[Ord. No. 4543, 5-6-2019[1]]
The rules and regulations set out in this Chapter shall apply to all City recreation areas and facilities.
For the purposes of this Chapter the following terms shall be deemed to have the meaning indicated below:
The City of Berkeley, Missouri.
The head of the Department of Parks and Recreation or a designated representative.
All recreation areas and facilities and park facilities owned or operated by the City.
Any person living within the boundaries of the City or employed by the City and/or any person (including the members of his/her immediate household) to whom a City occupancy permit has been issued.
Includes Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
All park grounds will open daily at dawn and close at dusk, unless otherwise allowed, in writing, by the Director or a designated representative. No glass bottles are permitted in any City park.
Non-residents may rent a pavilion at the nonresident rate.
All parks will be available to residents of Berkeley and their guests. To establish residency a valid driver's license or occupancy permit will be required.
No person or group of individuals will be allowed to make reservations for parks for the coming year until after the first work day of the year for which the reservation is requested. Park buildings may be excluded from this rule at the discretion of the Director.
Parks shall not be available for activities without prior approval from the city council. No permittee hereunder shall conduct an activity that is in competition with local merchants or park concessioners, unless otherwise allowed in writing by the Director.
The City and its employees shall not be liable for or assume any responsibility for valuables brought into the parks, nor for the receipt and disbursement of any funds other than City funds.
The City, its agents, servants, and employees acting in the scope of their employment are not responsible for lost or stolen property.
Person, firm, corporation, organization, or group using the parks shall assume full responsibility for behavior and damages caused during the term of the permit.
Gambling is not permitted in the parks.
Defacing of trees and any City-owned property is not permitted in the parks.
Abusive language or obscene activity is not permitted in the parks.
Pavilion Rental.
[Ord. No. 4715, 6-6-2022; Ord. No. 4716, 6-6-2022; Ord. No. 4730, 10-3-2022; Ord. No. 4848, 3-25-2024]
Pavilions are located in the following parks: Ramona-Mathison Lake Park, Lee Etta Hoskins-Jackson Community Park, Edgewood-Montgomery Park, Independence Park, Frostwood Park, and Mitchell Neighborhood Park (no comfort station).
Pavilions are available for reservation by residents for two hundred dollars ($200.00) per day.
Pavilions are available for reservation by non-residents for two hundred dollars ($200.00) per day.
If electricity is to be used, an additional fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) is required.
A one hundred dollars ($100.00) refundable deposit and full payment is required to set the date.
Pavilions may be reserved beginning the first business day in January of the year with at least two (2) weeks advance paid reservation required.
No rentals after pavilions are winterized by Facility Maintenance. No rentals before Facility Maintenance open pavilions for the season. Each pavilion will have three (3) picnic benches available during rental.
Bicycles may not be ridden within any park except where a bike trail is indicated and so provided. All speed limits, including motor vehicles and bicycles, shall not exceed ten (10) miles per hour within any park.
The riding of bicycles and skateboards in Independence Park on the physical fitness trail and tennis court is hereby prohibited at all times.
[Ord. No. 4714, 6-6-2022]
Vehicles may be parked in designated areas only, except by authority of the Director or Park Supervisor.
Garbage, refuse, and trash shall be deposited in trash receptacles.
Any of the parks or facilities may be reserved for a City-sponsored program.
Pets prohibited.
No dumping is allowed in the parks.
Editor's Note: Former Chapter 225, Parks And Recreation Areas And Facilities, containing Sections 225.010 through 225.090, all Sections of which were repealed by Subsections (11) through (20) of Ord. No. 4543, enacted 5-6-2019.
[Ord. No. 4543, 5-6-2019]
Application for use of the athletic fields must be made on an application form provided by the Director or Park Supervisor. Field reservations will be made on a seasonal basis.
Priority for use of the athletic fields will be given to inter-league play-off games.
Hardball or baseball is permitted only in areas designated by the Director or Park Supervisor.
Archery is permitted only in areas designated by the Director or Park Supervisor.
Copies of the teams' rosters for any season must be submitted to the office of the Director or Park Supervisor at least fourteen (14) days prior to the beginning game of the season. This rule does not apply to play-off games.
No inning of a night game may be started after 8:45 P.M., and must end by 10:00 P.M.
All athletic fields will be open for Berkeley residents on a first come, first served basis on Sundays and holidays, except as specifically allowed, in writing, by the Director or supervisor. The Director or Park Supervisor shall not permit tournaments during this time.
No drinking of beer or alcoholic beverages will be allowed on or about the athletic field by participants before or during their league game. No beer or alcoholic beverages shall be allowed to be brought into the Berkeley Athletic Complex except with prior approval by the Council.
