[CC 1984 §94.010]
All culverts used in the construction of driveways or entryways from public streets or alleys in the City to private property shall be concrete pipe of a diameter prescribed in writing by the Street Commissioner of said City.
[CC 1984 §94.020]
Any person or persons, firm, company or corporation desiring to construct such driveway or entryway shall first apply in writing to the Street Commissioner of said City for a permit which application for a permit shall be accompanied by a certified check in the amount of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) payable to the City, for which said application shall be in the following form:
To the City of Seneca, Missouri:
Permission is hereby requested to
Said work being located on
more specifically described as follows:
The undersigned agrees to perform the work under the supervision of the Street Commissioner of the City and to hold harmless the City for any damage of any nature whatsoever which may accrue to any person or property arising out of the performance or non-performance of said work by the applicant. It is agreed that work will be done subject to the approval of the Street Commissioner.
Accompanying this application is a certified check for twenty-five dollars ($25.00) payable to the City to insure and guarantee to said City the proper performance of the work and the restoration of the street adjacent thereto as good condition as it was prior to commencement of work, subject to approval of the Street Commissioner.
Permission granted to construct driveway above described. Culvert to be __________ in diameter, __________ in length.
   Street Commissioner
[CC 1984 §94.030]
The construction of said driveway shall be under the supervision of the Street Commissioner of said City. At such time as the proper culvert is installed and the work is completed to the satisfaction of the Street Commissioner the deposit heretofore referred to shall be returned in full to the party applying for the permit. If said work is not completed to the said satisfaction of the Street Commissioner said Street Commissioner shall so notify the owner of the property to which said driveway or entryway is being constructed and shall state in writing his/her objections thereto. In the event said owner does not cause said driveway or entryway to be properly completed within ten (10) days from the receipt of said notice, he/she shall be deemed to be in violation of this Article and the deposit shall be forfeited to the City.
[CC 1984 §94.040]
Any person or persons, firm, company or corporation violating this Article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall in addition to the forfeiture above prescribed, be fined a sum of not less than five dollars ($5.00) nor more than fifty dollars ($50.00). Each day or portion of days, during which such violation continues to exist, shall be treated or deemed a separate and distinct violation and be prosecuted as such.