[Ord. No. 1914 §1(405.320), 5-6-2013]
For every use, activity or structure permitted by this Chapter and for all buildings or structures erected in accordance therewith, there shall be provided sufficient space for access and off-street standing, parking, circulation, unloading and loading of motor vehicles that may be expected to transport its occupants, whether as patrons, residents, customers, employees, guests or otherwise, to an establishment, activity or place of residence at any time under normal conditions for any purpose. When a use is expanded, accessory off-street parking and loading shall be provided in accordance with the regulations herein for the area or capacity of such expansion in combination with the previously existing uses, structure or activity.
[Ord. No. 1914 §1(405.330), 5-6-2013]
Every building permit application for a new, enlarged, or remodeled building, structure, or use other than a single-family residence shall include therewith a parking site and landscape plan. In addition, such parking site and landscape plan requirements shall also apply to new, enlarged, or remodeled parking facilities serving existing buildings, structures, or uses. Application for approved of such a plan shall include for review and approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission any and all existing parking facilities currently serving said buildings, structures and uses for conformity with these regulations as well.
Parking Plan Requirements. In addition to the requirements of Article IX, Site Plan Approval, the plan shall also specifically include the following:
Delineation of individual parking and loading spaces by adequate striping.
Circulation area necessary to serve spaces.
Access to streets and property to be served.
Driveway and traffic aisle width, location of all curbs and curbing materials.
Dimensions, continuity, and substance of required screening.
Grading, drainage, surfacing, and subgrading details.
Delineation of obstacles to parking and circulation in finished parking area.
Specification as to signs and bumper guards.
Landscaping and screening details. (See Section 405.350, Screening and Landscaping, for landscaping requirements for parking lots.)
Lighting. Other pertinent details.
Critical dimensions indicating setback and parking lot design layout.
[Ord. No. 1914 §1(405.340), 5-6-2013]
Surface Material. Areas used for standing and maneuvering of vehicles including driveways shall have concrete, asphalt, or permeable paving material surfaces, maintained adequately for all-weather use, and so drained as to avoid flow of water across sidewalks. Permeable paving material are permitted for use in every parking area, parking garage, and driveways only if they meet the following criteria:
Open-cell unit paver systems with gravel or grass may only be used to pave parking stalls.
Pavers shall have a minimum thickness of eighty (80) mm (3.24 inches).
Products shall be installed per manufacturer's specifications. Subgrade soils shall be compacted as required per the product specifications.
A permeable pavement installation and continuing maintenance plan following manufacturer's recommended specifications (including any required periodic vacuuming of porous asphalt or concrete surface with commercial cleaning unit, mowing of grass in paver or grid systems, etc.) must be submitted to, and approved by, the Community Development Director as part of the site plan.
Access To Parking Areas. All off-street parking spaces that make it necessary to back out directly into a public road are prohibited, except for private driveways serving individual residential units. Also, no driveway or parking areas of an industrial, commercial, mobile home, or multiple-family use that will lie adjacent to a one- or two-family use or zoning district shall be located closer than ten (10) feet to the common property line.
Access Near Street Corners. No entrance or exit for any off-street parking area with over four (4) parking spaces, nor any loading berth, shall be located within seventy-five (75) feet of the intersection of any two (2) street right-of-way lines.
Drainage. All off-street parking areas shall be drained to as to prevent drainage to abutting properties, and shall be constructed of concrete or asphaltic materials and/or through supplemental storm water control measures such as permeable paving material, bioswales, rain gardens, underground rain cisterns, or other infiltration systems approved by the Community Development Director.
Lighting. Any lighting fixtures used to illuminate any off-street parking area shall be so arranged as to reflect the light away from any adjoining residential lot, institutional premises or adjacent streets.
Screening. Any off-street parking area providing space for five (5) or more vehicles shall be effectively screened on any side which adjoins or faces a lot with residential zoning by an unpierced wall or screen, or compact evergreen planting not less than four (4) feet in height. Plantings shall be maintained in good condition and not encroach on adjoining property. (See Section 405.350, Screening and Landscaping, for additional landscaping requirements.)
