Cross References — As to park regulations, see ch. 230; as to amusements, ch. 615; as to administration, chs. 105120.
[CC 1976 §23-16]
There is hereby created in and for the City a Park Board for the general supervision and control of the City's parks.
[Ord. No. 538 §IV, 11-7-1939; CC 1976 §23-17]
The Mayor, by and with the consent of the Board of Aldermen, shall appoint the Directors of the Park Board.
[Ord. No. 538 §IV, 11-7-1939; CC 1976 §23-18; Ord. No. 2183 §1, 10-17-2000; Ord. No. 2443 §1, 6-21-2005; Ord. No. 3304, 12-21-2021; Ord. No. 3331, 7-19-2022; Ord. No. 3381, 7-5-2023; Ord. No. 3394, 9-19-2023]
The Park Board shall consist of seven (7) Directors chosen from the citizens of the City with reference for their fitness for office. In addition, one (1) Alderman shall serve as a liaison to the Park Board. The Aldermanic liaison shall be appointed and shall serve as provided in Section 110.110 of this Code.
[Ord. No. 538 §V, 11-7-1939; CC 1976 §23-19; Ord. No. 3317, 3-15-2022; Ord. No. 3336, 8-2-2022]
The Park Board Directors shall hold office, two (2) for one (1) year, two (2) for two (2) years, and one (1) for three (3) years from the first (1st) day of June, 1940; and annually thereafter the Mayor shall, before the first (1st) day of June of each year, appoint, as before, three (3) Directors, who shall hold office for three (3) years and until their successors are appointed.
[Ord. No. 538 §V, 11-7-1939; CC 1976 §23-20]
The Mayor may, by and with the consent of the Board of Aldermen, remove any Director of the Park Board for misconduct or neglect of duty.
[Ord. No. 538 §VI, 11-7-1939; CC 1976 §23-21]
Vacancies in the Park Board occasioned by removal, resignation or otherwise shall be reported to the Board of Aldermen and be filled in like manner as original appointments.
[Ord. No. 538 §VI, 11-7-1939; CC 1976 §23-22]
The Park Board Directors shall not receive compensation for their services as such.
[Ord. No. 538 §VII, 11-7-1939; CC 1976 §23-23]
The Park Board Directors shall, immediately after their appointment, meet and organize by the election of one (1) of their number as President, and by the election of such other officers as they may deem necessary.
[Ord. No. 538 §VII, 11-7-1939; CC 1976 §23-24]
The Directors of the Park Board shall make and adopt such by-laws, rules and regulations for their guidance and for the Government of the City Parks as may be expedient and not inconsistent with the terms, provisions and spirit of this Chapter.
Editor's Note: Section 3 of Ord. No. 3304, adopted 12-21-2021 repealed all by-laws adopted by any board or commission of the City of Pacific, unless otherwise approved by the Board of Aldermen in a subsequent ordinance.
[Ord. No. 3185, 4-21-2020]
If an annual tax is not approved and levied for the establishment and maintenance of a free public park pursuant to Sections 90.500 through 90.570, RSMo., the Park Board of Directors shall serve as an advisory board to the Board of Aldermen. However, no expenditure for parks or recreation (except day to day expenses) may be approved by the Board of Aldermen before submission of such expenditure to the Park Board for a recommendation to the Board of Aldermen. The recommendation of the Park Board shall not be binding upon the Board of Aldermen.
Editor's Note: Former Sections 140.110, Personnel and 140.120, Report, were repealed 4-21-2020 by Ord. No. 3185.