[Ord. No. 147 §1, 5-4-1986]
For the purposes of this Chapter, the following terms shall be deemed to have the meanings indicated below:
An incinerator which complies with all current regulations of the responsible local, State and Federal air pollution control agencies.
Non-putrescible solid wastes consisting of combustible and/or non-combustible waste materials from dwelling units, commercial, industrial, institutional or agricultural establishments which are either too large or too heavy to be safely and conveniently loaded in solid waste transportation vehicles by solid waste collectors with the equipment available therefor.
The City of Leadwood, Missouri.
Removal of solid waste from the designated pickup location to the transportation vehicle.
All solid waste generated from a source other than a dwelling unit.
Such person, firm or corporation as may be contracted with to provide solid waste transportation and disposal for the City.
A location adjacent to and not more than five (5) feet from any street.
Waste materials from the construction of destruction of residential, industrial or commercial structures.
The Director of the Solid Waste Management Program of the City shall be the Street Superintendent.
Disposable plastic or paper sacks with a capacity of twenty (20) to thirty-nine (39) gallons or, if specifically designated for storage of solid waste, a maximum of fifty-five (55) gallons.
Any room or group of rooms located within a structure and forming a single habitable unit with facilities which are used, or are intended to be used, for living, sleeping, cooking and eating. Units of multiple-housing facilities may be billed as dwelling units upon request by the owner of said dwelling units.
Putrescible animal or vegetable wastes resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking, serving or consumption of food.
Any waste or combination of wastes, as determined by the Missouri Hazardous Waste Management Commission by rules and regulations, which, because of its quantity, concentration or physical, chemical or infectious characteristics, may cause or significantly contribute to an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible or incapacitating reversible illness, or pose a present or potential threat to the health of humans or the environment.
Clothes washers and dryers, water heaters, trash compactors, dishwashers, conventional ovens, ranges, stoves, wood stoves, air-conditioners, refrigerators and freezers.
A housing facility containing more than one (1) dwelling unit under one (1) roof.
Any person who, alone or jointly or severally with others, shall be in actual possession of any dwelling unit or of any other improved real property, either as owner or as a tenant.
Any individual, partnership, limited liability company, corporation, association, trust, institution, City, County, other political subdivision, authority, State agency or institution, or Federal agency or institution, or any other legal entity. As applied to partnerships or associations, the word includes the partners or members thereof; and as applied to corporations, it includes the officers, agents or employees thereof who are responsible for the act referred to.
Incinerating, composting, baling, shredding, salvaging, compacting and other processes whereby solid waste characteristics are modified or solid waste quantity is reduced.
Items which are eliminated by State law from being disposed of in a solid waste disposal area including, but not limited to, major appliances, waste oil, lead acid batteries, waste tires and the like as the same may be now or hereafter defined by State law.
Solid waste resulting from the maintenance and operation of dwelling units.
Garbage, refuse and other discarded materials, including, but not limited to, solid and semisolid waste materials resulting from industrial, commercial, agricultural, governmental and domestic activities, but does not include hazardous waste as defined in Sections 260.360 to 260.432, RSMo., recovered materials, post-use polymers, recovered feedstocks, overburden, rock, tailings, matte, mill scale and slag or other waste material resulting from mining, milling or smelting. Solid waste does not include "yard waste" as defined herein.
Receptacle used by any person to store solid waste during the interval between solid waste collections.
The process of discarding or getting rid of unwanted material. In particular the final deposition of solid waste by man.
The entire solid waste system of storage, collection, transportation, processing and disposal.
Keeping, maintaining or storing solid waste from the time of its production until the time of its collection.
The transporting of solid waste from the place of collection or processing to a solid waste processing facility or solid waste disposal area.
Leaves, grass clippings, yard and garden vegetation and Christmas trees. The term does not include stumps, roots or shrubs with intact root balls.
[Ord. No. 147 §§2.5 — 2.6, 5-4-1986]
The occupant of every dwelling unit and of every institutional, commercial or business, industrial or agricultural establishment producing solid waste within the corporate limits of the City shall provide sufficient and adequate containers for the storage of all solid waste, except bulky rubbish and demolition and construction waste, to serve each such dwelling unit and/or establishment and to maintain such solid waste containers at all times in good repair.
The occupant of every dwelling unit and of every institutional, commercial, business, industrial or agricultural establishment shall place all solid waste to be collected in proper solid waste containers and shall maintain such solid waste containers and the area surrounding them in a clean, neat and sanitary condition at all times. Accumulation of waste in suitable containers shall not be stored upon any site in the City for a period longer than ten (10) days.