Unless otherwise provided, all required parking spaces may be located in a required front yard, side yard, or rear yard provided that a ten (10) foot setback be maintained from any property line. However, in no instance shall a parking lot be located in a required transition strip. (See Section 405.350, Screening and Landscaping.)
Exception. Where the proposed parking area will be located within the side yard or front yard adjacent to a similarly zoned property and where internal access will be provided between the two (2) properties, the ten (10) foot setback requirement shall not apply.
Striping Required. Open parking spaces for multiple-family dwellings (containing three (3) or more dwelling units) shall be delineated by pavement striping and must meet minimal parking stall sizes as described below in Subsection (I).
Minimum Off-Street Parking Dimensions. The regulations of this Subsection shall govern the dimensions of off-street parking spaces, including those provided in developments approved in planned districts or by special procedure prior to the enactment hereof, anything in such planned district or special procedure approval to the contrary notwithstanding.
Except as otherwise provided for in this Subsection, the requirements for off-street parking of the Valley Park Zoning Ordinance shall be implemented with regard to the minimum dimensions in the following table:
9.01 feet
19.7 feet
12.5 feet
12.7 feet
51.9 feet
45.6 feet
9.01 feet
21.0 feet
17.5 feet
10.5 feet
59.5 feet
55.0 feet
9.01 feet
19.0 feet
22.0 feet
9.0 feet
60.0 feet
405 Parking diagram.tif
Parking angle
Stall width
19 feet minimum stall to curb
Aisle width
Curb length per car
Curb to curb
Center to center width of double row with aisle between
Additional width may be required where the aisle serves as the principal means of access to on-site buildings or structures.
In the event that the desired parking angle is not specified by the above table, the Building Commissioner may specify other equivalent dimensions associated with the desired parking angle by interpolating from dimensions listed in the table.
A stall dimension of eight and one-half (8½) by eighteen (18) feet or equivalent may be utilized for off-street parking stalls provided in excess of the minimum requirements as set forth in this Section when designated for compact car use.
On-site parallel parking stalls shall be nine (9) by twenty-two (22) feet adjacent to a twenty-two (22) foot two-way lane or a fifteen (15) foot one-way lane.
Curbed islands are required at ends of aisles where necessary for traffic control or drainage.
Definitions. Refer to Section 405.050, Definitions.
[Ord. No. 1914 §1(405.350), 5-6-2013]
All parking and loading areas shall be properly screened and landscaped as hereinafter set forth. It is the purpose and intent of this Section to require adequate protection for contiguous property against undesirable effects from the creation and operation of parking or loading areas and to protect and preserve the appearance and character of the surrounding neighborhoods and of the City through the screening effects and aesthetic qualities of such landscaping.
The landscaping shall include, to the extent necessary to further the intent of this Section, shrubs, bushes, hedges, trees, decorative walls or fencing as set forth below.
The frontage along the entire parking or loading area adjacent to any public or private street shall be landscaped and protected so as to separate and screen any parking area from the adjacent streets, including the provision of deciduous, hardwood street trees at not more than thirty-five (35) feet on center located either within the right-of-way if approved by the appropriate public agency, or parallel to the right-of-way on the subject property.
When off-street parking or loading areas and other areas zoned for any use except single-family and two-family residential districts are located adjacent to a residential district or to any lot upon which there is a dwelling as a permitted use, there shall be provided along the lot line a continuous, solid fence to a height adequate to prevent the direct light from automobile headlights being cast on adjacent residential units but with a minimum height of six (6) feet. Except that the height of such fence or wall shall not exceed three and one-half (3½) feet within fifteen (15) feet of the public right-of-way.
In addition to any landscaped front, back or side yard areas required by this or any other Section, a minimum of ten (10) square feet of interior landscaped area shall be provided within the parking lot for each parking space. The landscaping shall be in one (1) or more areas so as to minimize and reduce the apparent size of parking areas.
All interior landscaped areas provided in accordance with the preceding paragraph shall be raised and curbed and shall have a minimum area of fifty (50) square feet and a minimum width of five (5) feet. Each separate interior landscaped area shall include at least one (1) deciduous shade tree of a type and size required herein, and there shall be a minimum of two (2) trees, within and up to, every one hundred (100) linear feet of parking for each parking row. Such trees shall be spaced evenly wherever possible and the ends of parking rows abutting a circulation aisle shall be defined by interior landscaped areas whenever feasible.
