[Ord. No. 1914 §1(405.130), 5-6-2013]
Purpose. The district is composed of those areas of the City whose principal use is and ought to be single-family dwellings on large sized lots. The regulations of this district are designed to create and preserve a predominately urban character as evidenced by lot sizes, and street and drainage requirements. In addition to the dwelling permitted in this district, certain compatible recreational and public uses are conditionally allowed and strictly regulated to ensure harmony with the principal use of this district.
Permitted Uses. The listing of permitted uses is set out in Appendix "A" of this Chapter.
Conditional Uses. The listing of conditional uses is set out in Appendix "A" of this Chapter.
Regulations And Performance Standards. The following regulations shall apply:
Lot area.
Single-family dwellings shall be located on lots containing a minimum area of ten thousand (10,000) square feet and larger.
For uses other than dwellings, the lot area shall be adequate to provide the yard area required by this district and the off-street parking required by Article VII, Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements.
Where a use is not connected to a public sewer, the lot area shall be increased to the area determined as adequate by the Community Development Director to meet current health standards, but in no case shall be smaller than three (3) acres in size, and shall require the review and approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Minimum lot width and depth.
Minimum Lot Area
(square feet)
Minimum Lot Width
Where a lot fronts a cul-de-sac, a fifty (50) foot width at the street right-of-way line is required.
Lot coverage. The maximum lot coverage by buildings or structures shall not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the lot area.
Yard requirements.
Front yards. Not less than thirty-five (35) feet.
Side yards. Not less than eight (8) feet on each side of the dwelling.
Rear yard. Not less than thirty (30) feet or twenty percent (20%) of the lot depth, whichever is larger, but not exceeding fifty (50) feet.
Height requirements.
For buildings and structures. No building or structure shall exceed a height of two and one-half (2½) stories or thirty-five (35) feet.
For accessory buildings. No detached accessory building shall be higher than twenty-five (25) feet, nor higher than the main building. (See Article V, Supplementary District Regulations for additional regulations for accessory buildings.)
Off-street parking. Two (2) off-street parking spaces shall be provided for each single-family dwelling, one (1) of which shall be located behind the front building line. (See Article VII, Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements for additional parking requirements.)
If a lot or tract of land has less area or width than required above and was of record on adoption of this Chapter, that lot or tract may be used for any of the uses permitted by this Section, including additions to existing structure and not withstanding its non-conformance with this Section, but in no instance shall there be a side yard of less than six (6) feet.
Front yard. There shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than thirty-five (35) feet, unless forty percent (40%) or more of the frontage on one (1) side of the street between two (2) intersecting streets is improved with buildings that have observed a front yard line with a variation in depth of not more than ten (10) feet, in which case no building shall project beyond the average front yard so established. Front yards shall conform to minimum standard widths of streets and roads, and to future street and highway widenings according to the setback lines herein provided for. Front yards shall be measured from proposed right-of-way lines where setback lines are herein established, and, otherwise, from an actual or potential right-of-way line of fifty (50) feet wide road, street, or highway. Where lots have a double frontage, a required front yard shall be provided for on both streets, except that the buildable width of such lot shall not be reduced to less than forty (40) feet, in which latter event the Building Commissioner may waive this requirement as to the street which will least affect surrounding property values.
[Ord. No. 1914 §1(405.140), 5-6-2013]
Purpose. The district is composed of those areas of the City whose principal use is and ought to be single-family dwellings on moderate to large sized lots. The regulations of this district are designed to create and preserve a predominately urban character as evidenced by lot sizes, and street and drainage requirements. In addition to the dwelling permitted in this district, certain compatible recreational and public uses are conditionally allowed and strictly regulated to ensure harmony with the principal use of this district.
Permitted Uses. The listing of permitted uses is set out in Appendix "A" of this Chapter.
Conditional Uses. The listing of conditional uses is set out in Appendix "A" of this Chapter.
Regulations And Performance Standards. The following regulations shall apply:
Lot area.
Single-family dwellings shall be located on lots containing a minimum area of seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet. For smaller lot sizes see Section 405.180, "PD" Planned Development District.
For uses other than dwellings, the lot area shall be adequate to provide the yard area required by this district and the off-street parking required by Article VII, Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements.
Where a use is not connected to a public sewer, the lot area shall be increased to the area determined as adequate by the Community Development Director to meet current health standards, but in no case shall be smaller than three (3) acres in size, and shall require the review and approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Minimum lot width and depth.
Minimum Lot Area
(square feet)
Minimum Lot Width
Where a lot fronts a cul-de-sac, a fifty (50) foot width at the street right-of-way line is required.
Lot coverage. The maximum lot coverage by buildings or structures shall not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the lot area.
Yard requirements.
Front yards. Not less than thirty (30) feet.
Side yards. Not less than six (6) feet on each side of the dwelling.
