[CC 1979 §25.010]
Each employee receiving an appointment or a promotion to a position in the service of the City must serve a probationary period of six (6) months before his/her appointment or promotion shall be considered permanent. During the employee's six (6) month probationary period, the employee's work habits, abilities, attitude, promptness and other pertinent characteristics will be observed and evaluated by his/her supervisor, department head or other appropriate City Officials. If the probationary employee fails to meet required standards of performance, he/she is to be dismissed, or if he/she is a promoted regular employee, he/she may be restored to the position from which he/she was promoted or to a comparable position. During the probationary period, the employee is not eligible for employee fringe benefits, such as sick leave and vacation, but will earn credit for those to be taken at a later date. Wages for designated holidays falling within the probationary period will be paid to probationary employees.
[CC 1979 §25.020]
If at any time during the probationary period, the supervisor determines that the services of a City employee have been unsatisfactory, the employee may be separated from his/her position without the right of appeal or a hearing. The Board shall notify the employee in writing at least seven (7) calendar days before the effective date of separation of the reasons for the separation.
[CC 1979 §25.030]
At the end of each employee's six (6) month probationary period or extension granted thereto, the supervisor of the employee shall complete a probationary report and notify the Mayor in writing that either:
The employee has successfully completed his/her probationary period and is capable of performing the duties of the position satisfactorily, and is henceforth to be considered a regular employee with all rights and privileges due him/her; or
The employee has not demonstrated ability to perform satisfactorily the duties of the position and is to be separated from City Government, or if promoted from another position returned to the previous or a similar position.
[CC 1979 §25.040]
Appointments and promotions to all classified positions shall be solely on the basis of merit, which shall be determined by evaluation of the applicant's:
Training, education, experience and physical fitness;
Oral interview; and
Whenever practical, an examination or demonstration test.
[CC 1979 §25.050]
The minimum age for employment as a probationary employee shall be eighteen (18) years of age, unless the Board shall in writing waive the requirement. The minimum age for employment of seasonal employees shall be sixteen (16) years of age. The maximum age for employment shall be sixty-five (65) years of age, unless the Board shall in writing waive the requirement.
[CC 1979 §25.060]
Employees of the City need not reside within the City, but are urged to do so. However, any provision of this Code specifically requiring a particular employee or class of employee to live within the City limits shall prevail over this provision.
[CC 1979 §25.070]
All vacancies occurring in the service of the City shall, whenever possible, be filled by promotion of a qualified employee within the City service. However, the Board may authorize the recruitment of applicants from outside the City service whenever it has reason to believe that better qualified applicants are available than within the City service. Promotion within the City service shall be based on the qualifications and seniority of the person being appointed. Usually, the first (1st) consideration in filling vacancies will be given to the most qualified senior applicant in the department in which the vacancy exists. Next, consideration will be given to the most qualified senior applicant from outside the department. If no acceptable applicant is found within the City service, the vacancy will be filled from outside the City service. The criteria used in the selection of the most qualified senior applicant shall be based upon experience, performance, evaluation and, where feasible, examination.
[CC 1979 §25.080]
Two (2) members of an immediate family shall not be employed under the same supervisor; neither shall two (2) members of an immediate family be employed at the same time, regardless of the administrative department, if such employment will result in an employee supervising a member of his/her immediate family. "Immediate family" is defined as wife, husband, mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandparents, grandchildren, stepmother, stepfather, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, uncle and aunt.
[CC 1979 §25.090]
City employees shall not be appointed or retained on the basis of their political activity. City employees shall not be coerced to take part in political campaigns, to solicit votes, to levy, contribute or solicit funds or support, for the purpose of supporting or opposing the appointment or election of candidates for any municipal office.
[CC 1979 §25.100]
No City employee shall actively advocate or oppose the candidacy of any individual for nomination or election to any municipal office, but an employee may participate in political affairs at other levels of Government, provided such participation does not adversely affect his/her performance as a City employee. Employees are expected to exercise their right to vote in municipal elections, but shall not engage in, or participate in any other way in any municipal election.
[CC 1979 §25.110]
Failure to comply with the requirements of Sections 135.090 and 135.100 shall be grounds for immediate dismissal. Any person who attempts to coerce or does coerce any City employee to take part in activity prohibited by Sections 135.090 and 135.100 may be punished as provided in Section 100.220 of this Code.
[CC 1979 §25.115]
Employees who create records of the City are required to place the records in the custody of the City. Any employee who fails to turn over such records to the City Clerk upon demand may be subject to immediate discharge. An employee, upon leaving the service of the City, who retains such records, is guilty of a misdemeanor and may be prosecuted in the Municipal Court.