Deciduous shade trees shall have a minimum caliper of three (3) inches in the trunk measured one (1) foot above the ground with a clear trunk of at least five (5) feet where provided for screening, buffering or aesthetic effect. Evergreen trees shall be a minimum of eight (8) feet in height at planting. All trees shall be properly planted and staked. The number of such trees shall be determined by the application of the above mentioned landscape standards, provided however, that in no instance shall there be less than two (2) such trees in conjunction with the development of any parking facility or lot.
No landscaped hedge shall be less than two (2) feet in height, and three (3) feet in spread; however, no hedge, wall or berm shall exceed three (3) feet in height within ten (10) feet of any driveway opening. The individual plants used in the development of such a hedge shall be placed so as to be not more than twenty-four (24) inches on center.
The use of earth sculpting or berms may be required, provided these are designed in any area of enough size so as to avoid erosion, drainage or maintenance problems.
Interior planting bed areas, which are used for the planting of trees, or which are used for landscaping treatment generally, may be treated with either grass and/or other types of ground cover or open spaced pavers on a sand and gravel base located beneath and surrounding trees and shrubs.
All landscaping shall be permanently maintained in good condition with at least the same quality and quantity of landscaping as initially approved. In order to present a healthy, neat and orderly appearance, landscaped areas shall be provided with adequate irrigation for the maintenance of grass, shrubs, ground covering and other landscaping by utilizing a sprinkler system, hose bibs and/or such other method of providing water. In the event that landscaping approved by the City as part of site plan review should die and is not replaced by the property owner in a timely fashion, taking into consideration the season of the year, it shall be deemed a violation of this Chapter and subject to the penalties outlined in Section 405.880 of this Chapter.
A perimeter landscaped buffer strip shall be provided and maintained at a width of not less than five (5) feet between a parking lot or driveway and the abutting property line at a side or rear yard. Said landscaped strip shall be at least ten (10) feet in width along any front or side property line abutting a public or private street. Other, more restrictive standards for yards or buffering shall govern where required by this Chapter.
All landscaped areas in parking areas or adjacent to parking or loading areas, or that can be encroached upon by a motor vehicle, shall be provided with an adequate, permanent curb as approved by the Community Development Director to restrict the destruction of the landscaped areas by vehicles.
[Ord. No. 1914 §1(405.360), 5-6-2013]
Determination Of Required Number Of Spaces.
Fractional spaces. When determination of the number of off-street parking spaces required by this regulation results in a requirement of a fractional space, the fraction of one-half (½) or less may be disregarded, and a fraction in excess of one-half (½) shall be counted as one (1) parking space.
Floor area. Floor area, when used as a measurement for determining the number of parking spaces for office, merchandising or service uses, shall mean the gross floor area used or intended to be used for service to the public as patrons or patients, including areas occupied by fixtures and equipment used for display or sale of merchandise.
Employees. Employees, when used as a measurement for determining the number of parking spaces for a new or established expanding business, shall be estimated in a manner approved by the Board of Aldermen.
Parking Exception For Churches. Off-street parking facilities required for churches may be reduced by fifty percent (50%) where churches are located in non-residential districts and within three hundred (300) feet of usable public or private off-street parking areas.
Parking For Multiple Use Buildings. The number of parking spaces required for land or buildings used for two (2) or more purposes shall be the sum of the requirements for the various uses, computed in accordance with this Chapter. Parking facilities for one (1) use shall not be considered as providing the required parking facilities for any other use, except churches.
Use Of Required Parking Spaces. Required accessory off-street parking facilities provided for the uses hereinafter listed shall be solely for the parking of motor vehicles in operating condition of patrons, occupants, or employees of such uses and shall not be used for the storage of vehicles, boats, motor homes, campers, mobile homes or materials or for the parking of trucks used in conducting the business or use.
Overnight Parking Of Motor Vehicles.
In residential zones, overnight parking shall be limited to passenger vehicles, and not more than one (1) commercial vehicle of the light delivery type, not to exceed one (1) ton in manufacturing rated hauling capacity, shall be permitted per dwelling unit. Parking spaces for all types of uses may be provided either in garages or parking areas conforming with the provisions of this Chapter. Required off-street parking spaces stipulated in this Chapter may not overlap sidewalks or the street right-of-way.
