[Ord. No. 25 § 3, 7-31-1967; Ord. No. 62, 4-23-1973; Ord. No. 78 § 1, 12-20-1974; Ord. No. 108-78 § 1, 3-28-1978; Ord. No. 207-98 § 1, 4-9-1998; Ord. No. 208-98 § 1, 4-9-1998; Ord. No. 210-98 § 1, 4-23-1998[1]]
In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 320, and when signs are erected giving notice thereof, it shall be unlawful for any person to drive a vehicle at a speed in excess of the speeds listed below on the streets as designated.
Speed Limit
Highway 8, within City limits
55 mph
Main Street:
From Third Street to the City limits
20 mph
West North Street:
From West Street to City limits
30 mph
North Street:
From Bank Street to West Street
30 mph
Birch Street:
That portion of Birch Street from the east City limits to Pine Street
30 mph
Caviness Drive:
From the stop intersection of Birch Street and Caviness Drive to the intersection of Caviness Drive and Hunt Street
30 mph
Warner Drive:
From its intersection with Hunt Street to its intersection with West Street
30 mph
West Street
From Highway 8 to its intersection at Mill Street
20 mph
Hunt Street:
From Highway 8 to Warner Drive
30 mph
General speed limit
20 mph
When signs are properly posted and no other speed limit is provided, the general speed limit shall be as set out herein and Section 320.030.
Editor's Note: Amendments provided by the City, adopted by Resolution dated 10-1-2018, were incorporated herein and made a part of the readoption of the Code set for May, 2019. Subsequently, additional amendments provided by the City were incorporated herein and made a part of the readoption of the Code with the 2021 statutory amendments.