[CC 1979 §25.120]
No full-time employee of the City shall accept outside employment, whether part-time, temporary or permanent, without prior written approval from the Board. Each change in outside employment shall require separate approval. Approval shall not be granted when such outside employment conflicts or interferes, or is likely to conflict or interfere, with the employee's municipal service. Such approval, however, shall not be arbitrarily withheld. Employees may not engage in any private business or activity while on duty. No employee shall engage in or accept private employment or render any service for private interest when such employment or service is incompatible or creates a conflict of interest with his/her official duties.
[CC 1979 §25.130]
It shall be the duty of each employee to maintain high standards of conduct, cooperation, efficiency and economy in their work for the City. Whenever work habits, attitude, production or personal conduct of any employee falls below a desirable standard, supervisors should point out the deficiencies at the time they are observed. Corrections and suggestions should be presented in a constructive and helpful manner in an effort to elicit the cooperation and good will of the employee. Whenever possible, oral and/or written warnings with sufficient time for improvement shall precede formal discipline.
[CC 1979 §25.140; Ord. No. 327, 1-13-2003]
It shall be the duty of all City employees to comply with and to assist in carrying into effect the provisions of the City's personnel rules and regulations. No permanent employee shall be disciplined except for violation of established rules and regulations, and such discipline shall be in accordance with procedures established by the personnel rules and regulations.
Employee's and supervisor's responsibilities.
It is the duty of every employee to attempt to correct any faults in his/her performance when called to his/her attention and to make every effort to avoid conflict with the City's rules and regulations.
It is the duty of every supervisor to discuss improper or inadequate performance with the employee in order to correct the deficiencies and to avoid the need to exercise disciplinary action. Discipline shall be, whenever possible, of an increasingly progressive nature, the step of progression being
Suspension, and
However, it is not necessary to follow this progression prior to removal of an employee.
Grounds for action. The following are declared to be grounds for demotion, suspension, or removal of any permanent employee:
Conviction of a felony or other crime involving moral turpitude.
Acts of incompetency.
Absence without leave.
Acts of insubordination.
Intentional failure or refusal to carry out instructions.
Misappropriation, destruction, theft, or conversion of City property.
Employee subsequently becomes physically or mentally unfit for the performance of his/her duties.
Acts of misconduct while on duty.
Willful disregard of orders.
Habitual tardiness and/or absenteeism.
Falsification of any information required by the City.
Failure to properly report accidents or personal injuries.
Neglect or carelessness resulting in damage to City property or equipment.
Repeated convictions during employment on misdemeanor and/or traffic charges.
Introduction, possession, or use on City property or in City equipment of intoxicating substances, or proceeding to work, or performing work for the City, under the influence of an intoxicating substance.
Employee notice. A written notice shall be given to each employee stating the reasons for the disciplinary action and the date it is to take effect. The notice is to be given to the employee at the time such disciplinary action is taken and in any event not later than three (3) working days from date of the action. A copy of notice signed by the employee in the employee's file shall serve as prima facie evidence of delivery. At the time the notice is given, the employee shall also be given a notice of his or her right of appeal provided in this Section. A copy of all notices shall be provided to the City Clerk by the supervisor or such person delivering said notice and notification shall be sent to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen before the notice is delivered. The City Clerk shall place a copy of all notices in said employee's personnel file and retain a copy for the City's records.
Probationary employee. Any probationary employee may be suspended,reduced in pay or class, or removed at any time by his/her supervisor or the Mayor. Probationary, temporary, seasonal, or part-time employees shall not have the right of appeal from such action.
Permanent employees. All permanent employees holding positions in the service of the City may be suspended for a period of not more than thirty (30) working days, reduced in pay or class, or removed for just and reasonable cause by the employee's department head. Permanent employees shall be dismissed only after having been given written notice of the contemplated action.
Evidence. Normally, the deterioration of an employee's conduct is a progressive problem and every effort should be made to reverse this trend as soon as it is apparent. Based on this philosophy, sufficient evidence should be available in the employee's personnel file to justify the action taken.
Right of appeal. All permanent employees are granted the right of appeal. Within ten (10) days after effective date of disciplinary action, the employee may file a written appeal to the Mayor. The disciplinary action against the employee shall be stayed during the course of this appeal, unless the Mayor orders its imposition in writing giving his/her reasons therefor.
Investigation. The Mayor shall hear appeals submitted by any permanent employee in the City relative to any suspension, demotion, or dismissal and shall submit a written statement of facts, findings, and recommendations to the Board of Aldermen, whose actions shall be final and conclusive.