No person, firm, corporation, or partnership shall drive through, park, or conduct any activity from a pickup truck rated more than one (1) ton, four-wheel van, semi-tractor, or commercial vehicle upon any street, highway, or roadway within a residential area except for local deliveries. "Delivery" shall mean the active loading or unloading of the vehicle or part of the same and shall not exceed fifteen (15) minutes. The parking of such vehicles upon any private or public parking lot in any residential area is expressly prohibited without the permission of the property owner or agent for said property. The driver of any semi-tractor and trailer is hereby prohibited from allowing any motor or motors which is a part of the semi-tractor or trailer from running while parked in any residential area regardless of location. Any Officer of the City of Valley Park may cause the removal of any vehicle or part thereof from any residential area where found in violation of the requirements of this Chapter. Any expense incurred by said removal shall be at the expense of the driver, operator, or owner of the towed unit.
Accessory Parking Lots. All required off-street parking or loading spaces shall be provided on the same parcel of land occupied by the use or building to which it is appurtenant; provided however, that where there are, in the judgment of the Planning and Zoning Commission, practical difficulties in satisfying the requirement for parking space and/or if the public safety or convenience would be better served by another location, the Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend authorization of an alternate location for any portion of the required parking for a non-residential use which will adequately serve the public interest, subject to the following conditions.
Required accessory off-street parking facilities may be provided elsewhere than on the lot on which the principal use served is located, provided that the property occupied as parking is in the same possession, either by deed, by easement, or by long-term lease which has a term equal to or exceeding the projected life of the facility occupied by the principal use, and further provided, that the owner shall be bound by covenants filed on record in the office of the County Recorder, requiring the owners, heirs or assigns to maintain the required number of off-street parking spaces during the existence of such principal use.
Pedestrian access shall be available within a walking distance of not more than three hundred (300) feet measured from the nearest point of public access to the building to the nearest part of the accessory parking area.
Such separated parking space shall be usable without causing unreasonable traffic congestion, detriment to any residential neighborhood or hazard to pedestrians or vehicular traffic.
All accessory parking lots shall be located on property zoned within the same, or similar, zoning district.
Changes In Use. No off-street parking space required under this Chapter shall be used for any other purpose. Where a change in use creates greater parking requirements than the amount being provided, an occupancy permit shall not be issued until provision is made for the increased amount of required off-street parking.
Additions To Structures, Buildings Or Uses. Where an addition is made to an existing structure, building, or use which does not comply with the parking requirements cited for such structure, building, or use, the parking requirements supplied for the addition shall include those spaces necessary to bring the structure, building, or use as a whole into conformance with the requirements of this Chapter.
Existing Parking. No parking area or parking space which exists at the time this Chapter becomes effective or which subsequent thereto is provided for the purpose of complying with the provisions of this Chapter shall thereafter be relinquished or reduced in any manner below the requirements established by this Chapter.
Maintenance Of Parking Facilities. Any persons operating or owning a parking lot shall keep it free, as may be practical, of dust and loose particles and shall promptly remove the snow and ice from the surface of the parking lot. Such persons shall also keep all adjacent sidewalks free from dirt, ice, sleet and snow and shall keep the sidewalks in a safe condition for use by pedestrians. All signs, markers or any other methods used to indicate direction of traffic movement and location of parking spaces shall be maintained in a neat and legible condition. Likewise any walls, landscaping, including trees and shrubbery, as well as surfacing and curbing of the parking lot, shall be maintained in good condition throughout its use for parking purposes and the Board of Aldermen shall have the authority to prohibit the use of the area for parking purposes unless and until proper maintenance, repair or rehabilitation is completed, including the replacement of any landscaping material which may die from time to time, or the failure of the landscape irrigation or surface drainage system within the parking area.
[Ord. No. 1914 §1(405.370), 5-6-2013]
Residential And Lodging Uses.
Dwellings (single-family, two-family, multi-family). Two (2) spaces per dwelling unit.
Dormitories or group homes. One (1) space for every two (2) beds, plus one (1) space for every one hundred (100) square feet of floor.
