July 8, 1890
MGL c. 83, §§ 25 to 27
Betterment Act
August 21, 1893
MGL c. 81, §§ 1 to 5, 7, 9, 12, 13 and 16
Betterment Act
June 18, 1909
MGL c. 136, § 6
Regulating sales on Lord's Day
November 25, 1910
MGL c. 32, § 83
Pensions to police officers
December 14, 1911
MGL c. 147, § 15
Vacations for police
May 8, 1912
MGL c. 139, §§ 1 to 3
Common nuisances
December 9, 1912
MGL c. 71, § 71
Use of halls in school buildings
February 5, 1913
MGL c. 143, § 3
Authorizing cities to regulate use of buildings for protection of public health and morals
October 6, 1913
MGL c. 82, § 37
Laying out and discontinuing ways and damages caused by taking land for public uses
February 2, 1914
MGL c. 80, § 13
Apportionment of sidewalks assessments and payment of interest thereon
May 4, 1914
MGL c. 80, § 13
Apportionment of sewer assessments and payment of interest thereon
August 30, 1915
MGL c. 111, § 126
Preservation of public health
June 7, 1917
MGL c. 159A, §§ 1, 6 and 12
Jitney Act
July 12, 1917
MGL c. 143, §§ 6 to 12
Building inspection
April 5, 1920
MGL c. 32, §§ 44 and 45
Pensions for school janitors
September 9, 1920
MGL c. 22, § 12; c. 147, §§ 32 to 51
Boxing commission
May 2, 1921
MGL c. 32, § 52
Retirement of Civil War veterans
December 30, 1922
MGL c. 32, § 89
Annuities for families of police officers dead as a result of injuries on duty
April 16, 1923
MGL c. 41, § 34A
Board of public welfare
July 16, 1923.
MGL c. 40, §§ 42A to 42F
Collection of water rates
May 19, 1924
MGL c. 32, § 77B
Pensions to foremen
April 21, 1925
MGL c. 51, § 14A
Police listing
August 10, 1925
MGL c. 148, § 6
Removal of combustible material
June 28, 1926
MGL c. 32, § 77B
Pensions to foremen
December 10, 1928
MGL c. 136, §§ 2 and 21 and 28
Sunday sports and games
May 27, 1929
MGL c. 139, §§ 1 to 3
Burnt and dangerous buildings
November 17, 1930
MGL c. 40, § 6B
Uniforms for police and firemen
June 1, 1931
MGL c. 136, § 21
Time of games on Lord's Day
October 5, 1931
MGL c. 48, §§ 56B to 59D
Reserve forces in fire department
July 17, 1933
MGL c. 32, §§ 56 to 59
Retirement of Spanish and World War I veterans
December 31, 1934
MGL c. 31
Relating to labor service
April 6, 1936
MGL c. 32, § 88; c. 48, § 83
Compensation to widows and children of firemen
June 15, 1936
MGL c. 41, § 100A
Indemnification of employees for damages arising out of operation of motor vehicles
August 2, 1937
MGL c. 147, § 16A
1 day off in 7 for police officers
June 21, 1938
MGL c. 32, § 77C
Pensions for foremen, inspectors, etc.