[Ord. No. 4543, 5-6-2019]
Tennis courts are available for first come.
Play is limited to one (1) hour at a time for singles or doubles when others are waiting.
No player or group of players shall register for court time while engaged in play.
Players must wear tennis shoes on the courts.
Residents eighteen (18) years and older will have priority to use tennis courts after 6:00 P.M. daily.
No bicycles, roller skates, inline skates, or skateboards on tennis courts.
[Ord. No. 4543, 5-6-2019]
Reservation — Procedure — Fees.
Maintenance fees and a reservation deposit for the said use of City facilities shall be established by the Director or Park Supervisor. The renter, regardless of whether a paid rental or non-profit organization, is responsible for the proper conduct and behavior of the group and any damages which occur during the rental period. The Director or Park Supervisor will ascertain damages and bill the renter accordingly. The renter must be twenty-one (21) years or older to sign any contract for use of the facilities.
Application for the use of any park facilities shall be made at least one (1) week in advance of date of intended use. The application shall contain the name and address of the person making application. The applicant shall agree to comply with all the ordinances governing the use of the particular park area or facility, shall certify that the information supplied in the application is correct and true to his/her best knowledge and belief, and shall agree that any violation of the City ordinances by any member of his/her group shall invalidate the permit. Applications shall be in writing and approved by the Director or Park Supervisor.
Qualifications for civic or service organizations who wish to use City facilities free of charge: Must be non-political, non-profit, non-religious, and engaged in activities aimed at improving the quality of life.
Eligible groups (civic or service) must agree to pick up all trash and leave the building in a neat and presentable condition.
The application for use of City facilities submitted by any organization requesting a waiver of fees must specify the exact type of event (fund-raising, meeting, social) for which the facility is being reserved. Such activity must be related to the group's purpose or goal and submitted to the City Manager for approval.
If necessary, applicants for park facilities shall pick up the key to the facility at the reception desk, and return the key to same at a designated time. They will check lights out and windows and doors closed. A key deposit may be required by the Director.
Park buildings and facilities shall close at 8:00 P.M., unless otherwise authorized, in writing, by the Director or Park Supervisor with exception the civic center which closes no later than 1:00 A.M.
[Ord. No. 4543, 5-6-2019]
Reservations will be issued in advance for designated pavilions with picnic areas. The reservation shall contain the name and address of the renter making reservation and shall state time, place, date, name of organization, function, and number of people. Reservations for picnic areas do not include permission to use ball diamonds in the parks, unless otherwise specifically stated.
No bonfire or campfire in the park without approval of the Director or Park Supervisor and area designated by the Fire Department.
Accidents — Supervised Activities. During all supervised activity sponsored by the City of Berkeley, an accident report will be filled out on all accidents. If the injured requires professional medical attention, the Police are to be called, and on their arrival, the officer will be in charge.
Accidents — Unsupervised Activity. If an accident should occur within the City parks in a non-supervised activity, it shall be the responsibility of the injured or the parent or guardian of the injured to report the accident to the Director of Parks and Recreation; Park Supervisor or City Manager's office.
Editor's Note: Former Section 225.055, Operation, Control And Management Of Washington Park Cemetery, which derived from Ord. No. 4588, 12-2-2019, was repealed 11-1-2021, by Ord. No. 4694.
[Ord. No. 4543, 5-6-2019; Ord. No. 4717, 6-6-2022[1]]
The fishing hours of Ramona-Mathison Lake will be set forth by the Director or Park Supervisor and shall be posted at Ramona-Mathison Lake Park
Each fisherman shall register at the caretaker's office. The caretaker shall collect the appropriate fee and the fisherman's Missouri fishing permit. A driver's license or other form of identification may also be required. Residents must provide a valid occupancy permit, or valid identification which verifies residency in order to fish at the residential rate. A numbered daily fishing permit, issued by the caretaker, must be available for presentation by each registrant. Fishing permits, which include fishing rules, must be signed to be valid. Upon checkout, the daily fishing permit must be returned, the fish weighed and recorded.
The daily fees of Ramona-Mathison Lake shall be set forth by ordinance and shall be posted at Ramona-Mathison Lake Park. (Children ages sixteen (16) and under must be accompanied by a paying adult eighteen (18) years of age or older. Fish caught by these children will count towards the adult daily limits.)
Each fisherman will be allowed to use two (2) poles at a time.
All fishermen must check out with the caretaker, have fish weighed and recorded, return daily fishing permit, and pick up State fishing permit.
