[R.O. 2012 Sch. II; Ord. No. 328, 7-16-1974; Ord. No. 349, 9-17-1975; Ord. No. 385, 4-19-1977; Ord. No. 386, 4-19-1977; Ord. No. 572, 2-21-1984; Ord. No. 615, 1-21-1986; Ord. No. 1316 §1, 5-18-2004]
It shall be unlawful for any person to stand, park or stop any vehicle at any time on or along the following described places within the City when such locations are properly signposted:
The north side of Manchester (Route 100) in Warson Woods, Missouri
At all times
From the Southeast corner of Warson Woods Drive and Renderer Drive, southeasterly along the North side of Warson Woods Drive for the distance of 120 feet, plus or minus, being also the East side of Park area
At all times
Also, from the Southwest corner of Warson Woods Drive and Renderer Drive, southeasterly along the Southwest side of Warson Woods Drive 100 feet, plus or minus and thence along the curve, being the south side of Warson Woods Drive, and thence along the southeast side of Warson Woods Drive to the intersection of the southeast side of Warson Woods Drive and the west side of Andrew Drive
At all times
The east side of Beaucaire Drive from a point one thousand eighty-seven (1087) feet from the east curb line of Woodlawn Avenue and thence northwardly a distance of fifty (50) feet
At all times
The north side of Flanders Drive, from a point five hundred eighty-one (581) feet from the west curb line of Bennett Avenue and thence westwardly a distance of fifty (50) feet
At all times
The west side of Woodlawn Avenue from the Ladue city limit to the north curb line of Medina Drive
At all times
The east and west side of Andrew Drive, from the north curb line of Manchester Road, thence northerly a distance of two hundred (200) feet
At all times
The east side of Bennett Avenue, from the north curb line of Manchester Road, thence northerly to the north right-of-way line of Rear Drive, and the west side of Bennett Avenue from the north curb line of Manchester Road, thence northerly to the south right-of-way line of Norman Place.
At all times
The south side of Ridgeline Drive, from the east right-of-way of Warson Woods Boulevard, thence east to the north boundary of Number 20 Ridgeline in Warson Woods Addition for any purpose related to to the commercial area immediately south of Ridgeline Drive, and the north side of Ridgeline Drive from the east right-of-way of Warson Woods Boulevard, thence east to the north boundary of Number 29 Ridgeline in Warson Woods Addition for any purpose related to the commercial area immediately south of Ridgeline Drive.
At all times