Appeal hearing open to public. The appeal hearing shall be open to the public at the discretion of the Mayor, subject to all requirements of law.
Informal nature. The hearing shall be conducted in an informal nature and the Mayor shall make every effort to avoid the appearance of conducting a trial in a court of law.
Scheduling of appeal. No later than ten (10) working days after receipt of the written appeal, the Mayor shall fix a time and place for convening of a hearing. Within forty-eight (48) hours after the completion of the hearing the Mayor shall report his/her findings and recommendations to the Board of Aldermen.
If the Mayor shall have ordered that disciplinary action against an employee shall not be stayed during an appeal, then the Mayor shall appoint a member of the Board of Aldermen to hear the appeal. In such case the provisions of Subsection (11) above shall not apply, and the hearing shall be scheduled within forty-eight (48) hours of the Mayor's order imposing immediate disciplinary action. Should the hearing officer recommend to the Board of Aldermen that the disciplinary action not be imposed, and should this recommendation be accepted by the Board of Aldermen, then the City shall pay said employee the same as had been employed in the service of the City during the time in which the Mayor's discipline order was in effect.
Right to representation. The appellant shall have the right to appear and be heard in person or by counsel.
Appellant fails to appear. Appellant's failure to attend or notify the hearing officer of his/her inability to attend at the hearing will constitute just cause of dismissal of the appeal and imposition of the disciplinary action.
[CC 1979 §25.150]
The most effective accomplishment of the work of the City requires prompt consideration and equitable adjustment of the employee grievances. It is the desire of the City to adjust the causes of grievances informally, and both supervisors and employees are expected to make every effort to resolve problems as they arise.
An employee may present his/her grievance, or have an employee committee selected by the employee present his/her grievance to his/her supervisor or department head.
All grievances shall be submitted in writing to the City Clerk who shall forward a copy thereof to the employee's supervisor for action.
If satisfaction is not achieved by the above procedure within ten (10) working days, the grievance shall then be presented to the Mayor.
The Mayor shall convene a hearing within ten (10) days to consider the grievance. The employee, the supervisor, the department head and any other interested party shall have the right to be heard. All City employees shall be considered in the service of the City during the course of the grievance hearing, and each employee shall be paid at his/her regular hourly rate for that time spent in the hearing.
Following the hearing, the Mayor shall within ten (10) days take whatever action is necessary, including but not limited to a recommendation to change the personnel rules and regulations of the work practices of the City, a finding that the grievance is unjustified, or any other appropriate recommendation. A report of the Mayor's finding shall be presented to the Board of Aldermen.
No employee shall be disciplined or discriminated against in any way because of his/her proper use of the grievance procedure.
To the extent the provisions of this Section conflict with Section 135.150 of this Code, the requirements of Section 135.150 shall apply. The procedure outlined in Section 135.150 shall be used if the alleged grievance is a disciplinary matter, although the Mayor may treat a hearing under this Section as a hearing for the purposes of Section 135.150 (7) provided that all employee rights have been respected.
[CC 1979 §25.160; Ord. No. 293, 1-8-1996; Ord. No. 310, 10-9-2000; Ord. No. 344, 8-8-2005; Ord. No. 351, 9-11-2006]
All regular employees of the City shall receive normal compensation for the eleven (11) legal holidays listed below and any other days or part of a day during which the public offices of the City shall be closed by special proclamation of the Mayor with approval of the Board. All regular part-time employees shall receive compensation in proportion to the average number of hours normally scheduled to work. Probationary employees shall be considered for purposes of this Section to be regular employees. Legal holidays to be observed are:
New Year's Day
January 1
Martin Luther King's Birthday
January 15
Washington's Birthday
Third Monday in February
Memorial Day
Last Monday in May
Independence Day
July 4
Labor Day
First Monday in September
Veterans Day
Columbus Day
Thanksgiving Day
Last Thursday in November
Friday following Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
December 25
It shall be the policy of the City to insure that all regular employees enjoy the same number of holidays each year. The standard shall be the number of holidays in a particular year which will be celebrated by employees working a forty (40) hour week, Monday through Friday. For regular employees whose work week is other than Monday through Friday, the department head shall designate the work day that shall be observed or may permit the employee to select a day within thirty (30) days after the holiday.
An employee absent without authorized leave on the day preceding and/or the day following a holiday shall not receive regular compensation for the holiday.