Rear yard. Not less than twenty-five (25) feet or twenty percent (20%) of the lot depth, whichever is larger, but shall not be required to exceed thirty-five (35) feet.
Height requirements.
For buildings and structures. No building or structure shall exceed a height of two and one-half (2½) stories or thirty-five (35) feet.
For accessory buildings. No detached accessory building shall be higher than twenty-five (25) feet, nor higher than the main building. (See Article V, Supplementary District Regulations for additional regulations for accessory buildings.)
Off-street parking. Two (2) off-street parking spaces shall be provided for each single-family dwelling, one (1) of which shall be located behind the front building line. (See Article VII, Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements for additional parking requirements.)
As regulated by Section 405.130(D)(7); however, in no instance shall any side yard be less than six (6) feet.
As regulated by Section 405.130(D)(7); however, observing a minimum front yard setback of twenty-five (25) feet.
[Ord. No. 1914 §1(405.150), 5-6-2013]
Purpose. The district is composed of those areas of the City whose principal use is and ought to be multiple-family dwellings. The regulations of this district are designed to create and preserve a predominately urban character as evidenced by lot sizes, and street and drainage requirements. In addition to the dwelling permitted in this district, certain compatible recreational and public uses are conditionally allowed and strictly regulated to ensure harmony with the principal use of this district.
Permitted Uses. The listing of permitted uses is set out in Appendix "A" of this Chapter.
Conditional Uses. The listing of conditional uses is set out in Appendix "A" of this Chapter.
Regulations And Performance Standards. The following regulations shall apply:
Lot area.
A minimum lot area of four thousand (4,000) square feet for each multiple-family dwelling unit or seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet of lot area for a single-family dwelling. For smaller lot sizes, see Section 405.180, "PD" Planned Development District.
For uses other than dwellings, the lot area shall be adequate to provide the yard area required by this district and the off-street parking required by Article VII, Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements.
Where a use is not connected to a public sewer, the lot area shall be increased to the area determined as adequate by the Community Development Director to meet current health standards, but in no case shall be smaller than three (3) acres in size, and shall require the review and approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Minimum lot width and depth.
Minimum Lot Area
(square feet)
Minimum Lot Width
4,000 per multi-family unit
7,500 per single-family dwellings
Where a lot fronts a cul-de-sac, a thirty-five (35) foot width at the street right-of-way line is required.
Lot coverage. The maximum lot coverage by buildings or structures shall not exceed forty percent (40%) of the lot area.
Yard requirements.
Front yards. Not less than thirty (30) feet.
Side yards. Not less than six (6) feet on each side of the dwelling.
Rear yard. Not less than thirty (30) feet or twenty percent (20%) of the lot depth, whichever is larger, but not exceeding thirty-five (35) feet.
Height requirements.
For buildings and structures. No building or structure shall exceed a height of two and one-half (2½) stories or thirty-five (35) feet.
For accessory buildings. No detached accessory building shall be higher than twenty-five (25) feet, nor higher than the main building. (See Article V, Supplementary District Regulations for additional regulations for accessory buildings.)
Off-street parking. One and one-half (1.5) off-street parking spaces shall be provided for each dwelling unit. (See Article VII, Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements for additional parking requirements.)
As regulated by Section 405.130(D)(7); however, in no instance shall any side yard be less than six (6) feet.
As regulated by Section 405.130(D)(7); however, observing a minimum front yard setback of thirty (30) feet.
[Ord. No. 1914 §1(405.160), 5-6-2013]
Purpose. This district is composed of those areas of the City whose principal use is and ought to be general retail, service, and repair business activities which serve the entire City and surrounding area. This district has been located within the City to permit the development of these business activities, to protect adjacent areas against encroachment by incompatible uses, and to lessen congestion on public streets. To these ends, certain uses which would function more effectively in other districts and would interfere with the operation of these business activities and the purpose of this district have been excluded.
Permitted Uses. The listing of permitted uses is set out in Appendix "A" of this Chapter.
Conditional Uses. The listing of conditional uses is set out in Appendix "A" of this Chapter. See Article X, Division 3 for specific regulations pertaining to Motor Vehicle-Oriented Business Regulations.
Regulations And Performance Standards. The following regulations shall apply in all "C-1" Local Business Districts:
Minimum site area. Five (5) acres unless the project abuts an existing commercial or industrial zone.
Minimum lot width. One hundred fifty (150) feet at the property line.
Maximum lot coverage. No limit.
Yard and setback requirements.
Front yard. Not less than thirty (30) feet, including all signs, pump islands, and canopies of gasoline service stations.
Side yard. There shall be a side yard on each side of the building of not less than five (5) feet unless a smaller side yard shall be authorized by special permit from the Board of Aldermen. Side yard requirements shall be twenty-five (25) feet where abutting any residential district.
Rear yard. There shall be a rear yard having a depth of not less than twenty-five (25) feet.
