[CC 1974 §70.010]
There is hereby established a Fire Department for the City which shall consist of a Chief, such officers and other paid on call firefighters as may be enrolled by the Chief with the consent of the Mayor.
[CC 1974 §70.020]
The Fire Department shall have charge and control of the buildings, equipment and apparatus used for Fire Department purposes and shall keep the same in good order for immediate use, and for more effectually perfecting the firefighters in discharging their duties shall as often as practicable thoroughly test the condition of the fire-fighting equipment and apparatus. Upon arrival at any fire, the members present shall take all necessary and proper action to extinguish such fire as quickly as possible and with the least damage possible. The department shall take all reasonable steps necessary under the circumstances to prevent the spread of fire and damage to adjoining property.
[CC 1974 §70.030; Ord. No. 3364 §1, 10-5-1987]
If there are two (2) serviceable fire trucks with adequate equipment and a request is received for fire-fighting equipment outside the City limits, the Fire Chief or officer in charge may determine whether to answer such request depending upon the road conditions, water supply and other conditions at the time, and his/her decision shall be final. The decision of the Fire Chief or officer in charge shall in no way subject him/her to liability. The charge for making a call outside the City limits shall be a minimum of three hundred fifty dollars ($350.00), regardless of the success or failure of the mission except in situations of mutual aid.
[CC 1974 §70.040]
The Chief shall be appointed by the Mayor and with the consent of the Board of Aldermen at the first (1st) meeting in May of the Board after the election of the Mayor. The Chief shall hold office until his/her successor is appointed and qualified. The Mayor by and with the consent of the Board of Aldermen may appoint such Assistant Chiefs, Captains, Lieutenants and members as may be deemed desirable and shall receive the recommendation of the Fire Chief as to the desirability of appointing the same.
[CC 1974 §70.050]
It shall be the duty of the Chief to examine and report to the City Administrator the condition of the department and its equipment and to recommend such alterations and additions and changes as the department may in his/her judgment require. It shall also be his/her duty to ascertain and report to the City Administrator the condition and efficiency of the Fire Department and if the department fails to observe and enforce its rules and regulations so to impair its efficiency to report the same with such suggestions as he/she may deem most appropriate.
The Fire Chief shall examine all buildings and all places where explosives and inflammable materials are kept in the City and to report their condition at least once a year to the City Administrator, and the Fire Chief is hereby authorized to enter any and all buildings and places for the purpose of inspecting same.
The Fire Chief shall enforce the provisions of this Chapter, as well as Sections 500.050 and 500.060 of this Code.
The Fire Chief shall from time to time report to the City Administrator the condition of fire escapes on public buildings and on other buildings required by law to be provided with fire escapes.
He/she shall keep an inventory of all the City Fire Department's property and equipment and report the same to the City Administrator at least once a year.
He/she shall keep informed and make a report as to the condition of the City water supply and fireplugs.
He/she shall keep the Department in good condition and at all times ready for inspection.
In the exercise of these duties, the Fire Chief may delegate to the Assistant Chief or to other department members such responsibilities as in his/her judgment may be required.
[CC 1974 §70.060]
The Assistant Chief shall assume the duties of the Chief in his/her absence or the vacancy of the office until a new Chief is appointed and shall assist the Chief in the performance of his/her duties and shall obey his/her orders.
[CC 1974 §70.070]
The firefighters shall be under the immediate control and direction of the Fire Chief and upon an alarm of fire shall without unnecessary delay repair to the endangered premises with the City fire apparatus.
[CC 1974 §70.080]
The Chief, officers and firefighters shall each receive compensation as may be set from time to time by City ordinance.
[CC 1974 §70.090]
The Fire Chief shall have full power, control and command over all persons at a fire, excepting only City Police Officers on duty controlling traffic. He/she shall station the fire apparatus and see to it that all persons belonging to the Fire Department perform the duties required of them. It shall also be the duty of the Chief to direct at all fires such measures as he/she shall deem advisable for the extinguishment and control of such fires.