Cross Reference — As to business license fee for outdoor advertising structure, see Ch. 410, Art. III; as to payment of fees, taxes and license charges under protest, see §130.110.
[Ord. No. 363 §1,2]
All of the various objects, occupations, professions, trades, avocations and businesses within the City of Herculaneum, Missouri specified by this Chapter shall be licensed, taxed and regulated as herein set forth.
No person shall conduct, pursue, carry on or operate within the City any trade, profession, business, vocation, avocation or occupation specified by this Chapter without paying in advance the license tax prescribed and levied herein. All applications for license under the provisions of this Chapter shall be filed with the City Clerk and by him or her submitted to the Board for its approval or disapproval.
[Ord. No. 505 §4, 4-22-1991; Ord. No. 07-2009, 3-9-2009; Ord. No. 21-2017 § 1, 7-3-2017]
The City of Herculaneum shall not issue any licenses for businesses, merchants or otherwise as set forth in this Chapter for any delinquent taxpayer.
The City of Herculaneum shall not issue any license for any business where goods are sold at retail unless the business provides the City with a statement from the Department of Revenue stating no tax is due under Sections 143.191 to 143.265, RSMo., or Sections 144.010 to 144.510, RSMo.
The City of Herculaneum shall not issue any license for any business to any applicant that is not qualified in all other respects under the provisions of all pertinent ordinances and laws.
[Ord. No. 363 §4]
Every person to whom a license is issued under the provisions of this Chapter shall keep the same conspicuously posted and displayed at the place of business for which such license is issued.
[Ord. No. 363 §6]
It shall be the duty of the Collector to collect all monies for licenses issued under the provisions of this Chapter, and he shall keep a complete and accurate account and list of all such licenses issued by him, so that at any time such list will clearly show what licenses have been issued, for what purposes issued, the period of time for which issued and the amount paid.
[Ord. No. 363 §6]
All licenses granted under the provisions of this Chapter shall commence on the 1st day of November in each and every year, and shall expire on the 31st day of October, of the year following the date of issuance. Any license purchased six (6) months after the date required for the annual issuance of license, for businesses not heretofore licensed, shall be reduced to fifty percent (50%) of the annual fee for the remaining portion of the year.
[Ord. No. 363 §7]
No license granted under the provisions of this Chapter shall be assigned or transferred, and no refunds shall be made on any license on account of the person to whom such license is issued discontinuing or retiring from the business for which the license was issued.
[Ord. No. 363 §8]
All licenses issued by the City shall run in the name of the City, be signed by the Mayor, be attested by the City Clerk and shall bear the seal of the City. The form of such license shall designate to whom issued, for what purposes, the business, trade, vocation or avocation for which issued, the period of time for which issued and the amount paid.
[Ord. No. 363 §9]
It shall be unlawful for any person to conduct, pursue, carry on or operate within the City any business, trade, vocation, avocation, occupation or profession without having first obtained a license to conduct such business within the City, in accordance with the terms of this Section, and the violation of this Chapter shall be a misdemeanor punishable by a fine from one dollar ($1.00) to one hundred dollars ($100.00), and each day of violation may be deemed a separate violation.
[Ord. No. 363 §10; Ord. No. 13-2010 §2, 6-28-2010; Ord. No. 46-2015 §1, 11-2-2015]
The term "merchant" or "person" as used in this Chapter shall hereby be defined as any person, partnership or corporation who shall deal in the retail selling of goods, wares or merchandise at any store, stand or place occupied and maintained for that purpose within the City; provided that this definition shall apply only to those businesses not otherwise defined or named in this Chapter.
For the purposes of this Chapter, the term "general contractor" shall be defined as follows: one (1) who contracts for the completion of an entire project, including purchasing all materials, hiring and paying subcontractors and coordinating all the work.
For purposes of this Chapter, the term "home occupation" shall be defined and have the same requirements as stated in Section 410.255 of the Code of Ordinances for the City of Herculaneum, Missouri.