Mobile home or house trailer. Two (2) spaces per dwelling unit.
Motel/hotel. One (1) space per guest room plus one (1) space per every two (2) employees.
Rooming or boarding house. One (1) space for each guest room, but no fewer than two (2) total spaces in any event.
Commercial Uses.
Indoor retail uses. Six (6) spaces for each one thousand (1,000) square feet of floor area, except as otherwise herein noted.
Personal service uses. Five (5) spaces per one thousand (1,000) square feet of floor area, except as otherwise herein noted.
General offices. Five (5) spaces per one thousand (1,000) square feet of floor area.
Financial institutions. Four (4) spaces per one thousand (1,000) square feet of floor area, plus one (1) space for each electronic teller, plus five (5) stacking spaces for each drive-thru teller position.
Automobile, truck, recreational vehicle, and equipment sales and service. One (1) parking space per three thousand (3,000) square feet of open sales lot area devoted to the sale, display, or rental of said vehicles or equipment; or four (4) spaces for every one thousand (1,000) square feet of interior showroom, whichever is greater; plus three (3) spaces for every service bay in garage repair areas.
Automobile service station. One (1) space located at each fuel dispenser, plus three (3) spaces for each service bay, or similar facility, plus one (1) space for each vehicle used directly in the conduct of the business or stored on the premises, and one (1) space per employee. Required space marking shall not apply to spaces associated with fuel dispensers.
Car wash — mechanical. Stacking area five (5) times the capacity of the car wash, plus one (1) per employee.
Car wash — self-service. Five (5) stacking spaces for each car washing stall and two (2) drying spaces for each car washing stall.
Clubs, lodges. Spaces equivalent to the combined requirements of the uses being conducted, such as hotel, restaurant, auditorium, etc.
Food markets under five thousand (5,000) square feet in floor area. Four (4) spaces for every one thousand (1,000) square feet of floor area.
Food markets over five thousand (5,000) square feet in floor area. Seven (7) spaces for every one thousand (1,000) square feet of floor area.
Funeral homes, mortuaries. One (1) space for every four (4) seats in the auditorium or chapel with a minimum of ten (10) total spaces provided.
General contracting services. Four (4) spaces for every one thousand (1,000) square feet of floor area, plus two (2) spaces for every three (3) employees on the maximum shift, plus one (1) space for every vehicle customarily used in the operation of the use or stored upon the property.
Research facilities and laboratories. Four (4) spaces for every one thousand (1,000) square feet of floor area up to fifty thousand (50,000) square feet, plus two (2) spaces for every one thousand (1,000) square feet of floor area over fifty thousand (50,000) square feet.
Restaurants, bars, taverns without drive-thru or carry-out facilities. Eighteen (18) spaces per one thousand (1,000) square feet of seating floor area, plus two (2) spaces for every three (3) employees on the maximum shift.
Restaurants, bars, taverns with drive-thru or carry-out facilities. Thirty-two (32) spaces for every one thousand (1,000) square feet, plus two (2) spaces for every three (3) employees on the maximum shift.
Vehicle storage lots. Two (2) spaces for every three (3) employees on the maximum shift, plus one (1) space for every vehicle customarily used in the conduct of the business or stored upon the premises.
Veterinary clinics, animal hospitals, kennels. Four (4) spaces for every doctor, plus one (1) for every additional employee.
Industrial And Transportation Related Uses.
Manufacturing plants. One (1) space for every employee on the maximum shift, plus one (1) space for every vehicle customarily used in the operation of the use or stored upon the property.
Storage warehouses. One (1) space for every one thousand (1,000) square feet of floor area within the warehouse, plus four (4) spaces for every one thousand (1,000) square feet of floor area in office use, and one (1) space per vehicle customarily used in the operation of the use or stored on the premises.
Terminal (air, bus, railroad, truck, and watercraft). One (1) space for every two hundred (200) square feet of lobby area, plus two (2) spaces for every three (3) employees on the maximum shift, plus one (1) space for every vehicle used in the operation of the use or stored on the premises.
Storage or extraction of raw materials. Two (2) spaces for every three (3) employees on the maximum shift, plus one (1) space for every vehicle used in the operation of the use or stored on the premises.