Once a fish of legal size or within the daily limit of the species is caught, it must either be kept and contained (stringer, basket, creel, etc.) or it must be immediately released into the water unharmed. If a fish is kept and contained, it counts toward the daily limit and must not be released. Any fish which does not meet the minimum length requirement or exceeds the daily limit for that species, must be immediately released into the water unharmed.
The Director of Parks and Recreation, the Chief of Police, or any other qualified person designated by either aforementioned City Official shall have the power to seize all fish as follows:
Fish that are caught during the closed season of Ramona-Mathison Lake.
Fish that are caught during non-fishing hours.
Fish caught by unregistered fishermen.
Fish caught in excess of the daily limit or under the minimum required length.
All illegal fish in the possession of any fisherman.
Each fisherman shall possess a container (stringer, basket, creel, etc.) for holding the fish. Said container shall not be used for holding fish caught by other fishermen.
It shall be unlawful to wade or swim in Ramona-Mathison Lake.
No person shall throw trash, cans, bottles, or any object in the lake or onto the grounds of the park. No person shall loiter at or near the office of said park.
The caretaker shall have the authority to check coolers, baskets, creels, stringers, etc., and to seize illegal fish.
No glass is allowed in the park.
Fires are allowed in barbecue pits only.
No minnows are allowed.
Snagging, gigging, or trapping fish is prohibited.
No boats of any kind are allowed on the lake.
Persons violating these rules shall, in addition to other penalties, have fishing privileges suspended a minimum length of time as follows:
First offense — One (1) month.
Second offense — Six (6) months.
Third offense — Twelve (12) months.
The above schedule relates only to those months during which the lake is open — April through October.
Any fisherman who does not abide by minimum lengths of fish, or who exceeds the daily limits, shall be fined in Municipal Court as follows:
First offense — fifty dollars ($50.00) per fish and one (1) month suspension.
Second offense — seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per fish and six (6) months suspension.
Third offense — one hundred dollars ($100.00) per fish and one (1) year suspension.
Fishing shall be allowed during hours that the Ramona-Mathison Lake Park office is open only. The penalty for violation shall be at discretion of the judge.
Any fisherman who fails to register on entering the park, or fails to have his/her fish weighed, if any, before the leaving the park, or fails to check out on leaving, shall be assessed a fine of one hundred dollars ($100.00) upon conviction in Municipal Court. The State fishing permit, driver's license, ID card, or Missouri Department of Conservation Affidavit, etc., shall be turned into the recreation office when they are not picked up by the fisherman, and must be retrieved at the recreation office during regular work hours. No fisherman who owes a fine will be allowed to fish until the fine has been paid.
Editor's Note: This ordinance changed the name of "Louvenia Mathison Community Lake Park" to "Ramona-Mathison Lake Park."
[Ord. No. 4543, 5-6-2019]
The Civic Center may be used for a maximum of twelve (12) free nights per calendar year.
The Civic Center is available free for use by civic or service organizations, School District, business groups, etc., from Monday through Thursday. If a weekend date is otherwise unreserved by one (1) month prior to that date, eligible organizations may reserve the center for free use.
Civic Center Reservation Consist Of Six (6) Hours. Additional hours may be purchased by the hour at the same rental rate. The use of the civic center includes a kitchen with a stove; freezer; standup cooler and microwave oven. The deep fryer may be used at additional cost of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for grease disposal and cleaning. The civic center opening and closing is conducted by Berkeley Police.
The policy is set forth as follows:
Civic Center is rented on a first come basis. When the application is completed the fees must be paid in full, with valid identification and occupancy permit for residents. No hold dates or partial fees are accepted.
The applicant is responsible for making a complete application including a layout plan for the civic center.
Once the application, layout and fees are paid, the receptionist secures the date in the calendar book and on Outlook calendar.
The paid receipt is given to the applicant as proof of renal along with the rental contract.
A copy of the paid application, rental contract and layout is sent electronically to Parks, Facilities, Police and City Manager on the day of payment.
The applicant can make a site visit to the civic center after 2:00 P.M., when scheduled.
Rental fees are as follows:
[Ord. No. 4730, 10-3-2022]
Funeral repast: two hundred dollars ($200.00), not to exceed four (4) hours; no additional hours may be reserved.
Residential rate rentals (must have valid occupancy permit): three hundred fifty dollar ($350.00) rental fee, plus one hundred dollar ($100.00) refundable damage deposit. Total to collect at time of rental: four hundred fifty dollars ($450.00).
Non-residential rentals: four hundred fifty dollar ($450.00) rental fee, plus one hundred dollar ($100.00) refundable damage deposit. Total to collect at time of rental: five hundred fifty dollars ($550.00).