[Ord. No. 17-2021, 6-21-2021]
[Ord. No. 363 §11; Ord. No. 08-2008 §3, 1-28-2008; Ord. No. 13-2010 §1, 6-28-2010; Ord. No. 46-2015 §1, 11-2-2015; Ord. No. 28-2020, 10-5-2020; Ord. No. 42-2022, 11-21-2022]
All persons who are engaged in any of the following businesses, trades, occupations, professions or avocations in the City shall pay to the City an annual tax in an amount specified below:
Business, Etc.
Amount of Annual License Tax
Home occupations
All other businesses, trades, vocations and avocations whatsoever
Editor’s Note: Former Section 610.100, Automobile Dealerships Operating Car Washes, adopted and/or amended by Ord. No. 39-2010 § 1, 10-25-2010, was repealed 5-20-2019 by Ord. No. 20-2019.
[Ord. No. 015-2012 §§1 — 7, 4-23-2012]
Any charitable and non-profit organization, corporation, or entity, hereinafter referred to as "applicant", which is either based in the City of Herculaneum or which maintains a business or office in the City of Herculaneum shall be allowed to conduct weekend solicitations in the City as provided hereafter.
An applicant shall make application to the City Clerk for a permit as required by this Chapter at least seven (7) days prior to the desired solicitation date. Said application shall be made upon a form provided by the City Clerk and filed with the City Clerk. Each applicant, whether acting individually or as a representative of a legal entity, shall set forth the applicant's name and address of present place of residence and also his/her/their business address if other than the residence address; a description sufficient for identification of the subject matter of the soliciting which the applicant will engage in; the period of time for which the certificate is applied; the date, or approximate date, of the latest previous application for certificate under this Code, if any; whether a certificate of registration issued to the applicant under this Code has ever been revoked; whether the applicant has ever been convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of this Chapter or Code regulating soliciting; whether the applicant has ever been convicted of the commission of a felony under the laws of the State of Missouri, or any other State or Federal law of the United States.
Total hours of solicitation per weekend shall not exceed twelve (12) hours. The applicant may divide this time over two (2) consecutive days of the weekend, but shall not solicit more than six (6) hours per day.
Solicitations may be conducted on weekends only. For purposes of this Section, weekends shall mean Saturday or Sunday and Friday from 4:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M.
No applicant shall be entitled to more than four (4) permits in a twelve (12) month period of time. If the applicant is seeking more than four (4) permits in a twelve (12) month period of time, there must be specific approval granted by action of the Board of Aldermen.
Applications or permits must be approved by the Board of Aldermen prior to issuance for the permit.
Applicants shall be permitted to solicit at the intersections of City streets only and under the following conditions:
Solicitations or road blocks may only be set up at intersections controlled by stop signs or electronic traffic signals.
Each individual participating in the event shall be at least sixteen (16) years of age and will wear a reflective safety vest.
Solicitation will be permitted only between one-half (½) hour after sunrise and one-half (½) hour before sunset.
The association, organization or corporation shall be liable for any injuries to any person or property during the solicitation which is casually related to an act of ordinary negligence of the soliciting agent, shall hold the City harmless from any claim of said person(s), and shall provide the City with evidence that the group is insured for one million dollars ($1,000,000.00), and has named the City as an additional insured.
There shall be a sign displayed facing each direction as traffic approaches the road block to announce the nature of the charitable cause. Each sign shall have no less than three (3) inch lettering and be conspicuous to the traveling public so that they may readily determine the charity requesting the contribution.
[Ord. No. 017-2012 §§1 — 4, 5-14-2012]
The City of Herculaneum may allow, after approval of the City Clerk and Building Inspector, a business license for temporary structures for the sale of goods and merchandise.
The operator of said business shall have to obtain a City business license from the City of Herculaneum and pay the usual charge therefor.
The business shall be open only for such a time as may be approved by the City Clerk and Building Inspector, but no longer than twenty-one (21) days. No applicant shall be entitled to sell goods and merchandise from a temporary structure more than four (4) times per year.
Said temporary structure shall, in all respects, comply with the ordinances of the City of Herculaneum.