[CC 1974 §24-48; Ord. No. 585 §1, 5-16-1960; Ord. No. 1331 §2, 4-13-1988; Ord. No. 1519 §1, 6-8-1994]
It shall be unlawful for any person to dig, excavate, tear up or open holes, pits or trenches in any of the public streets, highways, alleys or public easements within the corporate limits of the City of Richmond without first obtaining a permit and authority from the Director of Public Works authorizing such person to do so. The fee for each such permit issued under this Article shall be as detailed in the City's Comprehensive Fee Schedule, held on file in the City offices. Each excavation for which a permit is granted under this Article shall be completed within fifteen (15) working days from the date of the issuance of the permit therefor and, in the event of default thereof, a new permit shall be required before the excavation is made.
[Ord. No. 2569, 4-26-2022]
All excavations and street openings shall be opened and repaired in the following manner:
The excavations or openings shall be made as uniform as possible and the outline of the excavation shall be sawed.
All excavated materials shall be removed and disposed of, provided however, that any opening or excavation behind the curb may utilize the excavated materials as backfill if such procedure is approved by the Community Development Director and/or Director of Public Works.
All excavations and openings in streets shall be backfilled with crusher-run limestone of a size zero (0) to one and one-quarter (1¼) inch. Provided however, that backfill behind the curbs may be of suitable soil, subject to the approval of the Community Development Director and/or Director of Public Works. All backfill shall be compacted to the specifications and satisfaction of the Community Development Director and/or Director of Public Works. All such excavations and the backfill of thereof shall be inspected by the Community Development Director and/or Director of Public Works prior to the paving and final repair of such excavation.
All streets shall be sawed and excavated in accordance with (3) above to a depth of six (6) inches. Concrete shall be placed on top of crusher-run limestone to a smooth finish (broom finish) and crack sealer used on the seams. Cold asphalt may be used only in an emergency situation and on a temporary basis for just cause.
[CC 974 §24-49; Ord. No. 585 §1, 5-16-1960; Ord. No. 1116 §I, 4-8-1981; Ord. No. 1222 §2, 8-15-1984; Ord. No. 1267 §2, 3-19-1986; Ord. No. 1331 §3, 4-13-1988; Ord. No. 2508, 2-11-2020[1]]
No permit shall be issued pursuant to this Article until the applicant, except for a utility company, therefor submits a cash deposit, a cash performance bond, a surety bond, or a letter of credit acceptable to the City Attorney and submitted to the City Clerk in the amount as detailed in the City's Comprehensive Fee Schedule, held on file in the City offices.
[Ord. No. 2569, 4-26-2022]
In the event the applicant provides the financial security required by this Section by a cash deposit, said funds shall be provided in the form of a personal check, cashier check, certified check, or money order. Upon receipt by the City Clerk, said funds shall be promptly deposited by the City Collector in the City Treasury.
In the event the applicant is a utility company, no permit shall be issued pursuant to this Article until the applicant therefor submits and continuously maintains a cash performance bond, a surety bond, or a letter of credit, acceptable to the City Attorney and submitted to the City Clerk in the amount as detailed in the City's Comprehensive Fee Schedule, held on file in the City offices.
[Ord. No. 2569, 4-26-2022]
After the bond or letter of credit provided for in this Section is made by an applicant and in the event the City is required to use any part thereof, said applicant shall not be entitled to any further permits until such bond or letter of credit is restored to the originally required amount.
Editor's Note: Ord. No. 2508 also changed the title of this Section from "Performance Bond Required" to "Financial Security Required."
[CC 1974 §24-50; Ord. No. 585 §2, 5-16-1960; Ord. No. 1222 §3, 8-15-1984; Ord. No. 1331 §4, 4-13-1988; Ord. No. 2508, 2-11-2020]
Any person, corporation or entity desiring to excavate upon, at or along any City street, highway, alley or public easement or to dig therein or thereon to make any hole, pit or trench in said street, highway, alley or public easement shall notify the Director of Public Works in writing of his/her intention to do so at least forty-eight (48) hours before the proposed action is to be undertaken. Said application shall be in writing and signed by the person or corporation agent who is to do the actual work and signed by the owners of the property for whose benefit said work is to be undertaken. All owners of the property shall join and execute such application. Said application shall describe the proposed work to be performed. The Director of Public Works may promulgate forms to provide information necessary to determine whether to issue the permit.
Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section, in the event of an emergency caused by a telephone or powerline break, sewer or water line break or gas line break, affecting service or resulting in major failure of service, where it is essential for the protection of public property, health and safety, it shall be permissible to conduct excavations in the roadway of any street of the City, provided that the work is prosecuted continuously until the period of emergency has terminated, whereupon the provisions of this Chapter 510, Article II, shall again become effective. The Director of Public Works shall be the person responsible for declaring when such emergency has terminated. The Police Department and Director of Public Works shall be promptly notified of any emergency work performed hereunder on any City street. Any cash deposit, bond, or letter of credit required herein shall be deposited with the City Clerk on the next business day following the occurrence of such emergency.
[CC 1974 §24-51; Ord. No. 585 §3, 5-16-1960; Ord. No. 1222 §4, 8-15-1984; Ord. No. 1331 §5, 4-13-1988; Ord. No. 2508, 2-11-2020]
It shall be the duty of the Director of Public Works to make a survey of a proposed excavation project and determine the feasibility of the opening, digging or excavating; and if he/she is satisfied that the same is necessary and reasonable, he/she shall authorize the Director of Community Development to issue a permit for the work to be done, provided any person desiring to do such work has first deposited the necessary cash deposit, bond, or letter of credit with the City Clerk; and furthermore, provided that all necessary safeguards, lights, warning signals, blockades and signs for the welfare and protection of the public at large shall be maintained as ordered and directed by the Director of Public Works. Any permit that is issued shall describe the method to restore any street, alley, highway or public easement to its prior condition.
[CC 1974 §24-52; Ord. No. 585 §4, 5-16-1980; Ord. No. 1222 §5, 8-15-1984; Ord. No. 1331 §6, 4-13-1988; Ord. No. 2508, 2-11-2020]
If private individuals, business entities or corporations are to do the actual work of excavating or digging holes, trenches or openings in any street, highway, alley or public easement, they shall restore said highway, street, alley or public easement into a good condition by filling and closing the hole, trench or opening immediately following the fulfilling of the purpose for which it was opened. The Director of Public Works shall determine the proper method to restore the street, highway, alley or public easement, and the time limit within which such restoration shall be done, and shall be advised in advance when the work is to be performed. Furthermore, the making of any cut or excavation, the placing or repairing of facilities therein and the refilling of the cut or excavation shall be done as expeditiously as possible consistent with good construction practice and if the same is not so done, in the opinion of the Director of Public Works, the Director of Public Works shall have the right to perform or cause to be performed the remaining work and to charge the costs thereof against the cash deposit, bond, or letter of credit of the person to whom the permit was issued.
[CC 1974 §24-53; Ord. No. 585 §5, 5-16-1960; Ord. No. 2508, 2-11-2020[1]]
If any hole, trench or excavation is not completely filled, closed and restored to as good a condition as originally within the time limit established by the Director of Public Works but no later than thirty (30) to forty-five (45) days after completion of the excavation, then the Director of Public Works is hereby authorized to complete the work of filling and closing said hole, trench or excavation, and the Director of Public Works shall deduct the cost of the refilling and closing of said hole, trench or excavation, necessary to restore the street, highway, alley, or public easement to a satisfactory condition, from the cash deposit, bond, or letter of credit originally given by the person performing the work and return the balance of the cash deposit, bond, or letter of credit to said person.
Editor's Note: Ord. No. 2508 also changed the title of this Section from "Failure to Restore Surface — Work to Be Done by City — Cost to Be Charged Against Bond" to "Failure to Restore Surface — Work to Be Done by City — Cost to Be Charged Against Cash Deposit, Bond, or Letter of Credit."
[CC 1974 §24-54; Ord. No. 1512 §§1 — 2, 10-13-1993]
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation or any representative of any and all public and private utility companies to allow the installation of overhead utility lines, whether service lines or distribution lines, within the City.
Any person, firm or corporation or representative of any utility company, public or private, found to be in violation of allowing the installation of overhead service or distribution lines within the City shall be found guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00) and or imprisonment not to exceed three (3) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each day violation occurs shall constitute a separate violation; and fines and imprisonment shall run concurrently according to the number of violations.
[Ord. No. 2637, 2-13-2024]
The purpose of this Section is to establish standards for design professionals and utility companies to follow in the installation of underground utilities within the City of Richmond.
As used in this Section, the following terms shall have these prescribed meanings:
A tube or duct to enclose wires or cables.
Either direct burial type of mains or conduit.
Principal pipes or conduits in a system for conveying a utility to customer point of service.
Cylinder duct or tube for conveying fluids or a gas.
Cable, communications, electric, gas, sewer, water.
An insulated copper tracer wire no smaller than eighteen (18) AWG shall be installed within six (6) inches of all non-metallic utility pipes, conduit, lines or mains if over twelve (12) inches diameter. Tracer wire shall be secured to all non-metallic utility pipes, conduit, lines or mains twelve (12) inches in diameter or less. All tracer wire shall be made accessible for connection.