Height requirements. No building shall exceed two and one-half (2½) stories, nor shall it exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height, except buildings may exceed two and one-half (2½) stories in height if the building conforms to the following requirements: The ratio of the floor area of the building to the area of the lot shall not exceed one (1) to one and one-half (1½). The floor area shall be the gross horizontal area of the several floors, including basements, cellars, and penthouses (but excluding such areas within the building which are used for parking), measured from the exterior walls of the building. The area of the lot shall mean the total area of the site, exclusive of the area occupied by streets.
Off-street parking. As required by Article VII, Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements.
Site plan review. For all new construction, additions to existing structures, and expansion or improvements to parking areas, and as required by procedures outlined by Article IX, Site Plan Approval.
Site design requirements.
Any part of a lot area not used for buildings or other structures or for parking, loading, or access ways shall be landscaped with grass, ground cover, trees, shrubs, and pedestrian walks. A planting strip of ten (10) feet shall be provided and maintained within the required thirty (30) foot front yard. For all buildings, there shall be one (1) three (3) inch caliper tree existing or planted for every ten (10) parking spaces. Seventy-five percent (75%) shall be located within the paved area; trees shall be spaced approximately fifty (50) feet on center across all front yards. Foundation plantings shall be planted and maintained along all exterior walls of all buildings at the ratio of one (1) plant material for every ten (10) lineal feet of exterior wall.
Where any parcel within the "C-1" Local Business District abuts any residential district or development, a twenty-five (25) foot landscaped buffer shall be provided and maintained along all rear and side property lines where it abuts the residential district or development. The buffer area shall contain evergreen plant material a minimum height of six (6) feet, planted on ten (10) foot centers. A solid fence six (6) feet in height shall be provided along the residential and other required property lines.
Sidewalks shall be provided along all street frontages between the front property line and the edge of the street paving or curb, the location to be approved by the Community Development Director.
All exterior lighting shall be erected so as to minimize any glare to abutting single-family residential districts. All lighting shall be served with underground cable. All parking areas and walkways shall be illuminated so as to produce a uniform illumination of two (2) foot-candles within said areas.
Access requirements. All developed parcels shall be provided interior drives with a minimum width of pavement of twenty-four (24) feet. Driveway openings shall be limited to not more than thirty-six (36) feet in width and shall be limited to one (1) drive per one hundred (100) feet of lot width. All roads and drives shall be paved with hard surface material meeting specifications of the City of Valley Park. Curb and gutters shall be provided along all drives that do not abut parking spaces. All parking areas shall be edged with curb and gutter. Surface or underground storm drainage facilities shall be provided for all roads, drives, and parking areas as approved by the Community Development Director. All storm drainage will be directed into established surface or underground storm drainage facilities.
Modifications of above-referenced site design requirements.
The Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend for aldermanic approval modifications of the requirements of above-referenced site design requirements of this Subsection, the strict enforcement of which would entail unusual or real difficulties in carrying out the intent of this Section.
Before any modification of this Section can be granted, the Commission shall determine whether such modification will:
Increase traffic hazards or congestion;
Affect the character of surrounding commercial uses or adjacent residential uses or of the neighborhood;
Increase fire hazards or make difficult access by fire and emergency vehicles;
Tax public utilities; and
Affect the general welfare of the community.
If the Commission's findings as to all suggestions referred to in Subparagraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e) above are negative, then the modification may be granted. If affirmative as to any subject, then such modification shall be denied.
Signs. Refer to current sign ordinance of the City of Valley Park.
Performance standards.
Outdoor storage or display of merchandise, materials, or equipment is prohibited.
Other standards as required in Article VI, Environmental Performance Standards herein.
Structure construction materials in commercial district or planned commercial district.
No building shall be constructed or erected having the exterior walls constructed of a material other than brick or stone masonry or other material approved by the International Building Code (IBC) enforced by the City. In the event metal construction is used, the exterior walls of a building that is visible from any public right-of-way shall be constructed on-site or pre-engineered to be consistent with one (1) or more of the following materials:
Brick veneer;
Natural stone;
Stucco or EIFS;
Architectural cement block;
Tilt-up concrete shall appear as masonry units or stone;
Alucobond or material of similar quality and durability.
The provisions of this Section shall not apply in the erection or construction of the following:
Temporary one-story frame building for use by a builder, contractor, or developer;
Standard fences; and
Any one-story frame accessory structure or building, such as unattached garages or storage building, which do not exceed eight hundred (800) square feet in area.
No reconstruction or addition to the original structure shall necessitate the use of masonry or faux masonry if not in keeping with original materials and character of the original or principal structure.
