[Ord. No. 653 §1, 1-6-1953; CC 1976 §2-111]
It is hereby declared to be the policy and purpose of the City to extend, at the earliest date, to all eligible employees and officials of the City who are not excluded by law or by this Section, and whether employed in connection with a Governmental or proprietary function of the City, the benefits of the system of Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance as authorized by the Social Security Act Amendments of 1950, and by Senate Committee Substitute for Senate Bill No. 3 of the 66th General Assembly of the State of Missouri and amendments thereto, as the same may now and hereafter be in effect.
[Ord. No. 653 §2, 1-6-1953; CC 1976 §2-112]
The Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed, on behalf of the City, to prepare, execute and submit to the Office of Administration, Division of Accounting, as the State Agency, a plan and agreement for extending Social Security benefits to the eligible employees and officials of the City in the form prepared by the State Agency and hereby approved and adopted by the Board of Aldermen, which plan and agreement shall become effective upon approval thereof by the State Agency; and are further authorized and directed to execute agreements, modifications and amendments thereof with said State Agency, providing for the extension of such benefits to the employees and officials as set forth in the plan and agreement, as provided in this Article, which plan and agreement shall provide that said extension of benefits shall be effective on January 1, 1951.
[Ord. No. 653 §3, 1-6-1953; CC 1976 §2-113]
Beginning on the first (1st) day of the month, following the date of the approval of the plan and agreement of the City by the State Agency, there shall be deducted from the wages of all employees and officials of the City to whom the benefits of the system of Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance are extended, by virtue of the plan and agreement hereinbefore provided for, the amount of each employee's and official's contributions, as determined by the applicable State and Federal laws and by said plan and agreement. The aggregate amount of such deductions shall be paid into the Contributions Fund created by Senate Committee Substitute for Senate Bill No. 3 of the 66th General Assembly of the State of Missouri; provided however, from the first (1st) payment of wages made to each of said employees and officials after the benefits of such system have been extended to such employees and officials, there shall be deducted a sum equal to the amount which would have been due and payable from each of said employees and officials had said extension of benefits been provided and effective on January 1, 1951.
[Ord. No. 653 §4, 1-6-1953; CC 1976 §2-114]
Beginning on the first (1st) day of the month, following the date of the approval of the plan and agreement of the City by the State Agency, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated from the General Fund of the City the sum or sums of money necessary to pay the contributions of the City, which shall be due and payable by virtue of the extension of the benefits of the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance System to the eligible employees and officials of the City, said sum or sums of money to be paid into the Contributions Fund created by Senate Committee Substitute for Senate Bill No. 3 of the 66th General Assembly of the State of Missouri; provided however, in making the first (1st) payment to said Contributions Fund, after the benefits of said system have been extended to such employees and officials, said first (1st) payment shall include a sum equal to the amount which would have been due and payable had said extension of benefits been provided and effective on January 1, 1951. The fund from which said appropriations is made will, at all times, be sufficient to pay the Contributions of the City by this Section directed to be paid to said Contributions Fund.
[Ord. No. 653 §5, 1-6-1953; CC 1976 §2-115]
The City, from and after the approval of the plan and agreement of the City by the State Agency, shall fully comply with, and shall keep such records, make such reports and provide such methods of administration of said plan and agreement as may be required by all applicable State and Federal laws, rules and regulations now and hereafter in effect with respect to the extension of benefits of the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance System to the employees and officials of the City. For the purpose of administering said plan and agreement, the City Clerk shall be the official who shall make all required reports, keep all records and be responsible for the administration of said plan and agreement on behalf of the City; and any and all notices and communications from the State Agency to the City with respect to said plan and agreement shall be addressed to "City Clerk, City of Pacific, Missouri."