[CC 1961 §38.39; Ord. No. 1289 §1, 8-7-1961]
No person engaged in transporting goods, wares, or merchandise by truck upon the streets of the City, or in transporting passengers for hire upon such streets, nor any of the agents, officers, or employees of any such person, shall operate upon any public street in the City, except upon such streets as are designated in the route certificate herein provided for.
The Director of Public Works shall designate the routes to be used in the City by such trucks and buses. In selecting such routes, consideration shall be given to the stability of such streets for such use with particular reference to the width and the character of the surface thereof, the effect of such vehicular use upon other traffic, and the effect of such vehicular use upon the health, safety, and convenience of the public and of persons using the streets, and the effect upon property fronting thereon, and in making the selection of routes, consideration shall be given to the best means of preserving the safety and convenience of the public and the property abutting such streets.
Any person engaged in any of the businesses herein mentioned and desiring to use the streets of the City shall apply to the City Clerk for a route certificate, and such certificate, when obtained, shall be kept on file, and open to inspection by the City, at the general office of the applicant.
[CC 1961 §38.40; Ord. No. 1507, 4-19-1965]
No person shall operate a truck on any street designated in Schedule XV of this Title, except when engaged in making necessary pick-ups or deliveries on such streets, or if such truck is generally garaged on such streets.
Trucks, semitrailers, and trailers, except utility trailers, without rear fenders, attached to a commercial motor vehicle registered for over twenty-four thousand (24,000) pounds shall be equipped with mud flaps for the rear wheels when operated on the public highways of this state. If mud flaps are used, they shall be wide enough to cover the full tread width of the tire or tires being protected; shall be so installed that they extend from the underside of the vehicle body in a vertical plane behind the rear wheels to within eight inches of the ground; and shall be constructed of a rigid material or a flexible material which is of a sufficiently rigid character to provide adequate protection when the vehicle is in motion. No provisions of this section shall apply to a motor vehicle in transit and in process of delivery equipped with temporary mud flaps, to farm implements, or to any vehicle which is not required to be registered.
Width. No vehicle operated upon any street in the City shall have a width, including load, in excess of ninety-six (96) inches, except clearance lights, rearview mirrors or other accessories required or permitted by Federal or State law.
Height. No vehicle operated upon the interstate highway system or upon any route designated by the Chief Engineer of the State Highways and Transportation Department shall have a height, including load, in excess of fourteen (14) feet. On all other highways, no vehicle shall have a height, including load, in excess of thirteen and one-half (13½) feet, except that any vehicle or combination of vehicles transporting automobiles or other motor vehicles may have a height, including load, of not more than fourteen (14) feet.
Length. No motor vehicle operated upon any street in the City shall have a length in excess of that provided for in Section 304.170, RSMo.
Weight. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or convey upon any street in the City any vehicle of any kind with a weight in excess of that provided for in Section 304.180, RSMo.
Permits. The Police Chief, with the approval of the Mayor, may issue permits for the operation of vehicles exceeding the width, height, length and weight limits prescribed in this Section. Such permits shall specify the terms and conditions under which such vehicles may be operated, and designate the streets over which such vehicle may be operated and the hours of the day between which such operation shall be permitted. Each applicant for such permit shall first pay to the City Clerk a fee of five dollars ($5.00), receipt for which shall be presented to the Police Chief before such permit is issued.
Damages. Any person who drives any vehicle exceeding the width, height, length or weight limits prescribed in Subsections (A), (B), (C) and (D) of this Section, whether operating under the permit required by Subsection (E) of this Section or not, shall be liable for the amount of any damage such vehicle causes to any street, bridge, culvert, sewer or other public property and any such vehicle shall be subject to a lien for the full amount of such damage.
Editor's Note: Former Section 390.050, Parking, Where Prohibited — Special Permit, was repealed 11-27-2024 by Ord. No. 4831. Prior history includes: CC 1961 §38.30(B); and Ord. No. 2155.
[CC 1961 §38.31; Ord. No. 3142 §1, 9-4-1990]
It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle with license weight in excess of twelve thousand (12,000) pounds to park such vehicle on any street between the hours of 1:00 A.M. and 6:00 A.M. of any day. It shall be unlawful for the owner or operator of any vehicle with license weight in excess of twelve thousand (12,000) pounds, or any vehicle in excess of twenty-four (24) feet in length, or in excess of eight (8) feet in height, to park such vehicle on any street in a residentially zoned area or on any residentially zoned property. It shall also be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle of the "over-the-road" type with a gross license weight in excess of eighteen thousand (18,000) pounds to park his/her vehicle, or to detach from his/her vehicle a trailer, and leave it parked on any public or private property within the City of Berkeley unless the vehicle and/or trailer are left in a facility duly licensed as a truck terminal, or unless the vehicle and/or trailer are utilized as a part of a business duly licensed by the City of Berkeley. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to restrict vehicles licensed in excess of the limits specified above from stopping at eating and refueling establishments or places of lodging where said driver is registered for an overnight stay, or deliveries and pick-ups, for periods not to exceed sixty (60) minutes.