3) years from said day.
[R.O. 1996 § 130.040; CC 1968 § 19-5; Ord. No. 760 § 1, 9-19-1974; Ord. No. 1009 § 1, 2-19-1979]
Pursuant to the authority granted by and subject to the provisions of Sections 94.500 through 94.550, RSMo., a tax for general revenue purposes is hereby imposed upon all sellers for the privilege of engaging in the business of selling tangible personal property or rendering taxable services at retail to the extent and in the manner provided in Sections 144.010 to 144.527, RSMo., and the rules and regulations of the Director of Revenue issued pursuant thereto. The rate of the tax shall be one percent (1%) on the receipts from the sale at retail of all tangible personal property or taxable services at retail within Blue Springs, Missouri, if such property and services are subject to taxation of the State of Missouri under the provisions of Sections 144.010 to 144.527, RSMo. The tax shall become effective upon the expiration of the five-year period provided for in Ordinance No. 760 of the City of Blue Springs and shall be collected as provided in said Sections 94.500 through 94.550, RSMo.
Editor's Note: Ord. No. 1047 §§ 1 — 2, adopted 9-4-1979, reimposed the one percent (1%) sales tax on all sale of individual utilities.
[R.O. 1996 § 130.050; Ord. No. 1271 § 1, 2-20-1984[1]]
The City of Blue Springs shall impose a sales tax for transportation purposes, including, but not limited to, the planning, acquisition of rights-of-way, and construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of streets, roads and bridges, at a rate not to exceed one-half of one percent (0.5%) on the receipt from the sale at retail of all tangible personal property or taxable services at retail.
Editor's Note: Ord. No. 1271 § 5 provided an effective date of 4-1-1984.
[R.O. 1996 § 130.060; Ord. No. 4335 § 1, 1-18-2011]
The City of Blue Springs, Missouri, shall be authorized to impose a Citywide sales tax of one-half of one percent (0.5%) dedicated for the purpose of funding costs of public safety, including, but not limited to, upgrading the communication system consistent with Federal mandate, adding patrol officers and other public safety personnel, improving equipment in the dispatch center and renovating and improving public safety facilities.
[R.O. 1996 § 130.070; Ord. No. 4608 § 1, 8-15-2016]
The City of Blue Springs, Missouri, shall continue applying and collecting the local sales tax on the titling of motor vehicles, trailers, boats, and outboard motors that were purchased from a source other than a licensed Missouri dealer.
[R.O. 1996 § 130.080; Ord. No. 4654 § 1, 4-17-2017; Ord. No. 4978, 1-19-2021;[1] Ord. No. 4990, 4-19-2021]
A City sales tax for local park purposes at the rate of one-half of one percent (1/2 of 1%) on the receipts from all retail sales within the City of Blue Springs, Missouri, beginning on October 1, 2022, is hereby imposed upon all sellers within the City for the privilege of engaging in the business of selling tangible personal property or rendering taxable services at retail to the extent and in the manner provided by Sections 144.010 to 144.525, inclusive, RSMo., and the rules and regulations of the Director of Revenue of the State of Missouri issued pursuant thereto. Such tax shall not be effective until the terms and provisions of this ordinance have been complied with.
The City intends to use this sales tax to fund projects in the City's parks, recreation and open space master plan, including renovations and improvements to existing parks, trails, facilities, development of neighborhood and community parks, and aquatics.
Editor's Note: This tax was approved by a majority of the electorate 4-6-2021.
[Ord. No. 5185, 1-17-2023;[1] Ord. No. 5205, 4-21-2023]
The City of Blue Springs does hereby impose an additional sales tax of three percent (3%) on the retail sale of adult-use non-medical marijuana. This tax shall be in addition to any other tax authorized by law.
Editor's Note: This tax was approved by a majority of the electorate 4-4-2023.