[Adopted 5-17-1993 as §§ 2.16.010 to 2.16.050 of the 1993 Code]
The City Clerk shall notify the Auditor, Assessors and Treasurer/Collector of all orders passed by the City Council authorizing appropriations, assessments, apportionments or abatements, and also any department or officer of any order appropriating money to be expended by the department or officer, or directing the department or officer to do or not to do, or authorizing the doing, or in any way affecting the powers or duties of the department or officer, promptly after such orders are passed or are otherwise in force, and shall file promptly with the Mayor and City Solicitor a copy of each ordinance, order and resolve passed by the Council.
The City Clerk shall keep a book, alphabetically arranged, showing the names of all streets, ways and sidewalks in the City which have been or may be laid out and accepted, with the date of the laying out and acceptance and the width and alterations made from time to time.
The City Clerk shall be ex officio keeper of the City Seal but shall permit the Mayor or any other officer to affix the same to any document to which the City Seal is required to be affixed.
The City Clerk shall be ex officio Clerk of the City Council and designated "Clerk of the Council." He shall keep a journal containing a record of the proceedings of the City Council and a record of all votes taken by roll call. He shall engross, sign and attest all ordinances, orders and resolutions of the City Council. He shall, annually before the first day of March, cause to be printed, in pamphlet form, all additions, amendments and changes made in the revised ordinances during the previous year.
The City Clerk shall be authorized, with the approval of the City Council, to employ such clerical assistance as may be necessary. He shall be the custodian of the journal and papers of the City Council and they shall be kept in a place convenient for examination and reference.
The City Clerk shall appoint, subject to confirmation by the City Council, an Assistant City Clerk, as provided in MGL c. 41, who shall be under the direction of the City Clerk and shall assist him in the performance of his duties. In the absence of the City Clerk, or a vacancy in the office, he shall perform the duties of the City Clerk.