Any regular employee in the City service who shall be required to perform work or render services on a regularly scheduled holiday shall receive a day off at his/her regular pay rate in lieu of the holiday missed, or at the option of the City he/she may be compensated at the City's approved overtime rate for his/her service on the regularly scheduled holiday.
For Police Officers and other employees required to work on the holiday, the department supervisor shall designate the day to be taken in lieu of the holiday. Such substitute shall be within thirty (30) days after the scheduled holiday.
[CC 1979 §25.170; Ord. No. 335, 6-11-2004]
Every employee in the City service holding a permanent status position and having occupied such position for a period of twelve (12) consecutive calendar months shall be allowed annual vacation leave with pay. Vacation leave shall be granted on the basis of the number of regularly scheduled hours in the standard work or duty week to which the employee is assigned at the time of his/her vacation. Employees employed by the City for a period of one (1) but not more than ten (10) years shall receive two (2) weeks vacation. Employees who are employed with the City for a period of more than ten (10) years but less than twenty (20) years, shall receive three (3) weeks of vacation. Employees who have been employed by the City in excess of twenty (20) years shall receive four (4) weeks of vacation.
Vacation leave shall be taken during the year following its accumulation. The Board of Aldermen may approve a vacation being taken prior to the conclusion of a year of service, with the exception of the first (1st) year.
Vacation leave credit may not be carried from one year to the next.
Absence on account of sickness, injury or disability in excess of that hereinafter authorized for such purposes may, at the request of the employee and within the discretion of the department head, be charged against vacation leave allowance.
Records of vacation leave allowance and use shall be kept by the person responsible for the employee's payroll payment. Vacation leave schedule shall be in regard to the seniority of employees, to accord with operating requirements and, insofar as possible, with the requests of the employees.
When a regular scheduled holiday occurs during the period of an employee's vacation, an additional day of vacation shall be granted.
No two (2) employees shall be allowed vacation leave at the same time, if both are employed under the same supervisor.
All vacations must be scheduled at least two (2) weeks in advance of the first (1st) day of vacation leave.
[CC 1979 §25.180; Ord. No. 336, 6-11-2004]
All full-time City employees shall earn sick leave with full pay at the rate of one (1) day for each calendar month of service. Sick leave shall accrue from the date of employment, but shall not be taken until the successful completion of six (6) months probationary period except with the written permission of the Mayor. Sick leave may never be taken in advance of earning the time. Sick leave may be accumulated up to thirty-six (36) days.
An employee may be eligible for sick leave for the following reasons:
Personal illness or physical incapacity.
Quarantine of an employee by a physician.
An employee who is unable to report for work because of one (1) of the above reasons shall report the reason for his/her absence to his/her supervisor within ten (10) minutes after the time he/she is expected to report for work. Sick leave with pay shall not be granted unless such report has been timely made. Documentation may be required of the employee before any sick leave will be granted or payment made.
An employee terminating from City service shall not be allowed the use of sick leave in the last two (2) calendar weeks of employment. Unused sick leave will not be compensated for in any way at the time of resignation or dismissal of an employee.
Abuse of the sick leave privilege can result in dismissal.
[CC 1979 §25.190]
On recommendation of any employee's supervisor or department head, and upon the written order of the Board, an employee may be granted maternity or paternity leave without pay for a period not to exceed six (6) months.
[CC 1979 §25.200]
Employees may receive a leave of absence not to exceed ten (10) working days annually, for participation in annual training in the National Guard or Reserve Armed Forces. Requests for such leave must be accompanied by a copy of official orders requiring such training. Compensation for this period of military leave shall be limited to the amount by which the normal City pay exceeds the military pay received. A copy of the military pay voucher shall be submitted prior to authorization for payment to the employee for the period of leave. Such military training leave shall not be deducted from annual leave.
Any permanent employee who is drafted into the military service shall, upon termination of his/her active service, be entitled to return to the City service at a level equivalent to the position held on his/her departure. This leave of absence shall not exceed the period of time necessary to complete the period of active duty that he/she has been involuntarily ordered to perform.
[CC 1979 §25.210]
All employees of the City are encouraged to participate as members of the Volunteer Fire Department. Employees called away from the City service to duty as volunteer firemen shall be paid at the regular rate of compensation for such absence.
[CC 1979 §25.215]
An employee may be granted three (3) working days leave as needed in the event of the death of his/her spouse, child, mother, father, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother or sister. Such leave shall not be deducted from either sick leave or vacation leave. An employee shall be compensated for the funeral leave.
[CC 1979 §25.220]
The provisions of this Chapter shall not apply to uniformed employees to the extent that the personnel policies of the Police and Fire Departments conflict with this Chapter.