Cultural And Recreational Uses.
Amusement parks. One (1) square foot of parking for each square foot of public activity area.
Athletic fields. Twenty (20) spaces for every diamond or athletic field, or one (1) space for every four (4) seats, whichever is greater. (One (1) seat is equal to two (2) feet of bench length.)
Auditoriums, theaters, meeting rooms and places for public assembly (except as noted herein). One (1) space for every two and one-half (2½) seats based on maximum seating capacity.
Boat dock, harbor, marinas. Seven-tenths (0.7) of one (1) space for every berth or mooring, two (2) spaces for every three (3) employees on the maximum shift, plus one (1) space for every vehicle customarily used in the operation of the use or stored on the premises.
Bowling alleys. Five (5) spaces for every lane.
Camping. One (1) dust-free ten (10) by thirty (30) foot space for every campsite.
Community centers and private, not-for-profit recreation centers, including gymnasiums and indoor swimming pools. Four (4) spaces for every one thousand (1,000) square feet gross floor area.
Drive-in theaters. Two (2) spaces for every three (3) employees on the maximum shift, plus one (1) space for every vehicle customarily used in the operation of the use or stored on the premises.
Fairgrounds. Sufficient open land convertible to parking such that no vehicle need be parked on any street.
Golf courses. Space equivalent to one percent (1%) of the total land area. Parking areas along roads or private drives may be used to fulfill this requirement.
Golf driving ranges. Two (2) spaces for every tee.
Gymnasium without bleachers or fixed seating (except as noted herein). One (1) space for every one hundred (100) square feet of gross floor area.
Handball, racquetball courts. Three (3) spaces for every court.
Ice and roller rinks. One (1) space for every one hundred (100) square feet of skating area or playing surface.
Indoor soccer. Fifty (50) spaces for every playing field, plus one (1) space for every three (3) seats of spectator seating (one (1) seat equals two (2) feet of bench length), plus two (2) spaces for every three (3) employees on the maximum shift, but in no case less than one hundred (100) spaces.
Parks, playgrounds, picnic grounds. Space equivalent to one percent (1%) of the total land area. Parking area available along park roads or private drives may be used to fulfill this requirement.
Recreation centers. Four (4) spaces for every one thousand (1,000) square feet of gross floor area.
Stadiums, sports arenas, and gymnasiums with spectator facilities. One (1) space for every two and one-half (2½) seats, plus one (1) space per three (3) employees on the maximum shift (one (1) seat is equal to two (2) feet of bench length).
Swimming pools. Two (2) spaces for every one hundred (100) square feet of water area.
Tennis courts. Three (3) spaces for every court.
Institutional Uses.
Churches. One (1) space for every four (4) seats (one (1) seat equals two (2) feet of bench length), plus one (1) space for every vehicle customarily used in the operation of the use or stored on the premises.
Fire stations. One (1) space for every employee including volunteers on the maximum shift.
Foster homes. One (1) space for every five (5) beds, plus one (1) space for every two (2) employees on the maximum shift.
Hospitals. One (1) space for every two (2) beds, plus one (1) space for every staff doctor and employee on the maximum shift.
Libraries, reading rooms. Five (5) spaces for every one thousand (1,000) square feet of gross floor area, one (1) space for every six (6) seats in an accessory auditorium, and two (2) spaces for every three (3) employees on the maximum shift.
Nursing homes. One (1) space for every five (5) beds, one (1) space for every self-care unit, and one (1) space for every two (2) employees on the maximum shift.
Police stations. Two (2) spaces for every three (3) employees on the maximum shift, plus one (1) space for every vehicle customarily used in the operation of the use or stored on the premises.
Postal stations. Four (4) spaces for every customer service station, two (2) spaces for every three (3) employees on the maximum shift, plus one (1) space for every vehicle customarily used in the operation of the use or stored on the premises.
Schools, public and private, all grades and vocational. One (1) space for every classroom and office, and one (1) space for every four (4) students over sixteen (16) years of age.
Cemeteries. Two (2) spaces for every three (3) employees on the maximum shift, plus one (1) space for every vehicle customarily used in the operation of the use or stored on the premises, plus one (1) space for every four (4) seats in the auditorium or chapel.