[Ord. No. 1914 §1(405.165), 5-6-2013]
Purpose. This district is restricted to use in those portions of the City located south of the Meramec River. Given the high degree of visibility and ease of access via Interstate 44 and Missouri Highway 141, this sector of the City provides a unique opportunity for expansion and development of such highway oriented businesses as hotels and motels, large scale retail developments, restaurants and other similar businesses which serve local, regional and transient populations. This district has been located within the City to permit the development of these business activities, but in a portion of the City away from residential neighborhoods and subdivisions, area parks and recreation areas, schools and other institutional facilities. By limiting the types of commercial developments noted above to that portion of the City south of the Meramec River, the City is protecting residential and other less intense uses against encroachment by incompatible activities, and, at the same time, lessening congestion on public and neighborhood streets. To these ends, certain uses which would function more effectively in other districts and which would interfere with the operation of these business activities and the purpose of this district have been excluded.
Permitted Uses. The listing of permitted uses is set out in Appendix "A" of this Chapter.
Conditional Uses. The listing of conditional uses is set out in Appendix "A" of this Chapter. See Article X, Division 3 for specific regulations pertaining to Motor Vehicle-Oriented Business Regulations.
Regulations And Performance Standards. The following regulations shall apply in all "C-2" Commercial Districts:
Minimum site area. Five (5) acres unless the project abuts an existing commercial, planned development commercial or industrial zone.
Minimum lot width. One hundred fifty (150) feet at the property line.
Maximum lot coverage. No limit.
Yard and setback requirements.
Front yard. Not less than thirty (30) feet, including all signs, pump islands, and canopies of gasoline service stations.
Side yard. There shall be a side yard on each side of the building of not less than five (5) feet unless a smaller side yard shall be authorized by special permit from the Board of Aldermen.
Rear yard. There shall be a rear yard having a depth of not less than twenty-five (25) feet.
Height requirements. No building shall exceed ten (10) stories, nor shall it exceed one hundred (100) feet in height.
Off-street parking. As required by Article VII, Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements.
Site plan review. For all new construction, additions to existing structures, and expansion or improvements to parking areas, and as required by procedures outlined by Article IX, Site Plan Approval.
Site design requirements.
Any part of a lot area not used for buildings or other structures or for parking, loading, or access ways shall be landscaped with grass, ground cover, trees, shrubs, and pedestrian walks. A planting strip of ten (10) feet shall be provided and maintained within the required thirty (30) foot front yard. For all buildings, there shall be one (1) three (3) inch caliper tree existing or planted for every ten (10) parking spaces. Seventy-five percent (75%) shall be located within the paved area, and trees shall be spaced approximately fifty (50) feet on center across all front yards. Foundation plantings shall be planted and maintained along all exterior walls of all buildings at the ratio of one (1) plant material for every ten (10) lineal feet of exterior wall.
Sidewalks shall be provided along all street frontages between the front property line and the edge of the street paving or curb, the location to be approved by the Community Development Director.
All exterior lighting shall be erected so as to minimize any glare to abutting properties. All lighting shall be served with underground cable. All parking areas and walkways shall be illuminated so as to produce a uniform illumination of two (2) foot-candles within said areas.
Access requirements. All developed parcels shall be provided interior drives with a minimum width of pavement of twenty-four (24) feet. Driveway openings shall be limited to not more than thirty-six (36) feet in width and shall be limited to one (1) drive per one hundred (100) feet of lot width. All roads and drives shall be paved with hard surface material meeting specifications of the City of Valley Park. Curb and gutters shall be provided along all drives that do not abut parking spaces. All parking areas shall be edged with curb and gutter. Surface or underground storm drainage facilities shall be provided for all roads, drives, and parking areas as approved by the Community Development Director. All storm drainage will be directed into established surface or underground storm drainage facilities.
Modifications of above-referenced site design requirements.
The Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend for aldermanic approval modifications of the requirements of above-referenced site design requirements of this Subsection, the strict enforcement of which would entail unusual or real difficulties in carrying out the intent of this Section.
Before any modification of this Section can be granted, the Commission shall determine whether such modification will:
Increase traffic hazards or congestion;
Affect the character of surrounding commercial uses;
Increase fire hazards or make difficult access by fire and emergency vehicles;
Tax public utilities; and
Affect the general welfare of the community.
If the Commission's findings as to all suggestions referred to in Subparagraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e) above are negative, then the modification may be granted. If affirmative as to any subject, then such modification shall be denied.
Signs. Refer to current sign ordinance of the City of Valley Park.
Performance standards.
Outdoor storage or display of merchandise, materials, or equipment is prohibited.
Other standards as required in Article VI, Environmental Performance Standards herein.
Structure construction materials in commercial district or planned commercial district.
No building shall be constructed or erected having the exterior walls constructed of a material other than brick or stone masonry or other material approved by the International Building Code (IBC) enforced by the City. In the event metal construction is used, the exterior walls of a building that is visible from any public right-of-way shall be constructed on site or pre-engineered to be consistent with one (1) or more of the following materials:
Brick veneer;
Natural stone;
Stucco or EIFS;
Architectural cement block;
Tilt-up concrete shall appear as masonry units or stone;
Alucobond or material of similar quality and durability.
