[Ord. No. 259, 8-5-1988]
The following is hereby adopted as the Water Conservation Plan, hereinafter referred to as "The Plan".
[Ord. No. 259, 8-5-1988]
The Plan would become effective upon a finding by the management of the Water Department that a probable water shortage problem exists. When it can be anticipated that there is a distinct possibility of a water distribution shortfall, the following Plan will be implemented until it can be determined that the emergency no longer exists. Depending on the expected severity of the problem it is possible that Stages II and III might be implemented immediately. Requests for public cooperation would be made through the news media. This Article will affect only those citizens and commercial entities who receive water service from the New London Water Department.
[Ord. No. 259 §I, 8-5-1988]
Stage I (Voluntary). Request voluntary conservation and compliance with the following restrictions:
No washing of sidewalks, driveways, parking areas, patios, or other paved areas.
No refilling of swimming pools with water furnished by the City.
No washing of cars, other motor vehicles, trailers, or boats.
No water to be used for dust control.
No flushing of mains, except to alleviate specific complaints.
Commercial and industrial users to conserve water as much as possible.
If, after the initiation of Stage I, weather conditions, expected trends in demand, or other factors indicate that the threat of a shortage will continue, the additional provisions of Stage II will be implemented.
Stage II (Voluntary). Stage I restrictions would remain in effect plus the following:
No use of water from a fire hydrant except for fighting fires.
Watering of any lawn, garden trees, or other plants if prohibited, except from a hand-held container.
Commercial/industrial users to reduce usage by thirty percent (30%).
If, after initiation of Stage II, it appears that the shortage will continue or worsen, the mandatory measures of Stage III would be implemented.
Stage III (Mandatory). All restrictions listed in Stages I and II would become mandatory, plus all commercial and industrial users would be required to adopt previously-submitted water conservation plans (see below).
[Ord. No. 259 §II, 8-5-1988]
Any person who shall violate any of the mandatory provisions of the Plan, or any commercial/industrial user who fails to submit a conservation plan acceptable to the Water Department within one hundred twenty (120) days of passage of this Article, August 5, 1988, shall be subject to the penalties set forth in Section 100.220 of this Code and shall be subject to termination of service.