[Rev. Ords. 1910 §186; CC 1976 §2-90]
The Commissioner of Public Works shall superintend and personally supervise the opening, grading and macadamizing of any street, avenue or alley in the City, the grading, paving or repairing of all sidewalks, and the construction of bridges, sewers, waterworks, and culverts.
[Rev. Ords. 1910 §186; CC 1976 §2-91]
The Commissioner of Public Works shall visit when necessary all public works of the City while in progress, make estimates thereof, and see that all contractors are constructing the same according to contract.
[Rev. Ords. 1910 §186; CC 1976 §2-92]
The Commissioner of Public Works may suspend the execution of every contract when the contractor is not performing the same properly and report such fact to the Board of Aldermen at its next meeting.
[Rev. Ords. 1910 §186; CC 1976 §2-93]
The Commissioner of Public Works shall make all necessary repairs to the streets, alleys, avenues, bridges, sewers, waterworks and culverts of the City, under the direction of the Board of Aldermen.