The provisions of this Section shall not apply in the erection or construction of the following:
Temporary one-story frame building for use by a builder, contractor, or developer;
Standard fences; and
Any one-story frame accessory structure or building, such as unattached garages or storage building, which do not exceed eight hundred (800) square feet in area.
[Ord. No. 1914 §1(405.170), 5-6-2013]
Purpose. This district is composed of the area of the City whose principal use is or ought to be light manufacturing, warehousing, and other limited industrial uses. These uses generate a minimum of noise, glare, odor, dust, vibration, air and water pollutants, fire, explosive, radioactive and other hazards, and harmful or obnoxious matter. This district has been located within the City to permit the development of these industrial uses, to protect adjacent areas against encroachment by incompatible uses, and to lessen congestion on public streets. To these ends, certain uses which would function more effectively in other districts and would interfere with the operation of these industrial activities and the purpose of this district have been excluded.
Permitted Uses. The listing of permitted uses is set out in Appendix "A" of this Chapter.
Conditional Uses. The listing of conditional uses is set out in Appendix "A" of this Chapter. See Article X, Division 3 for specific regulations pertaining to Motor Vehicle-Oriented Business Regulations.
Regulations And Performance Standards. The following regulations shall apply in all "I-1" Light Industrial Districts:
Site area. Five (5) acres minimum unless the proposed project abuts an existing industrial zone.
Lot width. The minimum lot width shall be seventy-five (75) feet.
Lot coverage. The maximum lot coverage by structures shall not exceed eighty percent (80%).
Yard requirements.
Front yard. Not less than thirty (30) feet from public right-of-way or edge of pavement of a private street.
Side yards. Least width of either yard shall not be less than five (5) feet, except in the case of a corner lot or parcel where the side yard on the road or street side shall not be less than thirty (30) feet.
Rear yards. No rear yard shall be required, except where the property abuts on a residential district or development, in which case there shall be a rear yard of not less than twenty-five (25) feet.
Height requirements. Except as otherwise provided in Article IX, Site Plan Approval of this Chapter, no building or structure should exceed a height of forty-five (45) feet or three (3) stories.
Landscaping and screening. Where a side or rear lot line coincides with a side or rear lot line of any lot in an adjacent residential district or development, then a landscaped yard of at least twenty-five (25) feet in depth shall be provided along such a lot. In addition, for any use which involves the construction of a new structure or the expansion of an existing structure, a sight-proof fence at least six (6) feet but not more than eight (8) feet in height shall be provided in such transitional yard within two (2) feet of the property line. See Article VII, Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements.
Utilities. Any area zoned "I-1" Light Industrial District shall be served by approved public water and sewer facilities prior to development.
Off-street parking. As required in Article VII, Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements.
Site plan review. Prior to issuance of a building permit as required in Article IX, Site Plan Approval.
Performance standards.
All industrial operations shall be conducted within a fully enclosed building.
All storage of materials and equipment shall be within a fully enclosed building or shall conform to the regulations set forth in Chapter 405, Article X, Division 5, Open and Outdoor Storage.
[Ord. No. 2093, 11-15-2021]
Other performance standards. See Article VI, Environmental Performance Standards.
Structure construction materials in light industrial district or planned industrial district.
No building shall be constructed or erected having the exterior walls constructed of a material other than brick or stone masonry or other material approved by the International Building Code (IBC) enforced by the City. In the event metal construction is used, a minimum of forty-eight (48) inches of the exterior facade on all elevations shall be faced with brick or stone masonry.
The provisions of this Section shall not apply in the erection or construction of the following:
Temporary one-story frame building for use by a builder, contractor, or developer;
Standard fences; and
Any one-story frame accessory structure or building, such as unattached garages or storage building, which do not exceed eight hundred (800) square feet in area.
No reconstruction or addition to the original structure shall necessitate the use of masonry or faux masonry if not in keeping with original materials and character of the original or principal structure.
[Ord. No. 1914 §1(405.180), 5-6-2013]
Intent And Purpose.
The purpose of the Planned Development District is to provide a means of achieving greater flexibility in development of land in a manner not possible in conventional zones; to encourage a more imaginative and innovative design of projects; to promote a more desirable community environment; and to retain maximum control over both the structure and future operation of the development.
The Board of Aldermen, upon recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission, may, by ordinance adopted in the same manner as zoning districts are created, authorize a Planned Development District when the proposed development or use of a specific tract of land or area warrants greater flexibility, control, and density than is afforded under the general regulations of standard zoning districts. However, it should be noted that these planned development regulations are not intended to allow excessive densities, or the development of incompatible land uses, either within the development, or as the development relates to the general neighborhood. The standards contained in the following provisions must be strictly adhered to by the applicant.
