[Ord. No. 2931 §1 — 2, 5-19-2015]
The office of City Administrator is hereby created.
The City Administrator shall be appointed the Board of Aldermen with the approval of the Mayor as provided under State Statute Section 77.042, RSMo.
The City Administrator shall be at least twenty-one (21) years of age. He must be a graduate of an accredited university or college and the equivalent combination of experience and training which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. The Administrator shall devote his full time to performing the duties of his office.
[Ord. No. 2907, 6-17-2014]
[CC 1976 §2-95; Ord. No. 1282 §1, 1-8-1980; Ord. No. 3414, 5-7-2024]
The City Administrator shall be the Chief Administrative Assistant to the Mayor and he/she shall have general superintending control of the administration and management of the Government business, officers and employees of the City, subject to the direction and supervision of the Mayor. His/her duties shall be as follows:
He/she shall designate him or herself or some other officer or employee to perform the duties of any office or position in the administrative service under his/her control which is vacant or which lacks administration, due to the absence or disability of the incumbent. Such designation shall be in effect until the incumbent resumes his/her duties or until the Board of Aldermen and/or supervising Board acts to fulfill such office or position, whichever occurs first.
Prepare and present to the Board of Aldermen an annual report of the City's affairs, including a summary of reports of Department Heads, and such other reports of Department Heads, and such other reports as the Board of Aldermen shall require.
He/she shall, with the assistance of the City Clerk, Treasurer and all Department Heads, prepare and present an estimate of the financial needs and resources of the City for each ensuing year and shall prepare a program of activities within the financial power of the City, embodying in it a budget document with proper supporting schedules and analyses.
At all times, all actions of the City Administrator shall be subject to the supervision, control and direction by the Mayor and he shall account to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen for any actions taken when requested to do so.
He/she shall attend substantially all meetings of the Board of Aldermen and assemble detailed reports pertinent to the agenda with recommendations of various committees concerning the matter to be considered.
He/she shall be the Purchasing Agent for the City of Pacific and all purchases shall be made under his/her direction and supervision, and all such purchases shall be made in accordance with Section 105.040 and such other purchasing rules and procedures approved by the Board of Aldermen.
He/she shall act as the Personnel Officer of the City. The City Administrator shall have the power to appoint and remove (in accordance with personnel system regulations approved by the Board of Aldermen) all subordinate employees of the City of Pacific. The City Administrator shall make recommendations of appointment and removal of Department Heads.
In addition to the foregoing duties, the City Administrator shall perform any and all other duties or functions prescribed by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen.
[CC 1976 §2-96; Ord. No. 1282 §1, 1-8-1980]
The powers of the City Administrator shall be as follows:
To assign any employee of the City to any department or branch thereof requiring services.
To prescribe such rules and regulations as are necessary or expedient for the conduct of administrative agencies subject to his authority. Such prescribed rules and regulations shall be submitted to the Board of Aldermen for approval and shall not be in effect until approved by the Board of Aldermen.
He shall have the power, either by himself or by an officer or person designated for the purpose by him, to investigate and to examine or inquire into the affairs or operation of any department, division, bureau or office; and when so authorized by the Board of Aldermen, he shall have the power to employ consultants and professional counsel to aid in such investigations, examinations or inquiries.
He shall have the power to advise all boards, committees, agencies, departments, or officials of the City concerning matters within their appropriate area of responsibility. It shall be the duty of the City Administrator to recommend such charges, alterations or activities in the conduct of City affairs as he shall deem conducive to greater efficiency and economy.
He shall have the power to set aside any action taken by a Department Head.
He shall have the power to direct any department to perform the work for any other department.
He shall have the power to appear before and address the Board of Aldermen at any meeting.
At no time shall the powers or duties of the City Administrator supersede the action of the Mayor and/or Board of Aldermen.
[CC 1976 §2-97; Ord. No. 1282 §1, 1-8-1980]
No member of the Board of Aldermen shall directly interfere with the conduct of any department or duties of employees subordinate to the City Administrator except at the express direction of the Board of Aldermen, or with the approval of the City Administrator.
The City Administrator shall serve at the pleasure of the appointing authority. The Mayor, with the consent of a majority of the members of the Board of Aldermen, may remove the City Administrator from office at will, and such City Administrator may also be removed by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the members of the Board of Aldermen, independently of the Mayor's approval or disapproval. If requested by the City Administrator, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen shall grant the City Administrator a public hearing within thirty (30) days following notice of such removal. Notice of the City Administrator's request for a hearing must be received by the City Clerk no later than ten (10) days following the service of the Notice of Removal. During the interim, the Mayor, with the approval of a majority of the members of the Board of Aldermen present, or by two-thirds (⅔) vote of the members of the Board of Aldermen without the Mayor's approval, may suspend the City Administrator from duty, but shall continue his salary and, if after the hearing, removal becomes final, shall pay his salary for one (1) calendar month following the final removal date, provided however, that if the City Administrator shall be removed for acts of dishonesty or acts of moral turpitude, such salary shall not be continued.
[CC 1976 §2-99; Ord. No. 1282 §1, 1-8-1980]
The City Administrator shall receive such compensation as the Board of Aldermen shall fix from time to time by ordinance or resolution.
[CC 1976 §2-100; Ord. No. 1282 §1, 1-8-1980]
The person appointed to the office of City Administrator as herein provided shall, within five (5) days next after being appointed, file with the City Clerk a corporate surety bond in the principal sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00), conditioned upon full and faithful performance of his duties and the rendering of full and proper accounts to the City for funds and property that shall come into his possession or control. The cost of such bond shall be paid by the City; however, should the City Administrator be covered by a blanket bond to the same extent, an individual bond shall not be required.