Employees: A single rental in each calendar year is two hundred dollars ($200.00), plus one hundred dollar ($100.00) refundable damage deposit. Total to collect at time of rental: three hundred dollars ($300.00). This includes retired employees.
Refundable Damage Deposit. The deposit will be returned in ten (10) to fifteen (15) working days after the event. The center will be inspected by a member of the Park Department and they will decide if the fee is returned. If damage occurs the deposit is forfeited and any additional costs after will be billed to the applicant in charge of the rental. Deposit released to the renter on the application.
Cancellations. All cancellations must be submitted in writing thirty (30) days prior to the event and will be subject to a fifty dollar ($50.00) processing fee. Any cancellation made within less than thirty (30) days will result in forfeiture of your entire rental fee, unless an emergency occurs.
No Smoking Allowed In The Civic Center. All rentals must conclude by 1:00 A.M. The renter is responsible for removing all trash to City dumpster. Any damage to the civic center would forfeit damage deposit. The need for additional janitorial maintenance beyond the normal cleaning process, the renter may be charged accordingly. Damage beyond the one hundred dollar ($100.00) deposit will be the responsibility of the requesting applicant.
The City reserves the right to cancel a reservation request at any time due to safety, weather, or building repair with reasonable prior notice. The reservation fees will be refunded.
The renter will be responsible for all behavior at the event.
[Ord. No. 4543, 5-6-2019]
The Director or a designated representative shall formulate and post reasonable rules for a safe and efficient pool operation.
Failure to obey any of the posted rules and regulations are grounds for immediate expulsion from the pool without a refund.
The pool hours of operation are from 11:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., weather permitting.
Lifeguards are in charge and all rules must be obeyed at all times.
All swimmers must shower before entering the pool.
The City reserves the right to impose and enforce any rules and regulations it deems appropriate to promote the safety and health of those using the swimming pool.
The pool staff including lifeguards will keep and maintain records required by proper health authorities. Written reports will be maintained daily by lifeguards including water test results, chemicals used in the water and flow rate.
The City reserves the right to close the pool at any time due to safety; staffing needs or weather with reasonable prior notice without refunding entire payment.
[Ord. No. 4543, 5-6-2019]
The City of Berkeley hereby sets forth the following rules for private rentals of the Berkeley Swimming Pool:
Pool reservations must be made by a person twenty-one (21) years or older.
Activities for minors must be supervised by responsible adults.
Payment must be made at time of booking at City Hall receptionist desk.
There must be adult supervision at all private party rentals.
No alcoholic beverages, no smoking, no drugs, nor anyone under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be allowed on the premises at any time. Those persons will be removed.
The applicant will be responsible for any damage which may occur during the rental time. If, after any activity, additional janitorial maintenance is required, other than the normal cleaning process, the applicant may be charged accordingly.
The applicant is responsible to confirm or cancel out reservations at least fourteen (14) days prior the event for which the applicant rented pool time. Any cancellation made with less than fourteen (14) days will result in forfeiture of the entire rental fee, unless an emergency occurs.
Your own music will be allowed only at the discretion of the Pool Manager. Profanity will not be allowed. Music shall not disturb the peace of surrounding neighbors.
The Parks Supervisor or designee may reserve the right to cancel the activities at any time if it seems necessary.
Lifeguard(s) must be in charge. Private lifeguards must register with the Park Supervisor or designee on-duty at time of rental and have certification for verification.
The posted pool rules must be followed at all times during the course of the activity. The group must also follow the directions of the lifeguard on-duty during the course of the scheduled activity.
Number of Guests Allowed
Lifeguard(s) Required
150 people or less
1 — 2
The Berkeley Pool is available for private parties from 6:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. If the Parks Supervisor or designee believes the event is not properly supervised it will be cancelled after it has started, without refund.
A damage deposit of one hundred dollars ($100.00) is refundable if no damages.
All individuals on the grounds of the municipal pool must adhere to and follow the posted rules and regulations.
Each applicant must complete the attached application (found on file in the City offices) and pay all fees at time of rental. The applicant and its users agrees to indemnify and hold the City of Berkeley harmless from any and all incidents which may occur or result from said users use of the City swimming pool.
[Ord. No. 4543, 5-6-2019]
All parks and recreation rules and regulations formulated by the Director and approved by the Council relevant to the use of parks and recreational facilities of the City shall be obeyed thereby, and any violator thereof shall be issued a summons for court and fine set by Municipal Judge. Additionally, any violator found guilty shall be prohibited from the use of the park or facility for the following periods:
First violation — One (1) month.
Second violation — Six (6) months.
Third violation — One (1) year.
Fourth violation — Five (5) years; unless reduced by the Council at a hearing for this purpose.