April 8, 1940
MGL c. 147, § 16
1 day off in every 6 for police officers
September 16, 1940
MGL c. 148, § 56
Licensing open air parking spaces
December 27, 1940
MGL c. 48, § 59E
Abolishing reserve fire department
February 2, 1942
MGL c. 48, § 58A
70 hour duty for firemen
March 16, 1942
MGL c. 33, § 54
Payment of persons in employment of City during time of service in militia
October 5, 1942
MGL c. 85, § 11A
Registration of bicycles
March 10, 1944
MGL c. 40, §§ 27A and 30A
Prevention of multiplicity of proposals for zoning changes
November 6, 1944
Gen. Acts of 1943, Ch. 499
Vacations for employees in military service
April 2, 1945
MGL c. 41, § 111B
Sick leave for laborers
April 30, 1945
MGL c. 54, § 103A
Absent voting in City elections
April 30, 1945
Gen. Acts of 1945, Ch. 166
Absent voting for members of armed forces
October 1, 1945
MGL c. 32, § 45A
Retirement allowances for school janitors
October 15, 1945
MGL c. 44, § 65
Vacation pay
December 3, 1945
MGL c. 32, §§ 26 to 31H
Contributory pensions
June 3, 1946
MGL c. 48, § 59E
Abolishing police reserve forces
October 7, 1946
MGL c. 32, § 1
Pension increases to former public employees
November 4, 1946
MGL c. 32, §§ 85E and 85F
Retirement from fire and police departments
April 14, 1947
MGL c. 136, § 4B
Sunday bowling
May 12, 1948
MGL c. 149, § 33A
Forty hour week for certain City employees
December 26, 1950
MGL c. 41, §§ 81A to 81Y
Planning Board
January 12, 1953
MGL c. 152, § 69
Workingmen's compensation
July 24, 1953
Gen. Acts of 1953, Ch. 434
Rent control
June 21, 1954
MGL c. 111, §§ 26A to 26E
Health Commissioner
December 19, 1954
Gen. Acts of 1954, Ch. 268
Retirement credit for reserve police and firefighters
March 5, 1956
Gen. Acts of 1955, Ch. 760
Group insurance
March 26, 1956
Gen. Acts of 1956, Ch. 760
Accepting 32B
April 15, 1956
Gen. Acts of 1956, Ch. 605
Pension increases
August 8, 1956
Gen. Acts of 1956, Ch. 374
Pensions for widows of police
December 3, 1956
Gen. Acts of 1956, Ch. 629
Civil service amendment
May 6, 1957
Gen. Acts of 1957, Ch. 58
Facsimile countersignatures
December 10, 1958
Gen. Acts of 1957, Ch. 750
Pensions for widows of laborers
October 5, 1959
MGL c. 140, § 185H
Licensing and police supervision of dancing schools. License fee, $5
March 6, 1961
Gen. Acts of 1959, Ch. 595
City pay 1/2 group insurance of retired employees
March 20, 1961
MGL c. 149, § 33B
Overtime pay for City employees
September 21, 1961
Gen. Acts of 1961, Ch. 319
Repair of private ways
September 4, 1962
MGL c. 32, § 95A
Annuities to surviving spouse or children of policemen and firemen
September 24, 1962
Gen. Acts of 1962, Ch. 386
Additional pay for City clerks
May 6, 1963
Gen. Acts of 1962, Ch. 647
Blue Cross and Blue Shield for retired employees
May 22, 1963
MGL c. 40, § 8A, as amended
Development and industrial commission
July 11, 1963
Gen. Acts of 1963, Ch. 149
Extra creditable service for police and firefighters
November 18, 1963
Gen. Acts of 1963, Ch. 478
Additional pension allowances
December 2, 1963
Gen. Acts of 1962, Ch. 249
Regulating the issuance of nomination papers
December 2, 1963
Gen. Acts of 1962, Ch. 409
Regulating jaywalking, so-called
March 2, 1964
Gen. Acts of 1963, Ch. 608, § 29A
Construction of sea walls on private property
June 30, 1964
Gen. Acts of 1960, Ch. 239, § 77
Laborers' pensions
March 1, 1965
Gen. Acts of 1960, Ch. 289, § 77B
