[Adopted 5-17-1993 as Chs. 2.68 and 2.84 of the 1993 Code]
A Police Department is established which shall consist of a Chief of Police and not fewer than five captains, 16 lieutenants, 26 sergeants and 188 police officers (patrolmen and patrolwomen), or such larger numbers as are deemed necessary by the Mayor, but, in the event that any position in the Police Department, as hereby established, becomes vacant because of death, resignation or retirement, it shall be the prerogative of the Mayor to fill such opening or openings.
The Chief of Police shall be responsible for the discipline, good order and proper conduct of the men constituting the Police Department and for the good condition of all the property connected with the Department.
The Chief of Police shall make to the Mayor annually, and more often if required, a detailed report of all the business of the Police Department and shall keep a record of the prosecutions instituted before the courts or by it, and shall, on the last day of the week, prepare a payroll of all personnel in the Department and all persons attached to his Department or under his supervision and present it to the Auditor.
The Chief of Police is authorized to promulgate rules and regulations for the orderly use of alarm systems within the City. Such rules and regulations may provide for the payment of fees or fines for the misuse or malfunction of such alarms. Such fees and fines shall be reasonably related to the cost incurred by the Police Department in responding to alarms which are misused or malfunction. Such rules and regulations, including, without limitation, any provisions with respect to such fees and fines, shall be subject to the written approval of the Mayor.
Patrolmen shall, during such hours as the rules prescribe, patrol the streets and other parts of the City as the Chief of Police shall direct, to prevent danger from fire and to see that disturbances and disorders are prevented and suppressed, and shall perform such other duties as the Chief shall, from time to time, direct. They shall immediately make a careful examination of every case of accident, personal injury or injury to property coming to their notice, secure the names of witnesses thereto, and make a full report thereof to the Chief, who, if the liability or the property of the City is involved, shall forthwith furnish the City Solicitor with a full report upon such cases together with the names of the witnesses. They shall take notice of all obstructions, nuisances and defects in the streets and, if authorized, shall remove the same when practicable. They shall notice every streetlamp not lighted at the proper time and shall immediately report the same to the Chief.
All fees in any criminal case for the service of any criminal process or any fee for service in behalf of the City received by the Chief of Police or any member of the Police Department shall be paid to the Treasurer/Collector.
If, in the opinion of the Mayor, the disability of a member of the Police Department has become permanent, then MGL c. 32, § 83, regarding pensioning of officers, may be put into operation.
Regular patrolmen shall not engage in police work for hire for private parties, unless designated by the Chief of Police.
Whenever, by reason of sickness or absence from the City or for any other cause, the Chief of Police shall be unable to perform the duties of his office, the senior captain shall be in charge of the Police Department during such absence or disability. When the senior captain is so in charge of the Police Department, he shall be respected and obeyed as Chief.
Whenever any member of the Police Department is required to wear a uniform other than the regulation uniform prescribed in the manual, such uniform shall be furnished by the City.
[Added 12-6-1999 by Order No. 99-188A]
Should Police Department personnel while on duty in service to the Department be dispatched or caused to respond to an incident involving crime resulting in an arrest, citation, application for a criminal complaint or indictment against a person or property, including but not limited to disturbing the peace, trespassing, underage drinking or assault, at a particular property or location, the Chief of the Department is hereby authorized and empowered to assign to such property or location a member or members of the Department to staff such paid police detail or details as the Chief of the Department deems appropriate to protect the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of Quincy.
Such assignment of a detail shall only occur after the following procedures:
The Department shall record the number of such incidents, and after four such incidents in a twelve-month period, the Chief of the Department shall cause a copy of this section to be sent by regular and certified mail to the property owner or management company of record according to the most recent records of the Assessors' office.
After the eighth such incident in a twelve-month period, the Chief of the Department, in his discretion, shall notify the property owner by certified and regular mail of his decision to assign said detail commencing seven days after the date of such notice.
The property owner may request, in writing, a hearing before the Chief of the Department within said seven days to appeal the Chief's decision to assign a detail. The Chief of the Department shall, within 90 days of the enactment of this section, promulgate rules, procedures and regulations relative to the same.
If, after termination by the Chief of the Department of a paid detail, Police Department personnel while on duty in service to the Department are again dispatched or caused to respond to an incident at a particular property as described in Subsection A of this section, within 60 days of such termination, the Chief of the Department is hereby authorized and empowered to again assign a paid detail to such property or location as the Chief of the Department shall deem appropriate, following the procedure as set forth in Subsection B of this section.
For the purposes of this section, "paid police detail" shall mean one or more otherwise off-duty member or members of the Quincy Police Department assigned by the Chief of the Department to a particular property or location for the purpose of presence, monitoring, patrol, supervision and otherwise acting to maintain the peace and good order of and at the property or location to which such member or members of the Police Department is or are assigned.
Paid police details shall be of a minimum of four hours in duration.
The member or members of the Police Department staffing such paid police details shall be paid therefor at the rates set by the City of Quincy or the Quincy Police Department, and such paid police details shall be subject to such other rules and regulations of the Department that pertain to police details other than as provided for under this section.
The Chief of the Department or his designee shall keep an accurate record of the number of paid police details assigned to a particular property or location under this section and of the number of members of the Department staffing such paid police details, and the Chief of the Department or his designee shall forward such information to the office of the Treasurer/Collector.
In addition to the other duties of the Treasurer/Collector, it shall be the duty of and the Treasurer/Collector is hereby authorized and empowered to bill to the record owner of the particular property or location the costs of such paid police details assigned thereto, pursuant to MGL c. 40, § 58.
Fees for police details.
[Amended 12-5-2011 by Order No. 2011-149]
Fees for police details must be paid within 30 days after the issuance of a bill. In the event that such charges remain unpaid after the expiration of the 30 days, interest will accrue at a rate equivalent to that assessed for unpaid taxes pursuant to the provisions of MGL c. 59, § 57, as said provision may from time to time be amended. A late fee equal to 10% of the billable detail cost shall also be assessed.
The Police Chief may develop a policy assuring timely payment of such fees, including but not limited to requirement of a deposit or escrow of funds sufficient to cover such obligations.
All amounts so collected by the Treasurer/Collector shall be deposited into the general fund of the City and used to pay the member or members of the Department for the service rendered in staffing the paid police details provided for pursuant to this section.
The Communications Division is established, under the direct supervision of the Chief of Police. The Division shall be responsible for the planning, installation and maintenance of all radio and communications equipment within the Department. The employees of the Division shall not be considered as members of the uniformed police.