In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and sections of the 1993 Code have been included in the 2020 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Repealed effective with adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, Art. II.
New legislation is pending.
Title/Chapter From 1993 Code
Location in 2020 Code
Title 1, General Provisions
Ch. 1.01, Code Adoption (Reserved)
Ch. 1.04, General Provisions (Reserved)
Ch. 1.08, City Seal
Ch. 44, Art. I
Ch. 1.12, Municipal Standard and City Flag
Ch. 44, Art. II
Ch. 1.16, General Penalties
Ch. 1, Art. I
Title 2, Administration and Personnel
Ch. 2.04, City Branches, Departments and Divisions
Ch. 5, Art. I
Ch. 2.08, City Council
Ch. 19
Ch. 2.10, City Council Members
Ch. 19
Ch. 2.12, Clerk of Committees
Ch. 66, Art. I
Ch. 2.14, City Council Office Administrative Staff
Ch. 66, Art. XIII
Ch. 2.16, City Clerk
§§ 2.16.010 to 2.16.050
Ch. 66, Art. II
§ 2.16.060 (fees)
NLP; see Ch. 150
Ch. 2.18, Department of Municipal Finance
Ch. 25, Art. VIII
Ch. 2.20, City Auditor
Ch. 66, Art. III
Ch. 2.24, City Solicitor
Ch. 66, Art. IV
Ch. 2.28, Treasurer and Collector
Ch. 66, Art. V
Ch. 2.36, Public Works
§§ 2.36.010 to 2.36.030
Ch. 66, Art. VI
§ 2.36.040
Ch. 66, Art. VII
§§ 2.36.050 to 2.36.070
Ch. 66, Art. XI
Ch. 2.38, Natural Resources
Ch. 25, Art. X
Ch. 2.40, Health Commissioner
§§ 2.40.010 to 2.40.050
Ch. 66, Art. VIII
§ 2.40.060 (fees)
NLP; see Ch. 150
Ch. 2.44, Budget Coordinator
Repealed by Order No. 2008-272; see Ch. 25, Art. VIII
Ch. 2.48, Purchasing Agent
Ch. 66, Art. XII
Ch. 2.52, Department of Inspections
Ch. 25, Art. VI
Ch. 2.52, Department of Constituent Services
Ch. 25, Art. VII
Ch. 2.56, Harbor Master
Ch. 66, Art. IX
Ch. 2.60, Director of Veterans' Services
Ch. 66, Art. X
Ch. 2.68, Police Department
Ch. 25, Art. I
Ch. 2.72, Fire Department
§§ 2.72.010 to 2.72.180, 2.72.200 to 2.72.220
Ch. 25, Art. II
§ 2.72.190 (fees)
NLP; see Ch. 150
Ch. 2.76, Department of Data Processing
Ch. 25, Art. III
Ch. 2.80, Department of Traffic Engineering and Control
Ch. 25, Art. IV
Ch. 2.84, Communication Division
Ch. 25, Art. I
Ch. 2.88, Emergency Management
Ch. 25, Art. V
Ch. 2.92, Planning Board
Ch. 12, Art. I
Ch. 2.96, Board of Assessors
Ch. 12, Art. II
Ch. 2.100, Board of Registrars of Voters
Ch. 12, Art. III
Ch. 2.104, Board of Managers of Hospital Department
Ch. 2.108, Board of Managers of Elizabeth Serposs Clinic
Ch. 12, Art. IV
Ch. 2.116, Conservation Commission
Ch. 12, Art. V
Ch. 2.117, Recycling Commission
Ch. 12, Art. XI
Ch. 2.120, Commission on Disability
Ch. 12, Art. VI
Ch. 2.124, Quincy Historical Commission
Ch. 180, Art. I
Ch. 2.128, Rent Grievance Board
Ch. 2.132, Traffic Commission
Ch. 12, Art. VII
Ch. 2.136, Council for Aging
Ch. 12, Art. VIII
Ch. 2.137, Commission on the Family
Ch. 12, Art. X
Ch. 2.138, Community Oriented Policing and Problem Solving Commission
Ch. 12, Art. XII
Ch. 2.140, Adams Academy
Ch. 89, Art. I
Ch. 2.144, Adams Temple and School Fund
Ch. 89, Art. II
Ch. 2.148, Job Classifications and Salaries
Ch. 72, Art. I
Ch. 2.150, Human Rights Commission
Ch. 12, Art. IX
Ch. 2.154, Education Fund Committee
Ch. 12, Art. XIII
Ch. 2.256, Community Preservation Act
Ch. 12, Art. XIV
Title 3, Revenue and Finance
Ch. 3.04, Fiscal Year
Ch. 34, Art. I
Ch. 3.08, Assessment Procedures
Ch. 34, Art. II
Ch. 3.12, City Leases, Conveyances and Contracts
Ch. 78, Art. I
Ch. 3.16, Purchases of City-Owned Land
Ch. 78, Art. II
Ch. 3.20, Department Revolving Funds
Ch. 34, Art. III
Title 4 (Reserved)
Title 5, Business Licenses and Regulations
Ch. 5.04, Licenses and Permits
Ch. 196, Art. I
Ch. 5.08, Gas Stations
Ch. 163
Ch. 5.12, Hackney Carriages
Ch. 330, Art. I
Ch. 5.14, Liveries and Limousines