The City may, upon proper application, approve a planned development to facilitate the use of flexible techniques of land development and site design by providing relief from zone requirements designed for conventional developments in order to obtain one (1) or more of the following objectives:
Environmental design in the development of land that is of a higher quality than is possible under the regulations otherwise applicable to the property.
Diversification in the uses permitted and variation in the relationship of uses, structures, open space and height of structures in developments intended as cohesive, unified projects.
Functional and beneficial uses of open space areas.
Preservation of natural features of a development site.
Creation of a safe and desirable living environment for residential areas characterized by a unified building and site development program.
Rational and economic development in relation to public services.
Efficient and effective traffic circulation, both within and adjacent to the development site.
Relationship Of Planned Development Districts To Zoning Map.
A mapped district. The "PD" designation is not intended to be attached to existing use districts as an overlay. The "PD" designation as detailed in this Section is a separate use district and may be attached to one (1) or more parcels of land through the process of zoning map amendment. Each "PD" district shall be approved by an ordinance that establishes the district clearly delineating the parcels involved, the required development plan, and any conditions or requirements attached thereto as provided for in district regulations set forth below.
Plan approval required. Although the "PD" designation may be applied to parcels of land as a mapped zoning district, it is the intent of the ordinance that no development or redevelopment of the property encompassed by the "PD" designation take place until an acceptable development plan has been reviewed and approved. The review process of a development plan requires a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission and adoption of an ordinance by the Board of Aldermen. The said ordinance shall establish uses and conditions which must be met in accordance with Subsection (B)(3).
In those areas annexed by the City since the adoption of this Chapter and designated as "PD" prior to the adoption of this Chapter, such zoning designations will be incorporated as though they were approved by the City.
Types of planned developments. All areas of the City subject to the "PD" designation shall be assigned one (1) of the following subclassifications which shall be considered a separate use district and subject to the specific restrictions and limitations outlined in this Section.
Planned development — residential ("PD-R"). Planned developments involving residential uses only.
Planned development — commercial ("PD-C"). Planned developments involving commercial uses only.
Planned development — industrial ("PD-I"). Planned developments involving industrial uses only.
Mixed use developments ("PD-MXD"). Planned developments involving a mixture of residential and commercial uses.
[Ord. No. 2142, 11-20-2023]
These subclassifications may be designated by the City at the time of the original zoning of the parcel in question, or the City may make the designation at the time of development plan application. In the instance of a request for Zoning Map amendment, the applicant may request a specific subclassification; however, it shall be at the discretion of the City, in light of the recommendations of the City's Comprehensive Plan, as well as the surrounding neighborhood, to grant the requested subclassification or require a more restrictive one.
Procedures For Planned Development Approval.
Pre-application procedure. Not more than six (6) months prior to filing any application for planned development approval, the prospective applicant shall request a pre-application conference with the Community Development Director. Such request shall include a brief and general narrative description of the nature, location and extent of the proposed planned development; and a list of any professional consultants advising the prospective applicant with respect to the proposed planned development. Upon receipt of such request the City planning staff shall schedule within ten (10) days such a conference.
Preliminary development plan. A preliminary development plan shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission with the application for a planned development. A final development plan, including the requirements of a preliminary plan, may be submitted as a single application when the development will be constructed as a single phase. The preliminary plan shall contain the following information:
The location and general design (width and materials) of all driveways, curb cuts and sidewalks including connections to building entrances; as well as the location and nature of construction of all curb and guttering.
The location, area and number of proposed parking spaces.
Existing and proposed grades at an interval of five (5) feet or less, extended beyond the project site to include adjacent properties and structures.
The location and general type of all existing trees over six (6) inch caliper and, in addition, an indication of those to be retained.
The proposed general use and development of internal spaces, including all recreational and open space areas, plazas and major landscaped areas by function, and the general location and description of all proposed outdoor furniture (seating, lighting, telephones, etc.).
The location of all retaining walls, fences (including privacy fences, etc.) and earth berms.
The definition and location of all refuse collection facilities including screening to be provided.
Provisions for both on- and off-site storm water drainage and detention related to the proposed development.
The limits of the 100-year floodplain boundary and floodway designations as they impact the site.
Architectural elevations. Architectural elevations of proposed buildings shall be provided at a reasonable scale (may be required by the Planning and Zoning Commission).
Project data.
Site area (square feet and acres).
Allocation of site area by building coverage, parking, loading and driveways, and open space areas including total open space, recreational area, landscaped areas and others.
Total dwelling units and floor area distributed by general type (one (1) bedroom, two (2) bedroom, etc.).
Floor area in non-residential use by category.
Residential density distribution for the entire project.
Additional information.
Calculations of parking spaces and area in relation to dwelling units and non-residential floor area.
The scale of the drawing or drawings indicating the above shall be reasonably related to the site size and the complexity of the proposed development, and the scale shall in no event be smaller than one (1) inch equals fifty (50) feet. All drawings shall likewise indicate a project name, the names of adjoining streets, the applicant's name, a scale, or north arrow, and the date drawn.