Increased pensions for employees forced to retire at 70
March 1, 1965
Gen. Acts of 1964, Ch. 486
Increased pensions for certain former public employees
April 22, 1965
MGL c. 32, § 77B
Effective January 1, 1966, for all persons retired after October 1, 1962
July 16, 1965
MGL c. 40, § 83
Conservation commission
December 8, 1965
MGL c. 90, § 200
Noncriminal disposition of parking violations
March 24, 1966
MGL c. 48, § 67E
Fire Chief to receive additional pay for holiday while on duty
March 24, 1966
MGL c. 48, § 57F
Police Chief to receive additional pay for holiday while on duty
April 3, 1966
MGL c. 71, § 46B
Cities and towns to provide transportation for retarded and handicapped children to and from school
April 3, 1966
Gen. Acts of 1961, Ch. 552
Widows of deceased employees to receive $1,500 per year provided the deceased employee had 14 years of creditable service
April 3, 1966
Gen. Acts of 1965, Ch. 539
Member of the noncontributory pension plan who was promoted to a supervisory position retains pension rights
April 20, 1966
Gen. Acts of 1965, Ch. 735
Vacation rights of employees
May 9, 1966
Gen. Acts of 1965, Ch. 405
Cities and towns authorized to change the position of sealer and deputy sealer of weights and measures to inspector and deputy inspector of weights and measures
June 8, 1966
Gen. Acts of 1965, Ch. 277
Noncontributory pension paid to certain former policemen be increased
June 8, 1966
Gen. Acts of 1965, Ch. 278
Noncontributory pension paid to certain former firefighters be increased
July 20, 1966
MGL c. 32, § 90A
Increasing allowances of former employees retired on account of accidental disability
October 17, 1967
Gen. Acts of 1967, Ch. 400
Increasing retirement allowance of policemen and firefighters who retired under the Veterans Retirement Act
January 17, 1968
Gen. Acts of 1967, Ch. 430
Authorizing cities and towns to employ police cadets
February 20, 1969
Gen. Acts of 1967, Ch. 611, § 8A
The grantee of real estate shall notify the City or town Assessors of the name and address of the purchaser of such property
June 5, 1969
Gen. Acts of 1965, Ch. 452
Forty-two hour work week for firefighters
August 12, 1969
MGL c. 140, § 47
License required for coffee house or tea house, so-called
November 18, 1971
Gen. Acts of 1970, Ch. 835
Police career incentive base salary increases
December 2, 1971
MGL c. 32, § 11D
Accidental death insurance for policemen and firemen killed in line of duty
December 2, 1971
MGL c. 90, § 20C
"No-fix" parking rule
December 2, 1971
MGL c. 147, § 10F
Parking control officers
September 8, 1972
Gen. Acts of 1960, Ch. 100
Local governmental unit contribution for group insurance covering certain employees
April 9, 1973
Gen. Acts of 1972, Ch. 763
Increase in group life insurance benefits to retired employees
April 9, 1973
MGL c. 44, § 53C
Revolving fund for police details
November 20, 1973
MGL c. 32B, § 8A
Use of dividends or refunds to reduce the employees share of premium costs
April 3, 1974
MGL c. 32, § 90C
Increasing allowance of former employees retired on superannuation
May 14, 1975
Gen. Acts of 1973, Ch. 448
Removal of gravestones and other memorials for the purposes of repair or reproduction
June 19, 1978
Ch. 40, § 6H
Private ways—Repairs and liability
December 4, 1978
Ch. 148, § 26C
Installation of automatic smoke or heat detectors in hotels, lodging houses, etc.
