[Rev. Ords. 1910 §§117-120, 124, 133; CC 1976 §30-42]
No owner or occupant of any building or property abutting on any sidewalk, street or avenue in the City shall erect, place or permit to be placed any sign, hitching post, awning or any other thing that is an obstruction to vehicular or pedestrian traffic in the City.
[CC 1976 §30-44]
No person shall construct, install, erect, build, affix or otherwise place any manner of fixed structure material or object, in under, on, through or above any right of way, or cause the same to be done, except after first securing a permit therefor.
[CC 1976 §30-45]
No permit shall be issued for any construction described in Section 525.250 if such construction when completed will thereafter directly hinder, obstruct or otherwise interfere with the free passage of persons or vehicles or the free flow of surface water in, upon or along the public right of way.
[CC 1976 §30-46]
Whenever any person shall desire to use temporarily a portion of any street, alley, sidewalk or parkway, the Commissioner of Public Works may issue to such person a permit to use a portion of such street, avenue, alley or parkway to such an extent and for such time as the Commissioner of Public Works shall find to be reasonably necessary.
[CC 1976 §30-47]
The owner of any building, or the contractor for its removal, or either of them, who shall suffer the same to be or remain in any of the streets or alleys upon any of the public grounds of the City for any time longer than may be specified in the permit issued by the Commissioner of Public Works, shall be deemed guilty of an offense.