[Adopted 5-17-1993 as Ch. 2.108 of the 1993 Code]
[Amended 10-20-2003 by Order No. 2003-263]
The management of the proceeds of the trust fund established under the will of the late Ervant Serposs for the purpose of establishing the Elizabeth Serposs Clinic shall be vested in a Board of Managers of the Elizabeth Serposs Clinic, such Board consisting of the Mayor, Health Commissioner, the Superintendent of Schools, the City Solicitor and the Treasurer/Collector.
The Board shall have the management of the fund and property acquired for the use of the fund and shall exercise all the powers and duties of the government of the City in relation thereto as prescribed by the last will and testament of Ervant Serposs.
The Board shall make such rules and regulations for its own government and for the operation of the clinic as it deems expedient.
No salary or other compensation for services rendered shall be paid to any member of the Board from the Elizabeth Serposs Clinic funds.