No person shall operate a motor vehicle when such motor vehicle has a licensed weight in excess of twelve thousand one (12,001) pounds unless such motor vehicle is making a local delivery thereon on the following streets:
Ord. No.
Cedar Drive
Cedar Field
Cedar Ridge
Cedar Brook
Cedar Craft
Cedar Ledge
Cedar Crest Court
Cedar View Court
Columbus Street north of Osage Street
East Bellevue Street
East Franklin Street
East Park Street
East Sand Street
East Walnut Street
Elm Street north of Osage Street
Neosho Street north of Osage Street
Olive Street north of Osage Street
No person shall operate any vehicle (for the purpose of this Subsection a vehicle shall include semi-trailers and trailers designed primarily for commercial transportation and shipping) with a licensed weight of eighteen thousand (18,000) pounds or more, except when lawfully loading or unloading for commercial purposes in the residential zoned areas of the following streets:
Ord. No.
1788 § 1
Rose Lane
Western Avenue
Candlewick Lane
Payne Street
LaMar Parkway from Rose Lane south to Old Gray Summit Road — Local deliveries only
No person shall operate any vehicle (for the purpose of this Subsection, a vehicle shall include semi-trailers and trailers designed primarily for commercial transportation and shipping) with a licensed weight of forty thousand (40,000) pounds or more, except when lawfully loading or unloading for commercial purposes in the residential areas of the following streets:
Ord. No.
[Repealed Ord. No. 3396, 10-17-2023]
No person shall park any vehicle with a weight of twelve thousand one (12,001) pounds or more or allow any such vehicle to stand at any time (other than for loading or unloading) on these streets:
Ord. No.
On either side of Flier Drive between the intersection of Cedar Drive and Flier Drive and the intersection of Flier Drive and Osage Street.
If any such vehicle is found parked or found standing upon any portion of the locations described herein the owner or person in whose name said vehicle is registered shall be held prima facie responsible for such violation.
The City of Pacific shall establish a truck route for commercial vehicles of eighteen thousand (18,000) pounds or more.
Ord. No.
Beginning at the intersection of Osage and Fourth Streets in the City of Pacific, with said truck route to proceed along the length of Fourth Street South to Denton Road, from Denton Road to Industrial Drive where it intersects with Midwest and Midwest Streets to the Dailey Industrial Park.