Residential solid waste shall be stored in containers as provided by the current solid waste hauler or of not more than thirty-nine (39) gallons nor less than twenty (20) gallons in nominal capacity, except that residential solid waste may be stored in trash bags of adequate strength in a size not to exceed fifty-five (55) gallons. All containers, including bags, shall be leakproof and waterproof, fly-tight and properly covered, tied or enclosed, except when depositing waste therein or removing the contents thereof. Containers other than bags shall have handles, bails or other suitable lifting devices or features. Containers other than bags shall be of a type originally manufactured for residential solid waste with tapered sides for easy emptying. They shall be of lightweight and sturdy construction. The weight of any individual container, including bags and its contents, shall not exceed seventy-five (75) pounds. Galvanized metal containers or rubber, fiberglass or plastic containers which do not become brittle in cold weather may be used in addition to bags. Disposable solid waste containers with suitable frames or containers as approved by the City may also be used for storage of residential solid waste. Galvanized metal containers or rubber, fiberglass or plastic containers with suitable frames or containers as approved by the City may also be used for storage of residential solid waste.
Commercial solid waste shall be stored in solid waste containers as approved by the Board. The containers shall be waterproof, leakproof and shall be covered at all times except when depositing waste therein or removing the contents thereof; and shall meet all requirements as set forth by Section 230.070.
Tree limbs less than four (4) inches in diameter and brush shall be securely tied in bundles not larger than forty-eight (48) inches long and eighteen (18) inches in diameter when not placed in storage containers. The weight of any individual bundle shall not exceed seventy-five (75) pounds.
Yard wastes shall be stored in containers so constructed and maintained as to prevent the dispersal of wastes placed therein upon the premises served, upon adjacent premises or upon adjacent public rights-of-way. The weight of any individual container and contents shall not exceed seventy-five (75) pounds.
Solid waste containers which are not approved will be collected together with their contents and disposed of.
[Ord. No. 147 §3.3, 5-4-1986]
The City shall provide for the collection of solid waste as follows:
Collection of residential solid waste. The City shall provide for the collection of residential solid waste in the City, provided however, that the City may provide the collection service by contracting with a person, County or other City or a combination thereof for the entire City or portions thereof as deemed to be in the best interests of the City.
Other collections. The City may, at its discretion, provide commercial solid waste collection services upon specific application of the owners or persons in charge thereof. However, in the event that such application is not made or approved, it shall be the duty of such establishment to provide for collection of all solid waste produced upon any such premises in a manner approved by City. If and when the City does provide commercial collection service, the provisions herein concerning such service shall apply.
Tree limbs and yard wastes, as described in Section 230.020 (E) and (F) respectively, shall be placed at the curb, alley or the rear of the building for collection. Solid waste containers as required by this Chapter for the storage of other residential solid waste shall be placed at the curb, alley or the rear of the building for collection. Any solid waste containers, tree limbs, yard wastes or other solid waste permitted by this Chapter to be placed at the curb or alley for collection shall not be so placed until the regularly scheduled collection day.
All solid waste from premises to which collection services are provided under contract with the City shall become the property of the collection agency upon being loaded into the transportation equipment.
Solid waste containers as required by this Chapter for the storage of residential solid waste shall be placed at curbside for collection but shall not be so placed until after 6:00 P.M. on the day next preceding the regularly scheduled collection day. Containers shall be removed from curbside no later than 8:00 P.M. on the day of collection. No alley service shall be allowed under the terms of this Chapter, except as approved by the Board of Aldermen.
Individuals desiring the collection of bulky rubbish shall deal directly with those licensed by the City for the collection of the same.
Solid waste collectors, employed by the City or a solid waste collection agency operating under contract with the City, are hereby authorized to enter upon private property for the purpose of collecting solid waste therefrom as required by this Chapter. Solid waste collectors shall not enter dwelling units or other residential buildings for the purpose of collecting residential solid waste.
It shall be the responsibility of the occupants of each dwelling unit to prepare, package and deliver solid waste to curbside for collection as prescribed in this Chapter and as it may be amended from time to time.
It shall be the responsibility of each commercial, industrial, institutional or other non-residential generator of solid waste to prepare, package and store solid waste so generated as prescribed by this Chapter and as it may be amended from time to time.
It shall be the responsibility of every solid waste collector to abide by this Chapter and receive and transport solid waste in a manner consistent with the provisions of this Chapter.
The following collection frequencies shall apply to collections of solid waste within the City: All residential solid waste, other than bulky rubbish, shall be collected at least once weekly. All commercial solid waste shall be collected once weekly and shall be collected at such lesser intervals as may be fixed by the Board upon a determination that such lesser intervals are necessary for the preservation of the health and/or safety of the public.
Residential solid waste containers shall be stored upon the residential premises. Except as provided in Subsection (C) hereof, all solid waste containers stored out-of-doors shall be stored behind any building located on the tract of land. Commercial solid waste containers shall remain in the location from which they are to be serviced except while being serviced.