July 30, 1980
Acts of 1977, Ch. 612
Increasing fine on traffic violators failing to respond within 21 days of notice
September 2, 1980
MGL c. 32B, § 16
Optional insurance for services of health care organizations
May 18, 1981
MGL c. 71, § 71E
Payment of school personnel salaries from income received from rental of school buildings
June 30, 1981
MGL c. 71, § 71E
Payment of park & recreation salaries from income received from rental of park & recreation facilities
August 27, 1981
Ch. 90, § 20A
An act to designate or appoint a parking Clerk in the City
November 16, 1981
Ch. 351, § 83
Increasing license for automatic amusement devices from $20 to $100
November 16, 1981
Increasing license for innholders and restaurants from $5 to $50
December 21, 1981
Acts of 1981, Ch. 606
Further regulating the operation of certain premises licensed to sell alcoholic beverages
September 7, 1982
MGL c. 148, § 26E
Local option for smoke detectors in private dwellings
December 6, 1982
MGL c. 32B, § 10A
Provision of dental benefits for certain persons in the service of the City and their dependents
December 20, 1982
MGL c. 44, § 64
Payment of bills incurred in excess of appropriation
May 16, 1983
Acts of 1982, Ch. 597 amended MGL c. 60A, § 1
Exemption from motor vehicle excise tax for vehicles owned by a former prisoner of war
May 16, 1983
MGL c. 180, § 17A
Authorizing treasurer-collector to make deductions on account of union dues and to pay such dues to the treasurers of the respective unions
January 17, 1984
MGL c. 59, § 5
Accepting clauses seventeenth C, thirty-seventh A and forty-first B
March 13, 1984
MGL c. 40, § 8J
Authorizing the establishment of a commission on handicapped affairs
May 21, 1984
Acts of 1982, Ch. 545, MGL c. 148, § 26G
Further regulating the installation of automatic sprinkler systems
November 5, 1984
MGL c. 60, § 106
Requiring a single payment of property taxes which are less than $25
December 2, 1985
MGL c. 71, § 71F
School department may retain funds received as tuition payments for nonresident students and as reimbursements for students who are foster care children. Pertains to vocational technical school only
March 17, 1986
Acts of 1985, Ch. 640
Relative to the granting or renewing of certain licenses and permits in cities and towns
March 17, 1986
Acts of 1985, Ch. 727
Further regulating real estate exemptions of organizations of veterans of war
March 17, 1986
MGL c. 40, § 4G
Advertising municipal contracts prior to award
April 22, 1986
Acts of 1985, Ch. 308
Authorizing cities and towns to assume responsibility for dog licensing, control and regulation
May 5, 1986
Acts of 1985, Ch. 275
Relative to water conservation
May 5, 1986
Acts of 1985, Ch. 188, § 13
Establishing a professional development grant program for the purpose of supplementing teacher compensation in cities, towns and regional school districts, educational collaborative or independent vocational schools
May 5, 1986
Acts of 1985, Ch. 188, §§ 16 and 17
$18,000 minimum salary
June 2, 1986
Acts of 1985, Ch. 598
Relative to unpaid real estate bills—interest
September 2, 1986
Acts of 1985, Ch. 811
Authorizing provision of grant funds under Public Works Economic Development Program
March 16, 1987
MGL c. 59, § 5, clauses 17D and 41, as amended by Acts and Resolves of 1986, Ch. 73, §§ 1 and 2
September 8, 1987
Acts of 1987, Ch. 273
Certain creditable service for certain employees in the public retirement system
October 19, 1987
MGL c. 152, as amended by Acts of 1985, Ch. 572
Workers' compensation
April 19, 1988
MGL c. 71, § 40
Establishing a minimum salary for teachers
May 16, 1988
Acts of 1988, Ch. 697, § 107
Allowing employees who reach the age of 70 to continue to contribute to the retirement system until they leave the employment of the City
Acts of 1987, Ch. 499
Real estate abatement for veterans organization
March 6, 1989
MGL c. 148, § 26H
Automatic sprinkler systems in lodging or boarding houses
MGL c. 40, § 8G
Mutual police aid programs
MGL c. 32, § 22D
Removes $30,000 cap on retirement benefits
MGL c. 71, § 71E
Establishing a revolving account for Quincy summer school/extended school year/school day program
MGL c. 148, § 26I
Automatic sprinkler system in new construction
MGL c. 166, § 32A
Permitting Wire Inspector to work as an electrician
May 6, 1991
MGL c. 59, § 57C
Providing for the establishment of a quarterly tax payment system
May 20, 1991
MGL c. 41, § 41B
Payment of public employees by direct bank credits
MGL c. 268A, § 1
Conservation Commission members classified as special municipal employees
October 7, 1991
Acts of 1991, Ch. 223
Replacing Acts of 1991, Ch. 138, § 231; amending MGL c. 44 §§ 56 and 56A and Ch. 71, § 40 (teachers' summer pay deferral)
November 4, 1991
Acts of 1990, Ch. 291
Allowing receipt of enhanced 9-1-1 service, including no-cost benefits for early acceptance
February 18, 1992
MGL c. 32, § 90G 3/4
Relating to creditable service toward retirement for employees over 70 years of age
February 18, 1992
MGL c. 38, §§ 121 and 122
Regarding the Medicare Extension Plan
MGL c. 53, § 9A
Nomination papers
MGL c. 148, § 56
Parking space business, licenses, fees, etc.
