[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Quincy as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 5-17-1993 as Ch. 12.28 of the 1993 Code]
Ratio. On any construction project funded in whole or in part by City funds, funds from a federal grant or loan, or City-approved Massachusetts Industrial Finance Agency (MIFA) applications, or projects for which the City administers the construction contract, and when a project has a projected cost of more than $250,000, residents of Quincy who are qualified to perform the work to which the employment relates shall be given preference in hiring on a one of every three ratio, after the employer's foreman or supervisor and two key employees have been employed for a one-week payroll period.
Posting of advertisements. Prior to entering into a construction agreement involving more than $250,000, the owner, developer or contractor shall place a reasonable size advertisement, at least three inches by five inches in size, at least twice, in at least one newspaper having a local distribution, on a craft-by-craft basis, indicating that bids are sought and that qualified residents of Quincy shall be given preference consideration in hiring on a three-to-one ratio.
Definition. For purposes of this article, a resident of Quincy means an individual who is domiciled in the City. Individuals who temporarily live in the City during the term of the project shall not be considered residents of Quincy for the purposes of this article.
In any project with a projected cost of more than $250,000, companies receiving public assistance through the financing agencies listed in § 249-1A should be in concurrence with the prevailing wages in the area, including wages in the Davis-Bacon Act. No revenue bond applications are to be approved unless the applicant agrees to all of the aforementioned conditions.
[Amended 6-1-2020 by Order No. 2020-012]
Minorities and women shall additionally be accorded preference for their hiring, as provided for in the federal, state or municipal laws. This provision shall either be included or provisions requiring the same will be deemed included in all construction agreements.
[Amended 6-1-2020 by Order No. 2020-012]
Any bidder for work covered by this article must notify the Quincy Equal Opportunity Administrator of the names and addresses of any individuals currently employed by the bidder who are not residents of Quincy and who the bidder intends to employ on the project. Such notice shall be in writing at least 48 hours prior to the opening of the bids. Failure to so notify the Administrator shall be deemed an admission by the bidder that the composition of the workforce for the project will not be in accordance with § 249-1A.
The Quincy Equal Opportunity Administrator will be furnished copies of names and home addresses of employees, upon request, and will be furnished such other proof of compliance as said Administrator may request, upon written request for the same, within seven days of such request.
This article shall be enforced by the Commissioner of Public Works or his designee in conjunction with the Quincy Equal Opportunity Administrator. A fine of $300 shall be levied and withheld from the payment of any contractor who violates this article for each day the contract remains in violation.
[Added by Order No. 97-104]
All bidders and all subcontractors under the bidder for projects subject to MGL c. 149, § 44A(2), shall, as a condition precedent for bidding, substantially agree in writing that they shall comply with the following obligations:
The bidder and all subcontractors under the bidder must maintain or participate in a bona fide apprentice training program as defined by MGL c. 23, §§ 11H and 11I, for each apprenticeable trade or occupation represented in their workforce that is approved by the Division of Apprentice Training of the Department of Labor Standards and must abide by the apprentice to journeymen ratio for each trade prescribed therein in the performance of the contract.
[Amended 6-1-2020 by Order No. 2020-012]
All bidders and subcontractors under the bidder who are awarded or who otherwise obtain contracts on projects subject to MGL c. 149, § 44A(2), shall comply with this obligation as set forth in Subsection A of this section for the entire duration of their work on the project, and an officer of each such bidder or subcontractor under the bidder shall certify under oath and in writing on a weekly basis that they are in compliance with such obligation.
Any bidder or subcontractor under the bidder who fails to comply with this obligation as set forth in this section for any period of time shall be subject to one or more of the following sanctions which shall be ordered by the Mayor or his designee:
Cessation of work on the project until compliance is obtained.
Withholding of payment due under any contract or subcontract until compliance is obtained.
Permanent removal from any further work on the project.
Liquidated damages payable to the City in the amount of 5% of the dollar value of the contract.
In addition to the sanctions outlined in Subsection C of this section, a general bidder or contractor shall be equally liable for the violations of its subcontractor, with the exception of violations arising from work performed pursuant to subcontracts that are subject to MGL c. 149, § 44F. Any contractor or subcontractor who has been determined to have violated any of the obligations set forth in Subsections A and B of this section shall be barred from performing any work on any future projects for six months for a first violation, for three years for a second violation, and permanently for a third violation.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to construction projects for which the low general bid was less than $100,000 or to work performed pursuant to subcontracts that are subject to MGL c. 149, § 44F, and that were bid for less than $25,000, or to re-bids for construction projects for which the City receives fewer than three qualified general contract bidders in the original bid.