All solid waste collectors operating under contract with the City or otherwise collecting solid waste within the City limits shall be responsible for the collected solid waste from the point of collection to the point of disposal, provided the solid waste was stored in compliance with the applicable Sections of this Chapter. Any spillage or blowing litter caused as a result of the duties of the solid waste collector shall be collected and placed in the transportation vehicle by the solid waste collector.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation collecting and disposing of rubbish, garbage or waste material from premises in the residential districts or premises in any commercial district which abuts or adjoins a residential district in the City to make such collection or dispose of rubbish, garbage or waste materials between the hours of 9:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M.
[Ord. No. 147 §4.3, 5-4-1986]
All transportation vehicles shall be maintained in a safe, clean and sanitary condition and shall be so constructed, maintained and operated as to prevent spillage of solid waste therefrom. All vehicles to be used for transportation of solid waste shall be constructed with watertight bodies and with covers which shall be an integral part of the vehicle or shall be a separate cover of suitable material with fasteners designed to secure all sides of the cover to the vehicle and shall be secured whenever the vehicle is transporting solid waste or, as an alternative, the entire bodies thereof shall be enclosed, with only loading hoppers. Provided however, other vehicles may be used to transport bulky rubbish which because of its size or weight is not susceptible to being loaded or unloaded in vehicles described above, but in no event shall such vehicles be operated without adequate cover or binding to prevent spillage or waste therefrom and in accordance with the rules and regulations made by the Board.
Permits shall not be required for the removal, hauling or disposal of earth and rock material from grading or excavation activities. However, all such material shall be conveyed in tight vehicles, trucks or receptacles so constructed and maintained that none of the material being transported shall spill upon the public rights-of-way.
Transportation and disposal of demolition and construction wastes shall be in accordance with this Section and Section 230.050. A permit shall not be required for the hauling of demolition and construction waste, however, all such material shall be conveyed in tight vehicles, trucks or receptacles so constructed and maintained that none of the material being transported shall spill upon the public rights-of-way.
Solid wastes shall be deposited at a processing facility or disposal area approved by the City and complying with all requirements of the Missouri Solid Waste Management Law, Sections 260.200 to 260.255, RSMo., and the rules and regulations adopted thereunder. The City may designate the processing or disposal facility to be utilized by persons holding permits under this Chapter.
The Board may classify certain wastes as hazardous wastes which will require special handling and shall be disposed of only in a manner acceptable to the Board which will meet all local, State and Federal regulations.
[Ord. No. 147 §§6.9, 6.11, 5-4-1986]
No person, including any person contracting with the City for the collection of solid waste, shall engage in the business of collecting, transporting, processing or disposing of solid waste within the corporate limits of the City without first obtaining an annual permit therefor from the City; provided however, that this provision shall not be deemed to apply to employees of the holder of any such permit. Permits shall be approved by the City Street Superintendent.
No such permit shall be issued until and unless the applicant therefor, in addition to all other requirements set forth, shall file and maintain with the City evidence of a satisfactory public liability insurance policy, covering all operations of such applicant pertaining to such business and all vehicles to be operated in the conduct thereof, in the amount of not less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) for each person injured or killed, and in the amount of not less than three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00) in the event of injury or death of two (2) or more persons in any single accident, and in an amount of not less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) for damage to property. Such policy may be written to allow the first (1st) one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) of liability for damage to property to be deductible. Should any such policy be canceled, the City shall be notified of such cancellation by the insurance carrier in writing not less than ten (10) days prior to the effective date of such cancellation and provisions to that effect shall be incorporated in such policy. Any subcontractor shall provide insurance coverage in like amount as is required of the contractor.
Each applicant for any such permit shall state in his/her application therefor:
The nature of the permit desired as to collect, transport, process or dispose of solid waste or any combination thereof;
The characteristics of solid waste to be collected, transported, processed or disposed;
The number of solid waste transportation vehicles to be operated thereunder;
The precise location or locations of solid waste processing or disposal facilities to be used;
Boundaries of the collection area;
If for processing or disposal, a copy of a permit issued by the State of Missouri; and
Such other information as required by the City.
If the application shows that the applicant will collect, transport, process or dispose of solid wastes without hazard to the public health or damage to the environment and is in conformity with the laws of the State of Missouri and this Chapter and is approved by the City, the City Clerk shall, upon receiving the City Street Superintendent's written approval of application, issue the permit authorized by the ordinance. The permit shall be issued for a period of one (1) year, and each applicant shall pay therefor a fee of five dollars ($5.00) for each solid waste processing or disposal facility to be operated and a fee of five dollars ($5.00) for each transportation vehicle to be used. If, in the opinion of the City Street Superintendent, modifications can be made to the application regarding service, equipment or mode of operation so as to bring the application within the intent of this Chapter, the City Street Superintendent shall notify the applicant in writing setting forth the modification to be made and time in which it shall be done.