Acts of 1993, Ch. 71, § 83
Teachers early retirement incentive program
September 18, 1995
MGL c. 32, § 20
Retirement Board members' compensation
MGL c. 54, § 34
Electronic voting systems
MGL c. 12, § 99
Advance payments for retirement allowance
Acts of 1991, Ch. 138, § 126
Raising from $20,000 to $40,000 the amount of income a senior citizen may have before they would be barred from participation in the property tax deferral program
August 22, 1996
Acts of 1996, Ch. 71
Certain public employees creditable retirement service time for active service in armed forces
September 18, 1997
Acts of 1997, Ch. 17
COLA for retirees
September 8, 1998
Acts of 1998, Ch. 194, § 288
Benefits of retirees
February 1, 1999
Acts of 1998, Ch. 456
COLA to noncontributory retirees
May 3, 1999
Acts of 1989, Ch. 653, § 40
November 15, 1999
MGL c. 33, § 59
Effect of military service on salary and vacation allowance
January 18, 2000
Acts of 1999, Ch. 127, § 51
Acts of 1999, Ch. 158
One-week extension of due date for tax payments and filing application for abatements
Acts of 2001, Ch. 203, § 19
Extending the time for mailing fiscal year 2002 tax bills
MGL c. 59, § 17E
COLA to tax exemptions/abatements for senior citizens, surviving spouses and more
May 20, 2002
Acts of 2002, Ch. 116
Local government workforce reduction through an early retirement incentive program
§ 6 of An Act Providing for Local Government Workforce Reduction Through an Early Retirement Incentive Program for Certain Employees
MGL c. 60, § 3C
City education fund
March 3, 2003
MGL c. 32B, § 9I
Provide health benefits for City employees called to active military service
MGL c. 258, § 13
Indemnity of municipal officials
October 20, 2003
Acts of 2003, § 116
Early retirement incentive program
MGL c. 40, § 42J
Deferral of water charges for senior citizens
Acts of 2005, Ch. 157, § 1
Disability retirement benefits for veterans
Acts of 2005, Ch. 157, § 2
Disability retirement benefits for veterans
§ 5 of Ch. 5 of Subsection 41A as amended by § I of Ch. 136 of the Acts of 2005
MGL c. 39, § 23D
Adjudicatory hearings of all municipal boards
MGL c. 44, § 53F 1/2
Establishing sewer-water-drain service as an enterprise fund effective as of fiscal year 2008
MGL c. 59, § 5L
Temporary tax deferment to members of the MA National Guard, reservists
MGL c. 32B, § 19
Transferring City employees to the GIC
MGL c. 44, § 53E 1/2
Establishing a revolving account for the Park and Recreation Department
MGL c. 60, § 3D
Aid to elderly and disabled taxation fund
Acts of 2009, Ch. 183
To extend the time for mailing actual tax bills for fiscal year 2010
MGL c. 64L, § 2(a)
Local meals tax
Appendix 120.AA
Stretch Code
MGL c. 59, § 5L
Deferring taxes for 3 years for MA National Guard
MGL c. 71, § 37M
Consolidation of administrative functions with city and town public schools
MGL c. 59, § 5N
Reduction of property tax obligation of veteran in exchange for volunteer services
MGL c. 32B, § 20
Other Post-Employment Benefits Liability Trust Fund
June 18, 2012 (Order No. 2012-118)
MGL c. 59, § 5N
Reduction of property tax obligation of veteran in exchange for volunteer services