The applicant may be required to provide, at applicant's expense, additional clarification and/or further detail of the preliminary plan, as deemed necessary by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The applicant shall send notices to owners of record of all properties within three hundred (300) feet of the parcel included in the application, proof of mailings to show posting at least seven (7) days prior to the public hearing.
Project report. A brief project report shall be provided to include explanation of the character of the proposed development, verification of the applicant's ownership and contractual interest in the subject site, and anticipated development schedule. At the discretion of the Planning and Zoning Commission and/or City Board of Aldermen, analyses by qualified technical personnel or consultants may be required as to the market and financial feasibility, traffic impact, environmental impact, storm water and erosion control, etc., of the proposed development at the applicant's expense.
Phased development. If the planned development is proposed to be constructed in stages or units during a period extending beyond a single construction season, a development schedule indicating:
The approximate date when construction of the project can be expected to begin;
The order in which the phases of the project will be built;
The minimum area and the approximate location of common open space and public improvements that will be required at each stage; and
If any stage or unit as proposed contains a share of open space or other public or private recreation or service facility less than that which its size, number of units or density would otherwise require, a statement shall be submitted setting forth what bond, credit, escrow or other assurance the applicant proposes in order to ensure that the difference between that which would otherwise be required and that which the applicant proposes to provide in the instant stage or unit is ultimately provided.
Review procedure.
An application together with a complete preliminary development plan, including information as required in Section 405.180, shall be considered at a public hearing to be held before the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. The applicant shall send notices to owners of record of all properties within three hundred (300) feet of the parcel included in the application. Said notices shall be sent by certified mail and postmarked not less than seven (7) days prior to the public hearing. Proof of certified mailing must be submitted to the Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Staff review. The Community Development Director shall coordinate a review of the application by appropriate affected City departments and/or consultants.
After consideration of the application and staff report, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall make a report to the Board of Aldermen regarding the impacts of such proposed building or use upon the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, public utility facilities, and other matters pertaining to the general public health, safety and welfare of the City of Valley Park. The findings and recommendation of the Commission shall be transmitted to the Board of Aldermen. If the Commission's recommendation is for approval, its report shall contain the conditions or restrictions recommended by the Commission with respect to the preliminary development plan.
The Board of Aldermen shall hold a public hearing thereon upon at least fifteen (15) days' public notice. If the preliminary development plan is approved by the Board of Aldermen, it shall adopt an ordinance approving said preliminary development plan with conditions as specified therein which shall become effective on approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the final development plan. In those instances where the application involves a rezoning from a standard zoning district to a planned district designation, approval of the preliminary development plan shall constitute approval of the rezoning request. The ordinance approving the preliminary development plan shall include the change in zoning designation as well as the specified conditions attached to approval of the plan as previously discussed. A three-fourths (¾) vote of the Board of Aldermen shall be required to overrule the Planning and Zoning Commission's recommendations.
The approval of a preliminary plan shall be valid for a period of nine (9) months from the date of its approval by the Board of Aldermen. The Planning and Zoning Commission may grant extensions not exceeding six (6) months each upon written request of the original applicant if the application submitted is substantially the same as the initially approved application; however, the Planning and Zoning Commission has the power in such cases to attach new conditions to the approval. At such time as the period of validity of an approved preliminary development plan lapses and no development has taken place, the site shall revert back to its previous land use status prior to approval of the preliminary development plan.
Should a request for extension of an approved preliminary development plan contain substantial changes as determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Commission shall require the applicant to refile his/her application subject to the requirements of this Section, as if it were an entirely new application.
Final plan. Within nine (9) months following passage of the ordinance approving the preliminary development plan, but at least twenty-one (21) days before the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission, the petitioner shall submit a final development plan to the Planning and Zoning Commission for its review and consideration to determine if said final development plan is in conformance with the approved preliminary development plan and with the imposed conditions of approval. The final development plan shall reflect the entire planned development if it is to be completed in one (1) phase, or a phase of the planned development if it consists of more than one (1) phase. The matters shown on the preliminary development plan shall include the following:
The existing and proposed contours at two (2) foot intervals and land profile in cross sections.
The landscape plan with the specific location of all plant material, specifying size, species and location (both as to the buffer area around the perimeter as well as that in the parking lot). To be in color with plant legend. One (1) copy for the Board of Aldermen and one (1) copy for the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Nature of use, as single-family, condominium, or multi-family and/or commercial or manufacturing uses.
All structures, present and future, specifying location, size, elevation and design, none of which may deviate substantially from the approved preliminary development plan.
Parking spaces, including underground parking and moving traffic lanes.
Method of disposal of trash and garbage.
Ingress and egress facilities.
Parking facilities for visitors.
Plan for the provision of water and sanitary and storm water drainage facilities.
All easements and dedications.