If the applicant does not make the modifications pursuant to the notice in Subsection (D) hereof within the time limit specified therein, or if the application does not clearly show that the collection, transportation, processing or disposal of solid wastes will not create a public health hazard or be without harmful effects on the environment, the application shall be denied and the applicant notified by the City Street Superintendent, in writing, stating the reason for such denial. Nothing in this Section shall prejudice the right of the applicant to reapply after the rejection of his/her application, provided that all aspects of the reapplication comply with the provisions of this Chapter.
The annual permit may be renewed simply upon payment of the fee or fees as designated herein if the business has not been modified. If modifications have been made, the applicant shall reapply for a permit as set forth in Subsections (B) and (C). No permits authorized by the ordinance shall be transferable from person to person.
In order to ensure compliance with the laws of this State, this Chapter and the rules and regulations authorized herein, the City Street Superintendent is authorized to inspect all phases of solid waste management within the City of Leadwood. No inspection shall be made of any residential waste unit unless authorized by the occupant or by due process of law. In all instances where such inspections reveal violation of this Chapter concerning processing or disposal of solid waste or the laws of the State of Missouri, the City shall issue notice for such violation stating therein the violation or violations found, the time and date, and the corrective measure to be taken together with the time in which such corrections shall be made.
In all cases, when the corrective measures have not been taken within the time specified, the City shall suspend or revoke the permit or permits involved in the violation; however, in those cases where an extension of time will permit correction and there is not a public health hazard created by the delay, one (1) extension of time not to exceed the original time period may be given.
In the event a permit is revoked and the person continues to operate, the Director may request the action of a court of law to enjoin the acts and to enforce compliance with this Chapter or any rule or regulation promulgated thereunder. In any such action, the court may grant to the City such prohibitory or mandatory injunctive relief as the facts may warrant.
Any person who feels aggrieved by any notice of violation or order issued pursuant thereto of the City Street Superintendent may within thirty (30) days of the act for which redress is sought appeal directly to the Circuit Court of St. Francois County, in writing, setting forth in a concise statement the act being appealed and the grounds for its reversal.
All motor vehicles operating under any permit required by this Chapter shall display the number or numbers on each side in colors which contrast with that of the vehicle, such numbers to be clearly legible and not less than twelve (12) inches high. Each permit for processing or disposal facilities shall be prominently displayed at the facility.
The Board may make, amend, revoke and enforce reasonable and necessary rules and regulations governing, but not limited to:
Preparation, drainage and wrapping of garbage deposited in solid waste containers.
Specifications for solid waste containers including the type, composition, equipment, size and shape thereof.
Identification of solid waste containers, and of the covers thereof, and of equipment thereto appertaining, if any.
Weight limitations on the combined weight of solid waste containers and the contents thereof, and weight and size limitations on bundles of solid waste too large for solid waste containers.
Storage of solid waste in solid waste containers.
Sanitation, maintenance and replacement of solid waste containers.
Schedules of and routes for collection and transportation of solid waste.
Collection points of solid waste containers.
Collection, transportation, processing and disposal of solid waste.
Processing facilities and fees for the use thereof.
Disposal facilities and fees for the use thereof.
Records of quantity and type of wastes received at processing and/or disposal facilities.
Handling of special wastes such as toxic wastes, sludge, ashes, agriculture, construction, bulky items, tires, automobiles, oils, greases, etc.
The City Clerk or such other City Official who is responsible for preparing utility or other service charge billings for the City is hereby authorized to make and promulgate reasonable and necessary rules and regulations for the billing and collection of solid waste collection and/or disposal service charges, as hereinafter provided for, subject to the approval of the Board.
A copy of any and all rules and regulations made and promulgated under the provisions hereof shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City.
It shall be unlawful for any person to:
Deposit solid waste in any solid waste container other than his/her own without the written consent of the owner of such container and/or with the intent of avoiding payment of the service charge hereinafter provided for solid waste collection and disposal.
Interfere in any manner with solid waste collection and transportation equipment or with solid waste collectors in the lawful performance of their duties as such, whether such equipment or collectors shall be those of the City, those of a solid waste collection agency operating under contract with the City, or any duly licensed collector.
Dispose of solid waste at any facility or location which is not approved by the City and the Missouri Division of Health.
Engage in the business of collecting, transporting, processing or disposing of solid waste within the corporate limits of the City without a permit from the City, or operate under an expired permit, or operate after a permit has been suspended or revoked.
The Board may require performance or payment bonds of any solid waste collection agency prior to issuing permits to so operate.