June 18, 2013 (Order No. 2013-076)
MGL c. 44B, § 3 (acceptance amended)
Community preservation
November 10, 2014 (Order No. 2014-224)
MGL c. 40U
Collection of unpaid municipal fines
June 15, 2015 (Order No. 2015-101)
MGL c. 44, § 53E 1/2
Establish revolving account for the Department of Public Works for drainage consulting, inspection and maintenance fees
May 15, 2017 (Order No. 2016-287)
§ 193 of Ch. 218 of the Acts of 2016
An Act Modernizing Municipal Finance and Government (provision allows for a community to establish a fundamental speed limit of 25 miles per hour on public ways)
November 13, 2017 (Order No. 2017-177)
MGL c. 40, § 8G
Authorizing Chief of Police to enter into mutual aid agreements
March 15, 2021 (Order No. 2020-126)
MGL c. 64G, § 3A
Adopting a local room occupancy excise on short-term residential rentals at the rate of 6% of the total amount of rent for each such occupancy
March 15, 2021 (Order No. 2020-127)
MGL c. 64G, § 3D(a)
Adopting a community impact fee on short-term residential rentals at the rate of 3% of the total amount of rent upon each transfer of occupancy of a professionally managed unit located in the City of Quincy
March 15, 2021 (Order No. 2020-128)
MGL c. 64G, § 3D(b)
Adopting a community impact fee on short-term residential rentals at the rate of 3% of the total amount of rent upon each transfer of occupancy of a short-term unit located within a two-family or three-family dwelling located in the City of Quincy that includes an operator's primary residence
December 5, 1899
MGL c. 149, § 31
Eight hour day for City employees
November 3, 1903
MGL c. 53, § 24
Providing joint caucuses for all political parties
December 1, 1908
MGL c. 45, §§ 15 and 16
Public playgrounds for cities
December 7, 1909
MGL c. 32, §§ 81 and 82
Pensions for firemen
November 5, 1912
MGL c. 32, § 77
Pensioning laborers
December 3, 1912
MGL c. 143, § 3
Inspection of buildings
December 2, 1913
MGL c. 48, §§ 36 and 37
Promotion of call men in fire department
December 2, 1913
MGL c. 152, §§ 69 to 74
Compensation of laborers
November 3, 1914
MGL c. 41, § 111
Vacations for laborers
November 7, 1916
MGL c. 74, §§ 15 to 17
Schools for agriculture
November 7, 1916
MGL c. 43, §§ 1 to 44 and 46 to 55
Plan-A-City Charter
December 4, 1917
MGL c. 48, § 58
Tenure of office of chief of the fire department
November 4, 1919
MGL c. 48, § 59
2 platoon system of firemen
November 4, 1919
MGL c. 71, §§ 21 to 26
Continuation schools
December 7, 1920
MGL c. 136, §§ 21 to 25
Sunday sports
December 7, 1920
MGL c. 22, § 12; c. 147, §§ 32 to 51
Boxing commission
November 2, 1926
MGL c. 43, §§ 44A to 44G
Preliminary City election
December 7, 1937
MGL c. 41, § 103
Establishing purchasing department
November 4, 1947
MGL c. 48, § 58B
Forty-eight hours for firemen
November 4, 1947
MGL c. 71, § 40
Equal pay for men and women teachers
November 4, 1947
MGL c. 43, §§ 9 to 11
Acceptance of Plan E Charter
November 8, 1955
MGL c. 43, §§ 9 to 11
Acceptance of Plan E Charter
November 5, 1957
Gen. Acts of 1956, Ch. 349
Five-day week for police officers