Any signs, location and size.
Details of lighting of parking lots and outside of buildings, including location, type and intensity.
All other information which the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Board of Aldermen may designate.
Review procedure.
An application with a complete final development plan, conforming to the requirements of Section 405.180, shall be submitted to the Community Development Director for review and approval. If the Community Development Director finds that the final development plan conforms to the approved preliminary development plan, he/she shall approve it, send written notice of the approval to the Planning and Zoning Commission, and transmit the plan to the Planning and Zoning Commission Chairman for his/her signature. If the Community Development Director finds that the final development plan does not conform to the approved preliminary plan, he/she shall deny the final development plan and return it to the applicant with a written response concerning the reasons for denial. The applicant shall have thirty (30) days in which to file a written appeal of the denial to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Upon appeal, and after consideration of the application and staff report, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny the final development plan. The final development plan shall conform to the preliminary development plan. If the final development plan does not conform to the preliminary development plan, or if the conditions of the preliminary development plan approval are not adequately met, the final development plan shall not be approved.
Upon approval of the final development plan by either the Community Development Director or the Planning and Zoning Commission upon appeal, the final development plan shall be transmitted to the Board of Aldermen for their information.
Within sixty (60) days following approval of the final development plan by the Planning and Zoning Commission, it shall be recorded at the applicant's expense with the St. Louis County Recorder of Deeds, and a reproducible Mylar of such recorded plan furnished to the Community Development Director.
The listing of uses which may be permitted by recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and approved by the Board of Aldermen is contained in Appendix A of this Chapter.
Any bonds required to insure completion of required improvements or open spaces shall be completed and in place prior to issuing any building permits.
Permitted Uses. The listing of permitted uses within each "PD" subclassification shall be listed in Appendix A of this Chapter.
Area Regulations And Performance Standards. The area regulations and performance standards applicable to the individual uses within each planned development by designated subclassification shall be as follows:
Subclassification Requirements.
Planned Development — Residential
Sections 405.130405.150
Planned Development — Commercial
Section 405.160
Planned Development — Industrial
Section 405.170
Mixed Use Development
All the above as deemed appropriate by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Modifications. The approval of the preliminary development plan may provide for such exceptions from the above-referenced regulations as may be necessary or desirable to achieve the objectives of the proposed planned development, provided such exceptions are consistent with the standards and criteria contained in this Section and have been specifically requested in the application for a planned development; and further, that no modification of the above- referenced regulations would be allowed when such proposed modifications would result in:
Inadequate or unsafe access to the planned development.
Traffic volumes exceeding the anticipated capacity of the proposed major street network in the vicinity.
An undue burden on public parks, recreation areas, schools, fire and police protection and other public facilities which serve or are proposed to serve the planned development.
A development which will be incompatible with the purposes of this Chapter.
Detrimental impact on the surrounding area including, but not limited to, visual pollution.
The burden of proof that the criteria above are not being violated shall rest with the developer and not the staff or the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Overall development site size.
In addition to the requirements as outlined above for individual uses within a Planned Development District, the minimum overall site size required for such a planned development as a whole shall be as follows:
Planned Development — Residential
2.5 acres (may be smaller)
Planned Development — Commercial
2.5 acres (may be smaller)
Planned Redevelopment — Industrial
2.5 acres (may be smaller)
Provided however, that this minimum site size may be waived by the City Board of Aldermen upon recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission if the parcel in question has certain unique characteristics such as, but not limited to, significant topographic change, significant trees or wooded areas, wetlands, floodplain areas, soil conditions, utility easements, or unusual shape or proportions; or if it is determined that the use proposed is desirable and necessary in relationship to the surrounding neighborhood; or if the Board of Aldermen should determine such waiver to be in the general public interest.
Approval of the waiver by the City Board of Aldermen shall be by simple majority vote. However, in those instances where the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends denial of the request, a three-fourths (¾) majority vote of the entire City Board of Aldermen shall be required to reverse the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Period Of Validity. The period of validity of approval of a final development plan is as follows:
No approval of a final development plan shall be valid for a period longer than twelve (12) months from the date of approval by the Community Development Director, or the Planning and Zoning Commission, if on appeal unless within such period a building permit is obtained and construction is commenced. One (1) month prior to the expiration of the approval, the Community Development Director shall notify the applicant in writing of the impending expiration date.
The Planning and Zoning Commission may grant extensions not exceeding six (6) months each upon written request of the original applicant if the application submitted is substantially the same as the initially approved application. However, the Planning and Zoning Commission has the power in such cases to attach new conditions to the approval. At such time as the period of validity of an approved final development plan lapses, the site shall revert back to its previous status prior to approval of the final development plan, if no development has taken place.
Should a request for extension of an approved final development plan contain substantial changes, as determined by the Commission, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall require the applicant to refile his/her application subject to the requirements of this Section as if it were an entirely new application.