Ch. 330, Art. II
Ch. 5.16, Solicitors and Canvassers
Ch. 234, Art. I
Ch. 5.20, Hawkers and Peddlers
Ch. 234, Art. II
Ch. 5.24, Junk and Secondhand Dealers
Ch. 189
Ch. 5.28, Precious Metal Dealers
Ch. 240
Ch. 5.32, Pawnbrokers
Ch. 226
Ch. 5.36, Public Concerts, Dancers and Other Entertainments
Ch. 138
Ch. 5.40, Miscellaneous Business License Fees and Regulations
Ch. 196, Art. II
Ch. 5.44, Shopping Carts
Ch. 282
Title 6, Animals
Ch. 6.04, Dogs and Animals Generally
Ch. 113, Art. III
Title 7 (Reserved)
Title 8, Health and Safety
Ch. 8.04, Fire Alarm Systems
Ch. 105, Art. I
Ch. 8.08, Flammable Liquids
Ch. 175, Art. I
Ch. 8.12, Garbage Collection and Disposal
Ch. 293, Art. I
Ch. 8.16, Quincy Disposal Facility
Ch. 293, Art. II
Ch. 8.20, Infectious Waste Disposal
Ch. 175, Art. II
Ch. 8.24, Petroleum and Petroleum Products
Ch. 175, Art. III
Ch. 8.28, Smoking
Ch. 8.30, Access of Tobacco Products to Minors
Ch. 288, Art. I
Ch. 8.31, Pharmacy Posting Requirements for Municipal Prescription Drug Disposal Facilities
Ch. 175, Art. V
Ch. 8.32, Miscellaneous Health Regulations
Ch. 270, Art. II
Ch. 8.38, Synthetic Drugs
Ch. 134, Art. I
Ch. 8.36, Body Piercing
Ch. 124
Ch. 8.37, Bodywork
Ch. 126
Ch. 8.40, Neighborhood Property Preservation
Ch. 244, Art. I
Ch. 8.44, Maintenance of Residential Properties
Ch. 244, Art. II
Title 9, Public Peace and General Welfare
Ch. 9.04, Alcoholic Beverages
Ch. 109
Ch. 9.08, Offenses Against Public Peace and Decency
Ch. 230
Ch. 9.12, Offenses Relating to Property
§§ 9.12.010 and 9.12.020
Ch. 101
§ 9.12.030
Ch. 205
§ 9.12.040
Ch. 230
§§ 9.12.050, 9.12.060 and 9.12.170
Ch. 155
§§ 9.12.070 to 9.12.110, 9.12.150 and 9.12.160
Ch. 253
§§ 9.12.120, 9.12.130 and 9.12.140
Ch. 344
§§ 9.12.180 and 9.12.190
Ch. 261
Ch. 9.16, Offenses By or Against Minors
Ch. 208
Ch. 9.20, Noise Ordinance; Registered Sex Offender Restrictions
Ch. 215; Ch. 274
Title 10, Vehicles and Traffic
Ch. 325
Title 11 (Reserved)
Title 12, Streets, Sidewalks and Public Places
Ch. 12.04, Street and Sidewalk Construction and Maintenance
Ch. 305, Art. I
Ch. 12.08, Street and Sidewalk use Regulations
Ch. 305, Art. II
Ch. 12.12, Public Places and Playgrounds
Ch. 222
Ch. 12.16, Regulation of City Waterways
Ch. 120, Art. I
Ch. 12.20, School Grounds
Ch. 266
Ch. 12.24, City Harbor
Ch. 120, Art. II
Ch. 12.26, Mooring Permits
Ch. 120, Art. III
Ch. 12.28, Public Construction Projects
Ch. 249, Art. I
Title 13, Public Services
Ch. 13.04, Water Service System
Ch. 270, Art. III
Ch. 13.08, Sewer Service System
Ch. 270, Art. II
Ch. 13.10, Storm Drain System
Ch. 300, Art. I
Ch. 13.12, Utilities Permitting
Ch. 319
Ch. 13.14, Storm Water Management and Land Disturbance
Ch. 300, Art. II
Ch. 13.16, Post-Construction Stormwater Management
Repealed by Order No. 2015-103
Title 14 (Reserved)
Title 15, Buildings and Construction
Ch. 15.04, Building Permit Fees
NLP; see Ch. 150
Ch. 15.08, Plumbing and Gas Permit Fees
NLP; see Ch. 150
Ch. 15.12, Electrical Permits
§§ 15.12.010 to 15.12.040
Ch. 136
§ 15.12.050 (fees)
NLP; see Ch. 150
Ch. 15.16, Sewerage Rehabilitation Fund
Ch. 270, Art. I
Ch. 15.20, Numbering of Buildings
Ch. 129
Ch. 15.24, Historical Districts
Ch. 180, Art. II
Ch. 15.26, Responsible Employer
Invalidated by Court
Ch. 15.28, Wage Theft Prevention
Ch. 78, Art. III
Title 16 (Reserved)
Title 17, Zoning
Ch. 375
Title 18, Environmental Protection
Ch. 18.04, Shellfish and Seaworms
Ch. 278
Ch. 18.08, Wetlands Protection Regulations
Ch. 349
Ch. 18.12, Feeding of Waterfowl
Ch. 113, Art. I
Ch. 18.16, Environmental Assessment and Control for City Project
Ch. 175, Art. IV
Ch. 18.20, Tree Protection
Ch. 311
Ch. 18.30, Disposal Plastic Retail Shopping Bags
Ch. 293, Art. III